Hi! Welcome to my webpage! I'm pretty much moved in, so feel free to browse.
Adopted a new cyberpet; he's in the Barnyard. Updated the Thank You Page, added a new story to the C/W page and got rid of those annoying little pop-up boxes. Fixed a few broken links and changed the midi on my Bio Page. Everyone: SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! I WANT FEEDBACK!!! *ahem*, pretty please?
Last Updated: April 15, 1998. Finished The Barnyard (for now). I also added another cause to the bottom of the page.
Last Updated: April 14, 1998. Happy Easter and Passover, Everyone! I got a dog! He's so cute! I'm going to put up a page for him soon. On to the update: I won 2 new awards, and they're on the awards page. You also may have noticed that I changed the sound file for this page. I also adopted a bunch of cyberpets. They're on my new page, The Barnyard.
Last Updated: March 7, 1998. I added a picture of myself to my Bio Page, another fanfic to the C/W Page, I destroyed my Kes/Kim Page (but I moved the story to the P/T Page). I joined a new webring and added it to my webrings page. I also added some more links to the C/W Page and fixed a bunch of the other pages to make them better looking. I also added summaries for all of my stories. Everyone, PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! I only have 26 guests. *sniff* No one loves me. *sniff* Oh drat, now my keyboard's all wet. I live for feedback, but I'm not getting any. Please (with sugar on top) let me know what you think.
Check out my Pages:
Virtualflorist-A great site to go if you want to send virtual flowers.
Hotmail-Free web-based e-mail. A must for anyone sharing an account or joining a mailing list.
Download.com-Need some software? This is the place.
The Filefactory-Games not working? Need a patch? This is the place.
HTML Goodies-Exactly what it says. A must for anyone who is maintaining a webpage or webring.
The International Lyrics Server-Looking for song lyrics? This is the place!
Jim's Midi Links-Looking for midis? This is where I got mine.
Deanna's World-Tons of links to sites where you can send free virtual stuff over the Net, plus a whole bunch of other cool stuff. Definitely worth checking out.
Violence against women must be stopped! Please join the fight. Click on the image to find out how you can help.
Child abuse must be stopped! Click on the picture to find out how you can help.
These are my guardian angel bears, Billy and Shelly. Click on the images to get yours.
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Star Wars and its characters are the property of Lucasfilm. No infringement is intended, so please don't sue me.
Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres are the property of Paramount. No infringement is intended, so don't you guys sue me either.