The C3 Kingdom!!!
Well, this is it! At last Cyberlife has announced its plans to create yet another addition to the Creatures A-Life series - this time, a "prequel" to both C1 and C2, back to the time in which the Norns were travelling to Earth on a huge Shee Mothership and something goes wrong. The new world, actually a huge spaceship broken into different "rooms", each with their own climate and attributes. We, Starry and Ellie, are just as excited about the release of this new game as you are, and so it is with great excitement that we are opening the C3 Kingdom, the future home of everything and anything C3! Like its predecessors, the C1 Realm and C2 Domain, the C3 Kingdom will be home to C3 Norns, facts about the game, and other information when the game is released and we have time to play it and update! Until that time, however, we will still be sure to inform you of the latest news and developments as we are aware of them. So even if the site is meager now, (as it is currently limited to a list of links you can view on the game since as of yet we haven't been given permission to post much information ourselves), over time it will grow, and we will always be sure to post a note when this section has been updated!
In the meantime, though, please feel free to view these links to these C3 related sites, (which until now have been located on the News Bulletin.)
Click HERE to view a press release describing the new program. (Cyberlife)
Click HERE to view an explanation of C3's background info. (Mindscape)
Click HERE to learn about some features of C3. (Mindscape)
Click HERE to view C3's system requirements. (Mindscape)
Click HERE to view the official Mindscape screen shots of C3. (Mindscape)