Welcome to the one year anniversary of...
Starry and Ellie's Creatures Menagerie!
Last updated: 12/24/99
Well, we've done it again - another new mainpage, complete with a cool new look! But have no fear, it's still the same Starry and Ellie's Creatures Menagerie that you know and love, only bigger and better! Every time you visit, check the scrolling text above - that will be where new updates will be posted. Also, you will notice three new sections besides the normal C1 Realm, C2 Domain, and "Other Stuff" - Ellie's Corner, The Area of ASLAN, and the C3 Kingdom! Check these out:
In "Ellie's Corner" you will be able to find Norns, hints, tips, or whatever from Ellie.
In "The Area of ASLAN" you will be able to join Project ASLAN, visit the Recovery Room where you can read the success stories of Norns who have successfully completed the program, visit Tortured Norns websites so you can download Norns to help on your own, and do lots of other stuff to help support A Second Life for Abused Norns.
And last but certainly not least, in the C3 Kingdom, you'll find C3 stuff!!! For now it is going to be more of a preview page so that the news bulletin doesn't get cluttered, but once I get the game it will become a section just like the other two areas for the two Creatures games.
Well, we hope you like the new stuff, and keep checking back, because hopefully there will be more updates as time goes on! Click on the picture or title of the area you wish to visit:
Groups we belong to:
We support Equal Rights for Norns!! (ERFN)
(Site is under construction)
We are also members of the Creatures 2 Nornring
(Even though my graphic is broken!)
Thanks for stopping by, and check back again soon - we're always working on new updates and things! Happy Holidays and Merry Millenium! :-)