We can't wait for the pitter-patter of little.....
To subscribe to the June Mom's List (or any Monthly Mom's List), click here.

Birth Stories for June Mom's w/ no prior info listed:
Sandi Smith
Michelle Hickey
Stacey Tilbury (Daddy's annoucement)
Amy Henschel (Daddy's announcement)
Melody Veatch (Daddy's announcement)
Terry McQueen (announcement)

Quick List of Births (Mommy/Baby/Date only)

Name/Age: Amy Hyatt (03/28/74)
Spouse's Name/Age: Roger Hyatt (12/07/71)
City, State, Country: Edmonton, Alberta
Children/Angels In Heaven: Nicholas (12/22/96)
Due Date:
5-23-98, but first was ten days late
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Natural
Email: hyatt@oanet.com
Homepage: /Heartland/Hills/2231
Baby pics of Vienna and Birth Story!

Melanie Swain 29 7/6/68
Spouse's Name/Age: Mark Swain 30 11/24/66
City, State, Country: Ithaca, NY USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: None
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Hoping for natural childbirth. Comments:This is our first. Glad I'm finally here.
Email: mswain@lightlink.com
Homepage: http://www.lightlink.com/mswain

Dolores Noonan / 32
Spouse's Name/Age: Danny Noonan / 47
City, State, Country: San Francisco, CA USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: NA
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Epidural--Maybe Demerol. I do NOT tolerate pain well :)
Comments: We've been married since 1991 and this is our first baby. We chose to wait - something our parents will never understand - until we were sure and ready (as ready as one can be). We have one house rabbit named Bun E. Wooster who has been our "child" for the last 2+ years.
Email: vos@ix.netcom.com
Homepage: http://pw2.netcom.com/~vos/wooster.html
Birth Story of Bernadette

Name/Age: Sarah Kerley/26
Spouse's Name/Age:Gary Pope/34
City, State, Country: Knoxville, Tennessee USA
Children/Angels In Heaven:1 Boy, Trent 3 1/2
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Planned C-Section, but considering VBAC, in which case I want an epidural
Comments:I Breastfed for 2+ years with my son, and plan on breastfeeding with this one. I also plan on being a SAHM
Email: skerley@mindspring.com
Homepage: Its just a picture on a friends page I'm hoping to do one of my own soon. http://www.mindspring.com/~skerley
Birth Announcement from Daddy!

Name/Age: Deb Stearns 31 5/28/66
Spouse's Name/Age: Dan Stearns 33 3/11/64
City, State, Country: Minneapolis MN USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: Michael (9/15/84), AIH Justin (b 6/2/86-d 8/13/86), Margaret (4/20/88) Patrick (10/26/96)
Due Date: #5
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Baby Patrick was turned using external version, and induced due to Gestational Diabetes, and all others natural. We are hoping for fewer interventions this time, but it is likely we will have to induce again. :(
Comments: our son Justin died at 2 mos 10 days of SIDS. All our others are healthy and happy and looking forward to a new addition!
Email: gijoe@pop3.spacestar.com
Homepage: Under Construction- we'll let you know!
Baby pics of Sammy and Birth Story!

Michelle Holland, 26 (11/08/70)
Spouse's Name/Age: Michael Holland, 30 (03/12/67)
City, State, Country: Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: This will be our first!
Due Date: #1
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: I'm hoping to have a natural birth, but I'm not completely opposed to drugs if it would be in my best interest.
Comments: We tried for 8 months to get pregnant. The doctor said today that I should have no problem delivering a normal sized baby (8lbs).
Email: mlholland@civmail.circ.uab.edu
Sono pics for Michelle
Birth Announcement from Daddy!

Name/Age: Shelly Rusek 38 (2-12-59)
Spouse's Name/Age: Randy Rusek 40 (11-6-57)
City, State, Country: Helena, Montana USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: None
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Hopefully it will be Natural. But I will accept an Epidural if the pain > gets REALLY bad!! :-)
Comments: This is our first, and we are VERY excited about this baby. Email: ilvkts@initco.net

Name/Age:Michelle Elaine Rhodes 27
Spouse's Name/Age: David Rhodes 30
City, State, Country: Enumclaw Washington USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: Daisy Elaine 11/28/95 Joey David 2/12/97 AIH 10/94, AIH 1/95
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth
omments:This is our 3rd and probably final baby. I'm geussing it's a girl David thinks it's a boy.
Email: Michelle@tx3.com
Baby pics of Adam and birth story

Name/Age: Kansas Allen 33
Spouse's Name/Age: John Allen 32
City, State, Country: Pritchard, BC Canada
Children/Angels In Heaven: Dallas 02/16/84. Two angels 10/96 & 02/97 Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Natural birth just like when I had Dallas, no meds. My Dr. said he was there to "just guide me along and that I do all the work!"
Comments: I had a tubule reversal in Mar 95, didn't get pg the first year at all. Then to have gotten pg twice and m/c'ed it was devastating. Finally getting pg again and the big day is almost here! John and I are pretty excited, NERVOUS but excited!!
Email: 748E@email.msn.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4160/index.html

Name/Age: Kerri Beam 31
Spouse's Name/Age: Michael Beam 31
City, State, Country: McConnelsville, OH USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: Emily (5-30-89), Rachel (10-3-91), Amanda (12-15-94)
Due Date: #4
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Natural (I hope!)
Comments:I had a C/section with our first daughter and VBAC births with our second and third daughters. I had an epidural with each of them but this time I really want to go natural.
Email: mkbeam@mnp.net
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7917/
Sono Pics for Kerri
Birth Announcement from Mommy!

Name/Age: Nathalie Chiva, 37
Spouse's Name/Age: Jean-Marie Pirelli, 30
City, State, Country: Lausanne, Switzerland
Children/Angels In Heaven: Solal, 12/18/94, and one pregnancy terminated in March 97, due to Trisomy 13
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Epidural Comments: My mother tongue is French, and I grew up in Paris.
Email: Nathalie.Chiva@ci.unil.ch

Name/Age: Erin JOHANSON-MASSOT / 21 (13 January, 1977)
Spouse's Name/Age: Luc MASSOT / 30 (16 May, 1967)
City, State, Country: Les Clayes sous Bois/Versailles, Ile de France, France
Children/AIH: 2 AIH - Charlotte Louise, Mirriline Annabelle
Due Date:
Considering Natural/Epidural/Not Sure: Hoping for natural childbirth, but am keeping an open mind, and are going to see 'how things go'... I don't think it's wise to make any hard and fast decisions before the day/night... So many factors can cause you to change your mind, and I don't want to be disappointed by not having the birth experience I 'planned'.
Comments: I'm an Australian living in France, and my husband is French. This is our first child, we're having a boy, and we're very excited/nervous/impatient... Also because we found out that he can have dual citizenship (Australian and French!).
Email: RinnyWee@aol.com
Homepage: No personal page, but my favourite page is: http://www.bjork.co.uk The Bjork Website - Websense!!
Sono pics for Rinny

Name/Age: Melissa Triplett age 34
Spouse's Name/Age: Paul Triplett age 34
City, State, Country: Vermilion, Ohio USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: Erin Marie is 10 yrs and Emily Therese is 4 yrs.
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: I am hoping to go VBAC once again. Erin was a c-section after 41 hours of labor. Emily was VBAC after 6 1/2 hrs!
E-mail trip@kellnet.com
Comments: According to my latest sonogram we are having a son. His name will be Josiah Louis

Name/Age: Karen Diller (3/67 - age 30)
Spouse: Barry Diller (2/61 - age 36)
City, etc: Friendswood, TX USA (suburb of Houston)
Children: Laura Katharine (Laura Kate, we call her) 4/18/94
Due Date:
Considering natural/epidural/not sure: Laura Kate was breech and a scheduled C-section. Doctor says VBAC may work this time. Definitely will go for the drugs... And beer afterward as soon as it wears off :-) Lots of beer... Oh yeah, lots of beer... Until the milk comes in of course ;-)
Comments: Had preterm labor at 26 weeks last time. Put to bed on terbutaline/breathine. Major pain. Hoping I don't do that again...
Email: brdiller@ghg.net

Name/Age: Deborah Clark, 33
Spouse's Name/Age: Raymond Clark, 35
City, State, Country: Shepherd, Michigan, USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: Waiting for our Little Clarklette
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Whatever will get our baby to us happy and healthy. Hoping one hard sneeze will do it!
Email: deborah.clark@cmich.edu

Name/Age: Becky McDermott 29 1/5/68
Spouse's Name/Age: Scot McDermott 33 3/11/64
City, State, Country: Albuquerque, NM USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: None yet
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: I'm not sure just yet since I have no experience. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain so am thinking about a natural birth.
Email: becky@blitz.lme.unm.edu
Homepage: We're working on one.

Name/Age: Tracy C. (32)
Spouse's Name/Age: Justin (30)
City, State, Country: Boulder, Colorado, USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: This is our first baby! (m/c 7/97)
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: trying to learn about all the options.

Name/Age: Mary Choi - 36 (18 Sept '61)
Spouse/Age: Fred Choi - 34 (2 May '63)
City, State, Country: Atlanta, GA , USA
Children: Nicholas - 5 (10 Feb '92)
Children in Heaven: Charlie - Deceased - 13 Mar '93
Due Date:
Considering: Natural Childbirth, but haven't ruled epidural!
Comments: High risk because of two previous pre-term deliveries. Just hoping to make it to the month of June!
Email: mchoi@dornier.com
Baby pics of Mary and Anna!

Name/Age: Lee-Anne
Spouse's Name/Age: Howie
City, State, Country: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Children/Angels In Heaven:
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: natural birth
Birth Announcement from Daddy!

Name Amy J. /Age:27 {4/4/70}
Spouse's Name Bob /Age:31 {10/21/66}
City, State, Country: ShermansDale, PA USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: Samantha{8}, Kimberly{6}, Robert{2}, baby berk due 1-17-98/ died due to m/c 7/7/97
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Natural, hope it's as easy as the last one : )
Email: ajinpa@pa.net
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/7067 Happy Bookmarks--needs updated really bad, but have been too busy. Lists some of my favorite links all over the web!!
Comments: Thanks to everyone on the June mommies list!! I enjoy every post I get in the mail, and I wish you all the best!!

Name/Age: Michelle Reid/32
Spouse/Age: Dan Reid/32
City, State, Country/Pensacola, Florida, United States
Children/Angels In Heaven: Emily 11-14-92, Mary Elayne 8-31-95
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Attempting VBAC after two c-sect. due to breech presentation. Also seeking information on a homeopathic pregnancy. Michelle's Birth Plan.
e-mail: catwho@bellsouth.net
home page: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4804
Be sure to fill out the baby name survey!

Name/Age: Cristina Fassio (Jan. 14, 1964)
Spouse's Name/Age: Massimiliano Scarpini (Nov. 9, 1970)
City, State, Country: Siena, Italy
Children/Angels In Heaven: None yet
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Natural
Email: rhino@sienanet.it

Name/Age: Maureen Cottrell 11/4/62
Spouse's Name/Age: Brett Cottrell 8/8/63
City, State, Country: San Diego, CA
Children/Angels In Heaven: Matthew 11/26/92, Kaitlin 6/28/94, Kimberly 8/10/96
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Natural. I went natural with my third only because she came so fast. I think I can do it again. Comments: I am really too spacy right now to come up with any comments except DUH!. I am having a serious case of pregnancy fog.
Email: Mcottre2@ix.netcom.com
Sono Pics for Maureen

Name/Age: Emily Lynn /28
Spouse's Name/Age: Jim /31
City, State, Country: Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Children/Angels In Heaven:
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Not sure, but leaning toward epidural.
Email: jelynn@telusplanet.net

Name/Age: Rebecca Cooper /28
Spouse's Name/Age: Jeff Cooper/43
City, State, Country: Stillwater,OK USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: James, 2/23/95; 1 angel, m/c 6/20/97
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Going with the flow I think but trying for natural!
Email: beccamom@sprynet.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pointe/2881
Sono Pics for Rebecca
Baby pics of Nathan

Name/Age: Lisa Boyle (29, 9/17/68)
Spouse's Name/Age: Michael Boyle, age 31
City, State, Country: Glenside (suburban Philly), PA, USA
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Natural birth would be great, but epidural just might be necessary :) Comments: We're SO excited about this baby and I can't wait to meet all of you and go through our pregnancies together!!
Email: LMBoyle@aol.com

Name/Age:Debbie Burgess 29
Spouse's Name/Age:John Burgess 30
City, State, Country:Upper Hutt, New Zealand
Children/Angels In Heaven:Tessa (9-26-95)
Due Date: #2
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure:Natural. Induced last time 2 weeks early due to slow growth but labour proceeded naturally and relatively quickly for a first and induction (10 hrs). Hoping for a quick, painless, natural birth this time (Ha) :-)
Email: burgess@clear.net.nz

Name/Age: Donna Toleno, 26
Spouse's Name/Age: Brian Toleno, 27
City, State, Country: State College, PA
Children/Angels In Heaven: No children, AIH 7/97, doggie: Ursa 3.5 years Due Date:
6-21-98 (self calculated)
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Not sure
Email: dml10@psu.edu
Homepage: http://opus.chem.psu.edu/~brian

Name/Age: Tamar Erlich (11/28/66)
Spouse's Name/Age: Shai Erlich (2/7/66)
City, State, Country: New-York, NY, USA now. (origin: Israel) Children/Angels In Heaven: Keren (5/3/95)
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: hoping for natural.
Email: erlicht@rockvax.rockefeller.edu

Name/Age: Jennifer Holm/25
Spouse's Name/Age: Stephen Holm/26
City, State, Country: Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: none
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: gonna howl at the moon and go for no drugs
Comments: This little guy's nickname is already "Thumper"
Email: delphis@scruznet.com
Sono pics for Jen

Name/Age: Amy H./ 05-17-65 (32)
Spouse's Name/Age: Karl H./03-19-64(33)
City, State, Country: Pennsylvania
Children/Angels In Heaven: Benjamin: 02-14-90 (7) Sarah: 09-17-92 (5)
Due Date: "The raisin":
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Will probably be having a scheduled C-section
Email: afhensch@sunlink.net

Name/Age: Diane DiCarlo 39
Spouse's Name/Age: Carl DiCarlo 41
City, State, Country: NYC, NY, USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: Emma, born 12/22/95
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Unmedicated
Email: spookiecat@aol.com

Name/Age:Tully Norman, 22
Partner's Name/Age: Dorian Barnett, 26
City, State, Country: Adelaide, South Australia
Children/Angels In Heaven: This is our first and a total surprise at that Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Hopefully natural but leaving options open
Comments: Glad to have the support of all these internet mum's sharing similar experiences
Email: tully@cauldron.apana.org.au
Homepage: http://www.elysium.apana.org.au/~tully/
Sono pics for Tully

Name/Age: Cecilia Cicolini (08/10/66)
Spouse's Name/Age: Hector Tarzia (12/12/59)
City, State, Country: Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Children/Angels In Heaven:none
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Natural if possible but we leave options open.
Email: eltnetwork@impsat1.com.ar

Name/Age: Jackie Emanuelson/28
Spouse's Name/Age: Tim Emanuelson/30
City, State, Country: Santa Cruz, CA USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: none
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure:Natural
Email: jle@engr.sgi.com

Name/Age: Kori Rush 27
Spouse's Name/Age: Dirk Rush 27 (28 by the time Roo is here)
City, State, Country: Portland, Oregon USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: One in heaven - m/c 4/18/97
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Homebirth! I have no option for drugs or epidurals in my bedroom.
Email: korirush@teleport.com

Name/Age: Danielle Harrison /27
Spouse's Name/Age: William Harrison /27
City, State, Country: Memphis, TN USA
Children/Angels In Heave: Baby "January" (due 1-17-98 died 06-13-97 ectopic pg)
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Epidural...naturally! ha ha
Comments: I am so glad to be here...I hope I get to stay!
Email: Elle26@aol.com

Name/Age: Lisa Davies 27 (10 April 1970)
Spouse's Name/Age: Peter McKenzie 28 (7 November 1969)
City, State, Country: Durban, South Africa
Children/Angels In Heaven: None
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Aiming at natual because other options don't appeal much, but that may change! Planning a midwife-assisted delivery with the use of a pool.
Comments: Surprize baby - but the best mistake we ever made!
Email: lisa@cm.co.za

Name/Age: Krissy Berg /22
Spouse's Name/Age: Aaron Berg/25
City, State, Country: Oakdale, MN, USA
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Not Sure - but will probably do an Epidural
Comments: We've been trying since our wedding night, New Year's Eve of 1994 - so this was a long awaited pregnancy. I was on Clomid the cycle we conceived, and we're extremly excited to have our little Nathan or Kiley join us soon!
Email: krissy@techie.com
Homepage: http://www.citilink.com/~krissy
Sono pics for Krissy

Name/Age/DOB: Alii Amaker Farrell 32 (6/30/65)
Spouse/Age/DOB: Bob Farrell 45 (7/21/52) Marriage Date: 10/06/96 City/State/Country: Rochester NY USA
Children: Daughter Darrian 6 (12/7/91) from my 1st marriage 3 Step-sons Ray 14, Matt 12, Bobby 10 from his 1st
Due Date:
6-26-98 (by temp & ovulation predictor)
Comments: I would like to have another vaginal birth with possible epidural if necessary.
Email: fdainc@frontiernet.net

Name/Age: Mary Beth Williams, age 33
Spouse's Name/Age: Eric Brunner, age 45
City, State, Country: Belfast, Maine, USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: Phelan, 12/20/85 and Grace, 9/13/96
Due Date:
6-26-98 (via ultrasound)
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: unmedicated in a midwife birth center
Email: wampumpeag@wampumpeag.com
Homepage: (Grace's - haven't done mine yet) http://www.wampumpeag.com/grace/grace1a.htm

Name: Anna Susan Flaxman Age: 32
Spouse: Thom Sebastian Flaxman Age: 34
Children: Poppy Jane Flaxman, born 12 April 96
#2 due:
Considering: Avoiding induction at all costs. I feel I was induced for the wrong reasons last time (hospital covering itself for some mixed up results during my pregnancy) and this time I want the journey: waters popping at home, dramatic rush into hospital, etc etc. As before, I will see how long I can go without an epidural. I would prefer to be able to move around and try different positions this time. I think the main thing is to keep an open mind.
Email flaxman@bigfoot.com (home) or anna.flaxman@mpct.com (work) Homepage: http://homepages.enterprise.net/flaxman/

Name/Age: Denise Grenier-Mercier, 29
Spouse's Name/Age: Louis Mercier, 29
City, State, Country: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Children/Angels In Heaven: Stephanie (3/23/94), Nicholas (6/14/96) Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Stephanie, 43hrs labor, natural, with midwife in birthing center; Nicholas, 7hrs labor, natural, with CNM in hospital; hoping to have a home birth with midwife with this one Comments: I hope to become a midwife and a lactation consultant once I have time to go back to school (ie. when my children are a little older) Email: mercier@vianet.on.ca

Name/Age/Bday: Sharon Deveney (27, 11-16-69)
Spouse's Name/Age: Dan Deveney (37, 8-3-60)
City, State, Country: Fredericksburg, VA, USA
Children/Angel(s) In Heaven: Lauren (11-23-94), AIH (mc:9-14-96)
#, Due Date: #2,
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Pitocin & Epidural w/ Lauren, not sure this time!?!?
Comments: Took 7 mos to conceive Lauren w/ which was also my first cycle of clomid (50mg). This time, it took 25 mos! WHEW! Looking forward to buying NEW maternity clothes (diff seasons this time!!). Lauren was born with a rare nerve disorder called Moebius Syndrome. Read all about it on our homepage!
Email: sbdeveney@hotmail.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/5897
Sono Pics for Sharon

Name/Age: Pam Kock, 29
Spouse's Name/Age: Michael Kock, 30
City, State, Country: Cincinnati, Ohio
Children/Angels In Heaven: Lauren Marie, Feb. 1, 1996
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Want to go natural. Tried last time, but I was induced and it took 36 hours, 12 of which were quite painful, and I couldn't take it that long. They were impressed I stayed drug-free as long as I did.
Comments: Proud member of Feb 1996 moms mailing list, still going strong. Birth Plan.
Email: pkock@one.net
Homepage: http://w3.one.net/~pkock

Name/Age: Margot Railsback 34 (8/1/63)
Spouse's Name/Age: Mike Railsback 39 (5/26/58)
City, State, Country: McKinney, TX USA (Just north of Dallas) Children/Angels In Heaven: Bryan Michael (4-16-96)
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Natural 3-4 hours like last time, if the pain scares me again then I will opt for the Epidural. Comments: Had preterm labor at 30 weeks last time. Put to bed on terbutaline pump. Hope I do not have to do that again.
Email: margotr@texoma.net
Birth announcement from Daddy!

Name/Age: Carrie Sceusa 29
Spouse's Name/Age: Dennis Sceusa 43
City, State, Country: San Diego, CA USA
Children/Angels In Heaven: none
Due Date:
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: Natural/not sure
Comments: First Baby - it's a boy!!
Email: boo@sdiclub.com

Name/Age: Lila Hanft, 36
Spouse's Name/Age: David Roberts, 34
City, State, Country: Cleveland, Ohio
Due Date:
6-30-98 (expecting a boy, Alexander Golding!)
Birth Plan: Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure. Water birth looks interesting!
Comments: My husband is so ecstatically silly about the baby that he makes me laugh all the time.
Email: lxh16@po.cwru.edu
Homepage: http://members.stratos.net/lhanft/

Name/Age: Merete Duna, (32) 07/20/65
Spouse's Name/Age: Geir Olav Jensen, (25) 1/12/73
City, Country: Trondheim, Norway
Children: Sandra, (6) 3/9/91
Due Date: #2,
late June 98
Considering Natural Birth/Epidural/Not Sure: planned c-section
Email: mereted@tihlde.hist.no
Homepage: http://colargol.tihlde.hist.no/~mereted/
Sono pics for Merete

Name/Age: Mary Walters, 30
Spouse's Name/Age: Tom, 30
City, State, Country: Rochester, NY USA
Children: Rebecca Ann born 11-14-96
Due Date:
Considering: VBAC, but will probably have repeat c/section.
Comments: I'm so glad I found this group. You ladies are so much fun and so friendly and supportive. Just what a pregnant mom needs!
Email: mwalters@rpa.net
Homepage: http://www2.rpa.net/~twalters/rebeccasown

Name/Age: Pamela Simmons 29 (2-3-69)
Spouse's Name/Age: Stephen Simmons 29 (7-1-69) married 11-21-92
City, State, Country: Live in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Children/Angels In Heaven: 1 son Kyle Chandler Simmons (9-3-96)
Due Date:
7-6-98 (by my calculations-due to 7 week cycles could be way off)
Comments: web page under construction (everything done except the important part(the pictures))
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/1121

Country by Country List of Where We're All From!

Lunar Chart Results!

This is what the ultrasounds are showing!

Boys: Amy Henschel, Nathalie, Tamar, Stacey, Marcia, Lisa B, Rebecca, Melissa, Lila, Shelly, Deb S, Lisa W, Maureen, Michelle, Sandi (x's 2!), Pam K, Mary W., Jackie E., Merete

Girls: Cicily, Kerri, Karen D, Shellie, Mary C., Amy J, Michelle H., Patricia, Sharon, Margot, Theresa, Sabrina, Diane, Donna, Pam S.

Mystery Babies: Sarah, Lisa D, Deb C., Tully, Cristina, Amy Hyatt, Alii, Sue E., Kanga, Tracy, Anna, Tracy C., Lynn F.

Some of our favorite Pregnancy/Childbirth sites!

Valerie's Birth Links (unfortuneately, Valerie mc'd from our June list - but has exciting news!!!! She's due mid-December 98!!! How wonderful for her! She wanted us to keep her website since so many have enjoyed it.) http://w3.one.net/~valerie/valerie2.htm
Email: valerie@one.net

Homeopathy in Pregnancy: http://www.ihr.com/homeopat/pregnanc.html
*Reading*: Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Your Baby's First Year. Author: Miranda Castro.

Interactive Pregnancy Calendar: http://www.olen.com/baby/

A Premier Pregnancy and New Parenting Community: http://www.storksite.com/index.html

Chinese Gender Chart: (Remember to add one year to mothers age to compensate for chinese calendar) http://www.infocom.net/~newland/html/chinese.gender.chart

OB/GYN Toolbox Gestational Age Calculator: http://www.cpmc.columbia.edu/resources/obgyntools/gestcalc.html

Has a great week-by-week info sheet:

Composed by the same lady who does the pregnancy section on the mining company's page, Robin Weiss! http://www.childbirth.org

The Bradley Method of Childbirth: http://www.bradleybirth.com

Baby Care Corner: http://www.familyinternet.com/babycare/babycare.htm

Breastfeeding Information: http://www.efn.org/~djz/birth/breastfeeding.html

Parents Place.com - Pregnancy & Birth Center: http://www.parentsplace.com/genobject.cgi/readroom/pregnant.html

National Center for Fathering: http://www.fathers.com

Parenthood Web: http://www.parenthoodweb.com

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Created on October 21, 1997
Last updated on Aug 3, 1998

Created/Maintained by Sharon Deveney