Winnie the Pooh Character List

Winnie The Pooh
This silly old bear is honey-stuffed and wonded-fluffed. And known for his snugly Hundred-Acre hugs.
The pint-sized pal with full-size heart. This dear little friend of Pooh's is happiest in twos....a friend forever.
A spendiferous fellow with more bounce per ounce! If you're a YAHOO mood, consider yourself "tigger-ized!"
O is for Owl who loves to talk. And the friend to turn to regarding matters of great importance.
Aches and pains and upcoming rains make Eeyore gloomy... and he can't seem to slip out of hi slump. Except, of course when his friends are near.
Motherhood comes naturally to loving Kanga- she's so stranger to the stuff hugs are made of.
Thr 'Bouncemeister' in training. This tiny tyke is off and hopping, ready for lots of Hundred-Acre adventures.

Used without the express written permission of Disney Copyrighted by DISNEY Based on Winnie The Pooh works, copyright A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard

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