Hi! Thanx for coming - sign the guestbook - that's why your here isn't it? =;o) I can only improve my great homepage with great ideas - that's why I need yours!

Tyler - 01/30/98 01:04:54
Where do you live?: missouri
Is this your first time here?: yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): dancingbaby
What else would you like to see here?: nothing

I am 9 and I like your website

- 01/22/98 19:21:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/macslg/index.html
My Email:carmial@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: Louisiana
Is this your first time here?: yes
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10

Great homepage.I have enjoyed the time I have spent here.Keep up the good work.

Rea - 01/18/98 22:41:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~crittercritter/index.html
My Email:Andrea2D@aol.com
Where do you live?: Somewhere far, far, away!
Where did you hear about us?: Umm.... I don't know! Does it matter a lot to you?
Is this your first time here?: No...........
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://members.aol.com/eerind/river/welcome.html
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 1 being the best 10 the worst, I would give you a 5. Pretty average page.
What else would you like to see here?: Some stuff I can do!!

Nice page! Keeps my interest! Please come and visit my page. While your at my page you can Adopt A Snowman, Join My Goldfish Webring and also: Get your own Lira! Keep up the good work!

Enjoy my page!

Susan - 01/17/98 03:01:33
My Email:budsforever@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: USA
Where did you hear about us?: Moonbunnie signed my guestbook!
Is this your first time here?: yup and it's not my last!!!
What's your favorite web site?(URL): hmmm I like so many that it's really hard to say, sorry!
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10! ding ding ding ding!!!
What else would you like to see here?: i dunno! It's all great with me!

I looooooovvvvveeee your page! You did great on it! I know it must have taken a lot of time. You are about to win my award!!! Please come visit my site~Buds Forever!

Dr.Rep - 01/09/98 05:50:11
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/martinist/40/CyberPetz.html
My Email:drrep@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: MI, USA
Where did you hear about us?: Creatures Tribes
Is this your first time here?: No
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://www.budget.net/~tonyjett/index.html
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: differnt cyber pets

Awsome page!!!

Grandma George aka SC - 01/01/98 22:24:56
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SColton1/index.html
My Email:SColton1@aol.com
Where do you live?: So Calif
Where did you hear about us?: word of mouth
Is this your first time here?: no

Just stopped by to wish you and your's the best in 1998!! Come by and visit me and see my new graphics pages *smile*

Little Tiger - 12/30/97 14:46:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5835
My Email:loveukid2@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: Kentucky
Is this your first time here?: Absolutely Not
What's your favorite web site?(URL): Your site
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10 being the best
What else would you like to see here?: Teddy Bears

Thank you so much for my very first award. I will always display it on my homepage as the first award I received linking back to your homepage. I did a lot of pointing to get my homepage that way. You respond very fast, and maybe one day I'll be as fas as you. I like your site alot, I followed your advice about the background color, and I looked at the links you suggested. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. Have a nice holiday and be safe.

Chelsea - 12/26/97 21:17:32
My URL:http://members.aol.com/MooCow43/index.html
My Email:MooCow43@aol.com
Where do you live?: Hot Sunny Florida
Where did you hear about us?: Just surfed on i guess
Is this your first time here?: Nope!
What's your favorite web site?(URL): /EnchantedForest/Dell/5503/index.html
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10 10 10!!
What else would you like to see here?: Nothing! Your page is gr-8!

Your page is really kewl! Please visit my webpage! :)

mbrown - 12/25/97 19:18:14
My Email:mbrown@epssoftware.com
Where do you live?: Missisauaga
Where did you hear about us?: from my niece
Is this your first time here?: no
What's your favorite web site?(URL): spice!!!!
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 11
What else would you like to see here?: more music

Fantastic, stupendous - the absolute best way to spend Christmas afternoon!!!!

- 12/19/97 03:33:04


Timecurve - 11/30/97 19:03:01

Moonbunnie, I'm posting again, because I'm not sure that you checked back at the guestbook help forum... I did answer your post there ASAP, but haven't seen a reply there... Also, please check out the 'errors' page at the guestguide (link below) and that ill probably give you some info as to what is going on with your guestbook (you may also want to check out the archiving page at the guestguide :-)

Timecurve - 11/26/97 05:16:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/6700/guestguide.html
Where do you live?: USA
Where did you hear about us?: Guestbook Help Forum
Is this your first time here?: Ayup!
What's your favorite web site?(URL): Here's a couple:
and I'm kinda partial to GeoCities :-)

Heya! Stoppin' by to check out your guestbook!

moonmouse - 11/21/97 13:27:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/5513/index.html
My Email:moonmouse@hotmail
Where do you live?: Canada
Where did you hear about us?: sister!
Is this your first time here?: no
What's your favorite web site?(URL): Cloud 9 of course
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: I told you already, BACKSTREET BOYS

Just dropped in to bother you since I'm home sick.

TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 11/10/97 02:41:03
My URL:http://TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Email:TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do you live?: TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where did you hear about us?: TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this your first time here?: TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's your favorite web site?(URL): TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 000000000000000000000000000
What else would you like to see here?: TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I WANT TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Cheetah - 11/08/97 05:12:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/1838/
My Email:cheetah@evansville.net
Where do you live?: Indiana
Where did you hear about us?: A little Bird told me about ya!
Is this your first time here?: Yes
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10+
What else would you like to see here?: It's great just the way it is.

Loved your site. Very creative and interesting.

Susan Cooper - 11/06/97 13:32:53
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/7348
My Email:mhtmom@ix.netcom.com
Where do you live?: Florida
Where did you hear about us?: WOM
Is this your first time here?: Yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): my own:)
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: ten plus~
What else would you like to see here?: sizes with your graphics:)

Hello from Florida, home of the Jacksonville JAGUARS. Super site~ You have done alot of great work....where do you find the time????? Continue to do well in school, swimming,with your html......and at HOME Come back to Florida anytime you need some sunshine...it's only 75 degrees today, but that's warm enough for most~

Grandma George aka SC - 11/06/97 05:54:31
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SColton1/index.html
My Email:SColton1@aol.com
Where do you live?: So California
Where did you hear about us?: you sent me email
Is this your first time here?: yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://www.vikimouse.com/
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10+
What else would you like to see here?: more mice :o)

You have a wonderful site. I enjoyed my visit very much. Keep up the great work. I also had fun visiting Santa'a Little Helper. I have also adopted a reindeer, Marissa. She will be on my page soon. Come by for a visit anytime...the door is always op n.

Sabrina - 11/03/97 19:30:44
My URL:http://expage.com/page/serendipity
Where do you live?: Montery, California
Where did you hear about us?: Someone told me
Is this your first time here?: No
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: Pooh Bear

I like your old background better.

buffy - 10/31/97 17:40:54
My Email:bourns@durham.net
Where do you live?: Prince Edward Island
Where did you hear about us?: Chi Chi Cha Chinga
Is this your first time here?: No way!!!!!!
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: a bigger zoo

I love your new backround!!!!! When is your adopt a penguin coming? BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristie - 10/29/97 05:58:33
My URL:http://www.eisa.net.au/~friendw/kristie.html
My Email:friendw@eisa.net.au
Where do you live?: australia
Where did you hear about us?: another site
Is this your first time here?: yes

I like your page. I think your petz are cute. Come and see my petz.

buffy - 10/28/97 00:38:36
Where do you live?: prince edward island
Where did you hear about us?: chi chi cha chinga
Is this your first time here?: no way man
What's your favorite web site?(URL): the zoo site
What else would you like to see here?: more links

I really like your graphics. You need more linksand more animals in the zoo. Do you have music on your page? If not you need music because I didn't see it. Nice stuff! I would have liked the Sailor Moon page except I don't like Sailor Moon! I want a cyber pet but I don't quite understand how to get it. Ow well! Keep up the good work. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

moonmouse - 10/21/97 23:09:38
My URL:http://geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/5513
My Email:moonmous@hotmail
Where do you live?: canada
Is this your first time here?: no
What's your favorite web site?(URL): mouse pad
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: backstreet boys stuff

moonbunnie this is moonmouse hehe! You know who I am Love the site ofcourse. P.S.its the best!!!!!!!

ANITA - 10/20/97 21:37:21
Where do you live?: SAN DIEGO
Where did you hear about us?: SAILOR MOON TOLD ME
Is this your first time here?: I'VE BEEN HERE IN MY PREVIOS LIVES
What else would you like to see here?: THE GUY FROM HELL


Chelsea - 10/16/97 23:55:54
My URL:http://members.ao..com/MooCow43/cows.html
My Email:MooCow43@aol.com
Where do you live?: Florida
Where did you hear about us?: Um..
Is this your first time here?: Yup!
What's your favorite web site?(URL): Yours!
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10 10 10 !!!!
What else would you like to see here?: Nothing! Your Page if Perfect!

I love your page! It is so cool! Also if you are a person reading the guestbook, please check out my webpage!

Jaid - 10/07/97 02:23:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/Jaid
My Email:kalynjade@aol.com
Where do you live?: Kyle,Tx
Where did you hear about us?: I linked from another site...I forgot the name
Is this your first time here?: yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): anything with cows
What else would you like to see here?: more black & white pets, cows

I love your page. It is very creative and, well, original. Hence, the Originality Award. I hope that you may visit my site and tell me what you think.

Bethany - 10/05/97 23:46:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2441/
My Email:yltx16@flash.net
Where do you live?: Texas
Is this your first time here?: yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): I have no idea-there are so many good ones!
What else would you like to see here?: Forms-instead of having to emial you everything. No offense!!!


Hey! Your page is cool! There is tons of stuff to do! You're definitely getting my award! Bye! :-)

Tammy Kohler - 10/05/97 01:55:54
My URL:http://www.dwave.net/~mkohler
My Email:mkohler@dwave.net
Where do you live?: Wisconsin
Where did you hear about us?: Family Web Ring
Is this your first time here?: Yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): All of them!!!
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 15
What else would you like to see here?: It is great just the way it is

GREAT PAGE!!!!! I really enjoyed my stay. The kids loved your page also. Check ours out and sign the guest book while you are there!!!

morphgirl - 10/04/97 19:35:35
Is this your first time here?: yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): this one silly!!!!!
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 1000
What else would you like to see here?: pets that can change shape

I think you should make pets that you don't have to give your e-mail addres to have them,I think you should have a diffrent site that you can do so

- 10/04/97 19:31:36


Jennifer Allen - 09/30/97 20:06:04
My Email:I don't have one yet, but I'll give it to you when I get it.
Where do you live?: Arcadia FL
Where did you hear about us?: I just surfed in
Is this your first time here?: Yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): I like Geocities, and Ilike sailor moon
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10+
What else would you like to see here?: Beanie Babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This site is really cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm almost like moon bunnie, moon mouse is cool too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See yeah later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This site is cool beans!!!!!!!!!! ( cool )

Rhonda - 09/26/97 12:40:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/peachieone/index.html
My Email:peachieone@webtv.net
Where do you live?: va
Where did you hear about us?: Michelle's Home Page
Is this your first time here?: yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): don't have just one

You have a great page. I love the music and the Princess Diana pages. Keep up the good work. I'll be checking back.

Bones - 09/25/97 01:00:16
My Email:??????????????????
Where do you live?: 40 falstaff Cres.
Where did you hear about us?: From you!
Is this your first time here?: No
What's your favorite web site?(URL): You already know
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: I would also like to see something like a penpall corner

Hi! It is me again if you have already forgot who bones is I'm Ryan! The first message I left was before I actually did anything in your web page. But now once I have thru it I give straight tens. It is agreat home page, keep up the good work! P.S. I will tell you when I get a web page so you can visit me!

Bones - 09/25/97 00:35:12
Where do you live?: 40 falstaff Cres.
Where did you hear about us?: From you, Lauren
Is this your first time here?: Yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): www.TSN.com
What else would you like to see here?: nothing

I like your web page and all the games in it. I think the contest was a good idea!

Lindsay - 09/23/97 01:55:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/4268/
My Email:lindz@writeme.com
Where do you live?: live, shmlive, it's all the same
Where did you hear about us?: my little mouse clicker just led me here
Is this your first time here?: my word, no!
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://www.dunno.com/
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 11!
What else would you like to see here?: more animations of yours!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Lauren!
Happy Birthday to yoooooou!
Sooo...what do you want for your birthday?

Ann Boyles - 09/20/97 01:42:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchnatedForest/Glade/4365
My Email:rinat@alaska.net
Where do you live?: Petersburg, Alaska
Where did you hear about us?: Just surfing around the Web.
Is this your first time here?: Yes, it is.
What's your favorite web site?(URL): I don't know, but I gotta say I REALLY like this one ALOT--it may even be my favorite
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: I haven't a clue--it looks good to me.

Your web page is SO COOL. It must have taken you a long time to get it this good. Would that my web page were as awesome as this!

Catherine - 09/19/97 01:17:32
My URL:http://expage.com/page/catherine1
My Email:tommygirl10@hotmail.com
Is this your first time here?: No, my 5
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://expage.com/page/catherine1
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: Beanie baby rumors

Your homepage is soooooo COOL!

Beverly - 09/11/97 05:39:18
My Email:girl12@bigfoot.com
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: a penpals corner?

I like your page!

Melissa - 09/07/97 05:47:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/dell/9656
My Email:Duchess105@aol.com
Where do you live?: Hockeytown USA
Where did you hear about us?: i forgot, i think it was the cyber adoption links page for your adopt a surprize egg
Is this your first time here?: no
What's your favorite web site?(URL): i dont really have one
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: raccoons in your surprize eggz!!

Hello! Love your page!!! its so cool :) Visit my first webpage @ http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/dell/6180

Jennifer Bettis - 09/04/97 23:09:27
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/jennyb
My Email:jbettis@cafes.net
Where do you live?: Tennessee
Where did you hear about us?: From a friend's web pg.
Is this your first time here?: No. 2nd or 3rd
What's your favorite web site?(URL): www.hansonline.com
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: Some Hanson & Spice Girl stuff!!

Cool page. It rox like HANSON DOES!!!!!!!!! :) BYE!! *LOL* Jennifer

Aimee and Andrew Chaulk - 09/02/97 22:13:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/8319
My Email:aimee.c@usa.net
Where do you live?: St. John's, NFLD
Where did you hear about us?: Geocities Featured Page
Is this your first time here?: Yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): www.virtualpresents.com
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10:
What else would you like to see here?: Nothing! It's good enough

Nice Page!

Cloudy - 09/01/97 18:05:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/3919/
My Email:cloudy999@geocities.com
Where do you live?: PA, USA
Is this your first time here?: yup
What's your favorite web site?(URL): mine

Hey! Just dropped in--1st person I've seen besides me that has a cloud ;-) Ours are very different though!

stephanie - 08/25/97 17:51:32 GMT
My URL:http://expage.com/page/jcdb
My Email:wildfire@mail.netnitco.net
Where do you live?: indiana
Where did you hear about us? : through candy land cyber adoption!
Is this your first time here?: yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://expage.com/page/jcdb
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: i would like to see somthing about horses ( i love them)

i love yuor page if you want you can check out mine it's the above link! ii have cyber bunny you can adopt!

Joseph - 08/25/97 16:19:20 GMT
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/jesspets/joseph.html
My Email:GuzikDM@MSN/com
Where do you live?: VA
Where did you hear about us? : I was searching for Cyber Pets and I found this sight
Is this your first time here?: no this is the second time
What's your favorite web site?(URL): I don't have a faviorite
What else would you like to see here?: more selections

So far you are doing good but I would recemend more selections of cyber pets

4 Kids - 08/20/97 18:07:30 GMT
My URL:/EnchantedForest/8012
My Email:4_kids@geocities.com
Where do you live?: Virginia
Where did you hear about us? : From you
Is this your first time here?: no
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: More wonderful artwork by you

We just wanted to let you know that we had stopped by :)

4 Kids - 08/20/97 18:05:16 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/8012
My Email:4_kids@geocities.com
Where do you live?: Virginia
Where did you hear about us? : From you
Is this your first time here?: no
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: More wonderful artwork by you

We just wanted to let you know that we had stopped by :)

Pat Fowler - 08/17/97 02:02:30 GMT
My URL:http://edmonton.shaw.wave.ca/fowler/pf/patmain.htm
My Email:pf@shaw.wave.ca
Where do you live?: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Where did you hear about us? : Previous award page
Is this your first time here?: Yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): This one's starting to look good.
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: more cute little graphics

Great page. Keep up the good (no, excellent) work (fun??)

Lazsh - 08/14/97 20:00:30 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/9827/index.html
My Email:lazsh9@aol.com
Where do you live?: South heheheheh
Where did you hear about us? : followin' adotion links
Is this your first time here?: no
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://www.davidbowie.com
What else would you like to see here?: just gimme lots to adopt!


JES - 08/10/97 23:31:13 GMT
Where do you live?: TEXAS
Where did you hear about us? : SURFING
Is this your first time here?: NO
What's your favorite web site?(URL): WWW.GOTMILK.COM
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 11!
What else would you like to see here?: MORE PETZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- 08/06/97 13:30:57 GMT


Chanale - 08/05/97 14:33:17 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/7736
My Email:davidk@inter.net.il
Where do you live?: Israel
Where did you hear about us? : Surfed in
Is this your first time here?: Yes!
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://www.worldvillage.com/kidz/bilybear/welcome.htm
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10

Very nice!!! Come sign the guest book on my new page.

~*`Ginger`*~ - 08/01/97 01:18:28 GMT
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/GingerALE/index7.html
My Email:none
Where do you live?: wi
Where did you hear about us? : uhh,i dunno
Is this your first time here?: yeah
What's your favorite web site?(URL): none
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: uh,dunno

if you go to"http://www.angelfire.com/wi/GingerALE/index7.html" and click the (my little)pony adoption one,there are unicorn's there,you can adopt

Sarah - 07/29/97 17:17:42 GMT
My Email:mty96@bellatlantic.net
Where do you live?: PA
Where did you hear about us? : link
Is this your first time here?: nope
What's your favorite web site?(URL): www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/5509/best.html
What else would you like to see here?: more links

You did a good job on this web site I like the pooh link the best of all! great music! I like the title of your web page too! most of your links are great I love to visit new web sites! Bye!! Ta Ta For Now!!(TTFN)

Katie Z. - 07/18/97 23:05:53 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/4349
My Email:KJZ123@aol.com
Where do you live?: GA
Where did you hear about us? : 4_kids Homepage
Is this your first time here?: maybe. I don't remeber
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/8012/index.html
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10:
What else would you like to see here?: i don't know

Nice Page! Visit mine and send me some ideas. Oh, and please sign the guestbook

Jenni Macko - 07/11/97 11:12:47 GMT
My URL:www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/6308/index.html
My Email:prmacko@infora p.net
Where do you live?: ontario,Canada
Is this your first time here?: no
Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 9.5
What else would you like to see here?: more stuff in the animals part

Lov your page!!!

Allison - 07/11/97 09:51:11 GMT
My URL:http://idt.net/~onewish1
My Email:onewish1@idt.net
Where do you live?: NJ
Where did you hear ab ut us? : mouse web ring
Is this your first time here?: yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://www.freerein.com/haynet/
What else would you like to see here?: looks good the way it is

Jus saying hello... take care Allison

MOUSE - 07/09/97 17:44:48 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/5570/

I created a new Classifieds section after Vikimouse's was deleted. Check it out.

Michelle Moores - 07/08/97 23:09:05 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/8389
My Email:mmoores@hotmail.com /a>
Where do you live?: Toronto, ON Canada
Where did you hear about us? : From my MousePal
Is this your first time here?: yes
What's your favorite web site?(URL): http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5366
< >Rate my page on a scale of 1-10: 10
What else would you like to see here?: everything is perfect

In my favourite web site, it is my mom's url. I really like your page. It's good.

moonmouse - 07/08/97 19:55:08 GMT
My Email:djsouch
Where do you live?: /b> Canada
Where did you hear about us? : myself
Is this your first time here?: no
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Hi Moonbunnie,(sister). Guess who it is? Thought I would cheer you up since your new guest book is empty. Bye Moonmouse see you at home

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