Hi! Thanx for coming - sign the guestbook - that's why your here isn't it? =;o) I can only improve my great homepage with great ideas - that's why I need yours!

carmen - 10/27/99 06:40:07
My Email:babidolfine@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: wenatchee washington
What is your Fav. web site(URL): geocities
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 11
Is this your first time here?: yes
Where did you hear about us?: geocities
What else would you like to see here?: more animations

cool webpage mine has a dolphin jumping over a heart. write back if you'd like. from carmen

The Magick Sorcerer, Aaron J. Wilburn Jr. - 10/03/99 21:54:33
My URL:http://magick-sorceror.freehosting.net/
My Email:WebSorceror@magick-sorceror.freehosting.net
Where do you live?: Warrendale, Michigan
What is your Fav. web site(URL): NONE
Is this your first time here?: Yes
Where did you hear about us?: From a search
What else would you like to see here?: Nothing, it is just perfect the way it is!

Heloo there, I am the Magic(k) Sorcerer, and I REALLY love the page! Hehehehe...and I would like to help you in defeating the Evil Sorceress...and hoping to make her into a good sorceress....:) I will be back a number of times, as I have adopted a wizard nd linked it to your page! ^_^ -Magic(k) Sorcerer

- 09/27/99 22:13:48


Lauri Hardin - 09/25/99 01:11:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/mandersmomislauri/index.html
My Email:webdiva@techie.com
Where do you live?: Texas
What is your Fav. web site(URL): Mine, of Course!
Is this your first time here?: Yeppers
Where did you hear about us?: Linked from Candyland
What else would you like to see here?: Can't think of a thing right now...

You have a really cute site here! Thanks for letting me wander around and play for a while. I adopted one of your Surprise Eggs for my Adoption Land page!! You can come visit us anytime! Thanks for sharing your talents with us! Blessings to You. Lauri

Elizabeth - 09/18/99 12:58:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/boys7
My Email:zeusmorris@yahoo.com
Where do you live?: NY
What is your Fav. web site(URL): all
Is this your first time here?: no
Where did you hear about us?: my friend

i rated you a nine because things can always get better if you try hard enough.

- 09/06/99 18:05:41

cool site

Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 01:41:00
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/24/99 18:34:38
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiġes - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 02:27:08
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 22:54:02
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring Join AllAdvantage.com

AMY ANDERSON - 08/12/99 18:19:59
My URL:http://www.wahacity.com
My Email:sorry none
Where do you live?: Manhattan,New York
What is your Fav. web site(URL): timbertown
Is this your first time here?: yes
Where did you hear about us?: megs place
What else would you like to see here?: games

I love this website.

heather - 07/31/99 00:26:50
My URL:www.angelfire.com/ma/Nitsug953
My Email:nitsug953@usa.net
Where do you live?: boston
What is your Fav. web site(URL): www.angelfire.com/ma/Nitsug953
Is this your first time here?: Yup
Where did you hear about us?: link
What else would you like to see here?: everything

great page, keep up the good work!

Stacey - 07/29/99 20:26:36
My Email:Stacey2121@webtv.net
Where do you live?: Maryland
What is your Fav. web site(URL): ??????
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 10
Is this your first time here?: yep
Where did you hear about us?: just surfed in
What else would you like to see here?: looks great to me...no need to change

Want to join a FREE online 'zine for teen girls jam-packed with: *polls *advice *beauty *fashion *embarassing moments *contests *celebrity profiles *+MORE If so, email me at Stacey2121@webtv.net with "subscribe" in the subject line and wait for *t*w*i*n*k*l*e*---the coolest new 'zine to come to your mailbox. NOTE: *t*w*i*n*k*l*e* is for any server, but is seen best by WebTV.

Neri - 07/24/99 02:45:03
My URL:/Hollywood/Interview/1963/
Where do you live?: earth
What is your Fav. web site(URL): i dunno
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 10
Is this your first time here?: no


Neri - 07/24/99 02:44:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Interview/1963/
Where do you live?: earth
What is your Fav. web site(URL): i dunno
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 10
Is this your first time here?: no


FYI - 05/19/99 23:24:44
My Email:FYI_123@yahoo.com
Where do you live?: Yahoo
What is your Fav. web site(URL): none
Is this your first time here?: Actually, Yes.
Where did you hear about us?: Smokey
What else would you like to see here?: Completely your art

Isn't it a bit hypocritical of you to tell others not to steal your art when your Stormy guardian is "borrowed" from the Print Shop?

david - 05/13/99 18:34:01
Where do you live?: ontario
What is your Fav. web site(URL): yours
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 100
Is this your first time here?: no

Hi from the sudbury science center

chris - 04/08/99 11:01:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Terrace/8305
My Email:xiao.han@pacific.net.sg
Where do you live?: singapore
Is this your first time here?: yes
Where did you hear about us?: just surf in

excellent page especially your cyberpets. They are very adorable & cute. keep it up!

Chrissy - 04/02/99 23:59:54
Where do you live?: Oshawa
Is this your first time here?: no

This site rocks!

Me - 03/28/99 18:39:04
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/7407/
My Email:gwen65@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: a place
Is this your first time here?: no

Like the music??? That is if it worked!!

Shooting Star - 03/28/99 16:33:37
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/tv/shooting_star_02
My Email:shooting_star_02@gurlmail.com
Where do you live?: I dunno!!!
What is your Fav. web site(URL): Mine!!!
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 1... I mean 10
Is this your first time here?: yes..no.. maybe so
Where did you hear about us?: From you
What else would you like to see here?: Lots of stuff

I dunno.. Please sign my guestbook when I get one..!!!!

Jessica - 03/27/99 16:21:43
Where do you live?: Canada
Is this your first time here?: no
Where did you hear about us?: Matt Bremner
What else would you like to see here?: music

This page sucks. Put some things you can do and some music. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Sarah - 03/18/99 20:52:38
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/tv/butterfly_angel_02/index.html
My Email:butterfly_angel_02@gurlmail.com
Where do you live?: in a house (he he he)
What is your Fav. web site(URL): mine
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 9.92
Is this your first time here?: no
Where did you hear about us?: you
What else would you like to see here?: some music

you have a great page! But I can't decide if it is better than mine!

Sarah - 03/18/99 20:47:01
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/tv/butterfly_angel_02/index.html
My Email:butterfly_angel_02@gurlmail.com
Where do you live?: in a house (he he he)
What is your Fav. web site(URL): mine
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 9.92
Is this your first time here?: no
Where did you hear about us?: you
What else would you like to see here?: some music

you have a great page! But I can't decide if it is better than mine!

- 02/01/99 22:25:11


Katie - 01/14/99 23:35:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/4349/
My Email:KJZ123@aol.com
Where do you live?: Earth(I think)
What is your Fav. web site(URL): don't have one
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10:
Is this your first time here?: nope
Where did you hear about us?: an old g-book entry on my page
What else would you like to see here?: i dunno

Hey I was just looking through my page's old g-books entries and you'd signed so I decided to stop by and see if the page was still there. Looks great! Keep up the good work. And stop by my page sometime, please. ~KT "I live in my own little world, but that's okay. I know everyone there." -Unknown

Ain't Sayin' - 01/13/99 19:43:53
Where do you live?: Somewhere
What is your Fav. web site(URL): www.WillSmith.com
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 11
Is this your first time here?: no way! 3rd time!
Where did you hear about us?: my bookmark
What else would you like to see here?: Something other than links.

Really neat site. So peaceful. I reall like how you play music while we "guests" read. I liked also the scrolling essage at the bottom! Keep up the great work! : )

djamom - 01/12/99 21:13:58
My Email:bmerson@home.com
Where do you live?: Calgary
Where did you hear about us?: browsing
What else would you like to see here?: pics

great page

Emily Chen - 12/31/98 20:24:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Picture/6021
My Email:whatever104@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: Minnesota
Is this your first time here?: Yes
Where did you hear about us?: A friend
What else would you like to see here?: Some information about you...

Hi! I really like your page! It's the best! I hope you will stop by my page and check it out. Bye!!!

Erin - 12/18/98 02:26:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/7407/
My Email:morla@geocities.com
What is your Fav. web site(URL): uh...... don't know.
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 10
Is this your first time here?: no
Where did you hear about us?: you
What else would you like to see here?: an i HATE space cases site!!

Isn't it cool that winter break is finally here, and Christmas??? PRESENTS!!!

Matt Bremner - 12/17/98 00:49:31
My URL:Wouldn't you like to know?
My Email:Butz3@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: Guess!
What is your Fav. web site(URL): www.wizards.com/Magic.htm
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: -11111
Is this your first time here?: Yes
Where did you hear about us?: You're sad and strange
What else would you like to see here?: A goood page


Sarah - 12/14/98 02:13:45
My URL:http://expage.com/page/sarahscorner
My Email:dr.peppr@usa.net
Where do you live?: Washington
What is your Fav. web site(URL): http://expage.com/page/moomooink
Is this your first time here?: no
Where did you hear about us?: I don't remember
What else would you like to see here?: Maybe a poll or a survey

Your page is really cool! The clouds are so cute. If you have time please come to my page. No one has signed my guestook yet! That is because it is brand new. Bye!

lisa - 12/03/98 05:59:39
My URL:http://surf.to/SyCoGRL
My Email:SyCoGrL@gurlmail.com
Where do you live?: ca
Is this your first time here?: yes
Where did you hear about us?: ???


Hey! Great page! I think you deserve my award! Got to my page win the award! Also You should enter my site of the week contest! Also come get some free graphics made!!Come on! you know you want to just do it! Okay!Dont forget to click ver the graphic so I will lead you to my page!

shab - 11/02/98 22:28:50
My Email:www.s.com
Where do you live?: canada
Where did you hear about us?: nowhere
What else would you like to see here?: hotpics

nice work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

shab - 11/02/98 22:26:33
Where do you live?: canada
Where did you hear about us?: nowhere
What else would you like to see here?: hotpics


Katie Brooks - 11/01/98 16:11:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Loge/2103
My Email:golden_moon@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: Um I think Mars
What is your Fav. web site(URL): I don't know
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 10000000000000000000000000000
Is this your first time here?: no
Where did you hear about us?: my sister
What else would you like to see here?: A Backstreet Boys page!!(joke)

Nice page. Sarah is going to a dance workshop today. I am going to a gym friends party. Well nice page. Keep up the good work and make geocities proud of ya. Well bye bye Katie

DUCKMAN - 10/25/98 10:10:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~glift/duckman/duckman.html
My Email:sourson@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: CANADA (OUR BEER KICKS A$$)
What is your Fav. web site(URL): MINE!!!
Is this your first time here?: Yup
Where did you hear about us?: link
What else would you like to see here?: ...ehhhhhhhhhhhi don't think you wanna here about that, persay....


Emma Ivarsson - 10/20/98 21:42:46
Where do you live?: Växjö, Sweden
Is this your first time here?: Yes
What else would you like to see here?: Some info about who Amanda is?


Ceslestee - 10/14/98 12:58:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/1426/
My Email:dinopoohy@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: Singapore
What is your Fav. web site(URL): http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/8753/
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 9.5
Is this your first time here?: No, second time,
Where did you hear about us?: In Cyberpets adoption links
What else would you like to see here?: More things to adopt

A nice page ! EXCELLENT

Peggy Kan - 09/21/98 02:58:15
My Email:
Where do you live?: Marland
What is your Fav. web site(URL): www.ty.com
Is this your first time here?: yes
Where did you hear about us?: My friend
What else would you like to see here?: Contests

I love this site

Joelyn - 08/18/98 21:40:01
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JoelynG
My Email:JoelynG@AOL.com
Where do you live?: Connecticut
What is your Fav. web site(URL): http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/5694/ind.html
Is this your first time here?: yes
Where did you hear about us?: I got you from someone else's page, because they owned one of your pets.
What else would you like to see here?: I think all you need is html for the graphics so it would be easier for us

I like this webpage a lot! You are a very good creator and drawer and thinker not to mention creative! I think you did great putting this site all together! It is hard to imagine how you did this! It looks like it was very hard, with all those graphics yo have here to put in the website! Keep up the good work!

kayla - 08/13/98 23:21:38
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/hippie316/index.html
My Email:screemdie@aol.com
Where do you live?: Virginia
What is your Fav. web site(URL): the adoptions
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 6 ( i can't figure out how to adopt)
Is this your first time here?: yes
Where did you hear about us?: looked around and found
What else would you like to see here?: duckies


Morgana Shee - 08/13/98 21:53:10