Hi! Thanx for coming - sign the guestbook - that's why your here
isn't it? =;o) I can only improve my great homepage with great ideas
- that's why I need yours!
carmen - 10/27/99 06:40:07
My Email:babidolfine@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: wenatchee washington
What is your Fav. web site(URL): geocities
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 11
Is this your first time here?: yes
Where did you hear about us?: geocities
What else would you like to see here?: more animations
cool webpage mine has a dolphin jumping over a heart. write back if you'd like. from carmen
The Magick Sorcerer, Aaron J. Wilburn Jr. - 10/03/99 21:54:33
My URL:http://magick-sorceror.freehosting.net/
My Email:WebSorceror@magick-sorceror.freehosting.net
Where do you live?: Warrendale, Michigan
What is your Fav. web site(URL): NONE
Is this your first time here?: Yes
Where did you hear about us?: From a search
What else would you like to see here?: Nothing, it is just perfect the way it is!
Heloo there, I am the Magic(k) Sorcerer, and I REALLY love the page! Hehehehe...and I would like to help you in defeating the Evil Sorceress...and hoping to make her into a good sorceress....:) I will be back a number of times, as I have adopted a wizard
nd linked it to your page! ^_^ -Magic(k) Sorcerer
- 09/27/99 22:13:48
Lauri Hardin - 09/25/99 01:11:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/mandersmomislauri/index.html
My Email:webdiva@techie.com
Where do you live?: Texas
What is your Fav. web site(URL): Mine, of Course!
Is this your first time here?: Yeppers
Where did you hear about us?: Linked from Candyland
What else would you like to see here?: Can't think of a thing right now...
You have a really cute site here! Thanks for letting me wander around and play for a while. I adopted one of your Surprise Eggs for my Adoption Land page!! You can come visit us anytime!
Thanks for sharing your talents with us!
Blessings to You. Lauri
Elizabeth - 09/18/99 12:58:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/boys7
My Email:zeusmorris@yahoo.com
Where do you live?: NY
What is your Fav. web site(URL): all
Is this your first time here?: no
Where did you hear about us?: my friend
i rated you a nine because things can always get better if you try hard enough.
- 09/06/99 18:05:41
cool site
Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 01:41:00
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html
Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/24/99 18:34:38
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com
Good work, congratulations....
Ocasiġes - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 02:27:08
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com
Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 22:54:02
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com
AMY ANDERSON - 08/12/99 18:19:59
My URL:http://www.wahacity.com
My Email:sorry none
Where do you live?: Manhattan,New York
What is your Fav. web site(URL): timbertown
Is this your first time here?: yes
Where did you hear about us?: megs place
What else would you like to see here?: games
I love this website.
heather - 07/31/99 00:26:50
My URL:www.angelfire.com/ma/Nitsug953
My Email:nitsug953@usa.net
Where do you live?: boston
What is your Fav. web site(URL): www.angelfire.com/ma/Nitsug953
Is this your first time here?: Yup
Where did you hear about us?: link
What else would you like to see here?: everything
great page, keep up the good work!
Stacey - 07/29/99 20:26:36
My Email:Stacey2121@webtv.net
Where do you live?: Maryland
What is your Fav. web site(URL): ??????
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 10
Is this your first time here?: yep
Where did you hear about us?: just surfed in
What else would you like to see here?: looks great to me...no need to change
Want to join a FREE online 'zine for teen girls jam-packed with:
*embarassing moments
*celebrity profiles
If so, email me at Stacey2121@webtv.net with "subscribe" in the subject line and wait for *t*w*i*n*k*l*e*---the coolest new 'zine to come to your mailbox.
NOTE: *t*w*i*n*k*l*e* is for any server, but is seen best by WebTV.
Neri - 07/24/99 02:45:03
My URL:/Hollywood/Interview/1963/
Where do you live?: earth
What is your Fav. web site(URL): i dunno
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 10
Is this your first time here?: no

Neri - 07/24/99 02:44:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Interview/1963/
Where do you live?: earth
What is your Fav. web site(URL): i dunno
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 10
Is this your first time here?: no

FYI - 05/19/99 23:24:44
My Email:FYI_123@yahoo.com
Where do you live?: Yahoo
What is your Fav. web site(URL): none
Is this your first time here?: Actually, Yes.
Where did you hear about us?: Smokey
What else would you like to see here?: Completely your art
Isn't it a bit hypocritical of you to tell others not to steal your art when your Stormy guardian is "borrowed" from the Print Shop?
david - 05/13/99 18:34:01
Where do you live?: ontario
What is your Fav. web site(URL): yours
Rate my page on a scale of 1 - 10: 100
Is this your first time here?: no
Hi from the sudbury science center
chris - 04/08/99 11:01:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Terrace/8305
My Email:xiao.han@pacific.net.sg
Where do you live?: singapore
Is this your first time here?: yes
Where did you hear about us?: just surf in
excellent page especially your cyberpets. They are very adorable & cute. keep it up!
Chrissy - 04/02/99 23:59:54
Where do you live?: Oshawa
Is this your first time here?: no
This site rocks!
Me - 03/28/99 18:39:04
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/7407/
My Email:gwen65@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: a place
Is this your first time here?: no
Like the music??? That is if it worked!!