Well, I lost all my nice GW links in a system crash... but I'm working on it. Most links here for the moment are for Gundam Wing fanfiction, and eventually there will be Sailor Moon and other stuff as well.
Gundam Wing
-(Amanda's Fics)-
*worships* Amanda... These fics were my introduction to Gundam Wing fanfics and yaoi in general. Amanda is still one of my favorite authors. I reccomend "Lives" especially, and "Couples" and "Gundam Vampires" and almost everything else of hers as well, it's all good.
-(Silverwind's Fanfic Archive)-
Lots and lots of fics, organized by Author or Title.
I Reccomend "And Never The Twain Shall Meet", as well as everything by Katsu no Miko, particularly "Acherontia Atropos" and the sequel "Pyractomena Borealis".
-(Gundam Wing Addiction)-
A big archive, a lot of authors, some of which you can't find anywhere else. Updated often. I really recomend Silverblade's stuff, especially "Bloodbound" and "And Legs...!", they're compleatly different, but I love them both. All of Talya Firedancer's GW stuff is there too and if you get bored, check out the SDDI fanfic contest.
-(God of Death: A Shrine to Duo Maxwell)-
This is Katsu no Miko's Duo shrine, this link goes directly to the fanfic section, but the whole shrine is wonderful.
-(The Fallen Author's Fics)-
The Fallen Author's page, obviously. I post his fics here, but he has a bunch of guest authors that I don't post, so go check it out.
-(An Archive)-
It has a name, I know it, but I can't remember at the moment.
It's a really nice archive, a lot of Talya Firedancer stuff that I /love/... "If You Love Me" is listed here, but the links are broken, if you find it somewhere else, please tell me. I lost my copy and it's such a good fic...
Sailor Moon
-(E. Liddell's Dark Kingdom Fanfics)-
My new favorite author. The Crystal Weaver Saga is, hands down, the greatest fic I have ever read. She also writes fanfic for other shows, see "The Library" below.
Misc/Multiple Shows
's Great Anime Fanfiction Archive)-
A really big archive, with fics from a bunch of different shows, including Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Rurouni Kenshin, and many, many more. Awesome fics, and updated fairly often (compared to some other archives).
-(The Library)-
This is Liddell-sama's homepage/archive. All her Crystal Weaver stuff is here, in addition to her other Sailor Moon stuff, Utena stuff (which is amazing, by the way), a couple of GW pieces and more.
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