Maya's Homepage

After nearly two and a half years, it's time to come back. The Gundam Wing fanfic section will be staying and being updated, but expects major overhauls on most everything else. This page will remain as a central hub and will list updates and changes. Welcome to the

Last Updated: 8/15/03 (Fri)

The new section - Fire and Song - should be up in a rough form by the end of the week. Most future growth will be there, I hope, so tell me what you think.

Sections of this Page

Fire and Song
     Webpage for the original fiction written by Maya and various others.
     Based mostly in a D&D-like setting.

Gundam Wing Fanfics

Fanfic Links

PocketBishonen Shrine

Arwen's Gundam Wing Obsession

Links to my friend's pages and other cool stuff I don't have a shrine for...Click Here

Cool Stuff
Links to some of my favorite stuff to buy: CDs, books, movies, etc.... in association with
Graphic Version (slow-loading) OR Text-Version (fast-loading)

Navigation for my sister page:
Info FanFics Images My Obsession Links

Backgrounds by Infinite Fish
