FudgesicleHi! This is my 'little thots' page. Here is where I keep my miscellaneous stuff. Fudgesicle

New stuff, both in my life and at Chrissy's Cute Corner!

+January 20, 2003+

I received an e-mail reminding me that I have been very negligent in attending to this page. For an update, I am an intern this semester (my final semester) at the same school I was last semester. I love it there, and I have been fortunate enough to be placed with an excellent teacher and class. This past week I did only spelling on my own, and this week I will do spelling and math. I am still taking classes at the university - the way they have the final semester set up is not the way I would if I had the choice. I am only in the school three days a week, instead of five, and one of those days is a half-day. I have classes the other two and a half days. I do learn in my classes, but I learn so much more in my student teaching. The company I work for is still Talking Pinatas and they have been great in giving me reduced hours and weekend time because of my hectic school schedule. I'm never out of classes until at least 3:30. I am so excited to graduate in May, and I can't wait to find out what school I'll be teaching at next year and to start setting up my classroom!

+August 12, 2002+

Happy Butterfly

I feel SO GOOD! I have had a hectic but wonderful week! Summer school ended on the 7th - that glorious day - and I have had four wonderful days off (from school, anyway) until tomorrow I get to go and help my teacher (my MENTOR teacher!) put together her classroom! The day after that - the 14th of August, school starts for the little guys, and I will be student teaching in a fifth grade classroom. Now you know why I'm so happy! I have been anticipating this day for years and years - I decided I wanted to teach when I was just a little girl, only about ten or eleven, so this is not a surprise, but still, I feel like I barely found out about it yesterday! I met my teacher last week - she seems to be very good, and I'm excited. It's her first year in fifth grade- before she was in fourth and then second, so this grade will be new to her. The whole thing is so wonderful. I will have to take the dreaded 18 hours this semester while I student teach, which takes a lot of time, but other people have done more than that, so I'm feeling pretty ok about it. I also love my job. I am very glad- it seems like more people are finding out about us, and it's a pretty cool idea. I'm working a lot, so I have very very little time to play webmaster. At least for this site I have little time. For TalkingPinatas.com I play webmaster all the time! It seems to be taking off a little, so pop in and visit the site - I can almost guarantee you'll get a kick out of it! Well, I'll be off now - I've spent more than enough time today on the computer and working with pinatas so I am pretty darn tired. Drop me a line and say hello! I'd love to hear from anyone out there in internet land. Only, please don't e-mail me just to tell me how immature I am or that I need to grow up, because, seriously, that's more than a little ridiculous. Just because I'm content and happy with myself and am light-hearted and what appears to be carefree, doesn't mean that things I need to do don't get done in a professional and efficient manner. Before we make character judgements on people, perhaps we should actually find out something about that person. Ok, well there was my soapbox. Sorry if I scared you away! Please come back!

+February 12,2002+

Happy Valentine's Day!Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello! Happy Valentine's Day everybody! Check it out for cute Valentines to print out and send, etc. School's pretty great. I'm working in the schools a lot more, now. Some of my classes are actual field experience, so we go out and "Team Teach" or tutor kids, etc. Next year's the internship, or student teaching. Very exciting. Please sign my GuestBook - no one has in the past week and a half, and it's very downhearting. I think one of my favorite classes this semester is my English 4354, Teaching Writing to Children, and it it so interesting. Our teacher models techniques a lot, so we do a lot of writing, including poetry, etc. It should be a lot of fun to implement. Better go!

+January 14, 2002+

Valentine's Heart!Valentine's Heart!Valentine's Heart!

Hey everyone! Well, I started back to school today. Uhhhhhhh..... 15 hours, and plenty of work, too. Oh well. Just another year and a half. Still sub-ing and working for the Engineering company, and Talking Pinatas I added some really neat Valentines today on my Valentine's Day page, and also some backgrounds for you to swipe (along with my logo!) I also added an add-your-Pooh-link (or Disney) page and I'm excited with it. Just click on the button on my main page. I know I was going to take 18 hours, but my scholarship said they would accept summer hours this year (woo hoo) so I can take it in the summer. Whoooo.. What a relief. I made some new backgrounds for the main page, and I'm pretty happy with them so far. Make sure you check out a few different pages and sign the GuestBook!

+October 11, 2001+

Candy Corn!

Hey guys! What's going on!! I'm still sub-ing, and I really do love it. I'm still adding a ton to my Graphics page, including the Halloween decorations, featured above! I am loving some of my classes at UTEP. Of course, I'm also despising some as well, but what do you expect?! I'm pretty worried about next semester when I have to take (DUM DUM DUMMMMM!) 18 hours! But I'll live. I usually do 15, so it's only one more class, right? For one of my classes I have to do a web page. I'm going to do it on the Amish, so that should be fun! Anyway, I have to run, but I thought I'd just drop a line and see how everybody is. Make sure you sign my Guest Book and tell me what you think of everything! I get very little feedback, and it's a little depressing!

+August 27, 2001+

Schoolhouse. (From my graphics collection!)

Well, last week I started to substitute teach! I am really enjoying myself. SO far I've only done kindergarten, first, third and eighth grade. The kindergarten class is definitely the highest-maintenance. Of course! The eighth graders are a lot easier than you'd think! This week I have more first graders. Classes started today but I don't have one until tomorrow. I have added a ton of stuff to this page, so if it looks different (which it really does!) it's because I renovated! I re-did the buttons and made a bunch of new graphics and added a lot of Pooh stuff, so for you Pooh fans, click here to get to the Pooh directory. I also made a bunch of Pooh graphics and some page sets, so take a look and check it out!

+July 26, 2001+

Binoculars I drew at summer camp!

Hello, hello. Well, my father found a job and he starts soon. Today it's actually raining outside. It's great. It hardly ever rains here. I know it's really only sprinkling, but the way it hits the window it looks like more! I also got a new job - I start substitute teaching next semester! I am really looking forward to it. I applied about three weeks ago, and I got the 'hire' letter today, so I am very excited. Now I'll be able to really start doing something that will lead to my career - I'm majoring in education and this will give me an idea of which schools I would like to teach at. Needless to say, it's pretty exciting for me! Better run! I'm at work!

+June 29, 2001+

A tiny birdhouse!

Hey everybody. Guess what happened yesterday. My father lost his job. Not great news, huh. Well, anyway, anybody want some Cutco? If you do, let me know - I'm serious! And also, I've been graphics hunting and I found a bunch of stuff I really liked, so I'm changing some of my pages, so check 'em out! It'll be fun. Thanks!

+June 27, 2001+

A teacup from my House! Stop in and visit me!

Wowee! It's already been four years that this site has been in operation! Four years is a very long time! I'm pretty excited because now I'm adding some new stuff and graphics and everything that I didn't have time to do before. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed editing and adding to this page! One of my newest ventures is my House that I barely added yesterday. You can take a peek at my humble abode on the net. Pop in on my kids & their pets. It'll be fun. Anyway, thanks for reading my thots for today, and have a pleasant tomorrow!

+February 6, 2001+


Hello everybody. Do you know that it's been almost three years since I have written something new on this page? THREE YEARS!!! Wow. Well, now I'm in college! I go to a University of Texas school and I really enjoy it. Now I also work for the Engineering company that is on my other links page (my grandfather's) and I also sell CUTCO (the world's finest in cutlery! If you're looking for a good job, give them a call! It's awesome and you can make tons of money. I love that too! I'm totally busy so I haven't been able to update my page in almost three years. I really do miss it sometimes, because when I used to have time to do it, I really enjoyed it. But, I do want to thank you very much who have stopped by and visited my page, because I did put a lot of work into it. And to you kids who are taking the time to read this, which I'm sure is much more boring even than your history book, thanks to you too! I'll try to be a little bit better about this, and thanks!

+August 17, 1998+

Cute Kiss!

(Cute kiss, huh!)

Today is the third day of school. We started on Thursday the 13 and my classes are okey-dokey. This should be a fairly promising year, and it better be, considering it will be my last in high school. I have some really great teachers this year and the great ones I had last year, I'm going to stop by and say hello. I don't have a locker yet, because in this school you have to supply your own combination locks, and mine seems to be hiding at the present. My Aunt Judy's baby shower was yesterday and we have the leftover cake on our dining-room table. As a matter of fact, we have all the leftovers on our dining-room table! Her baby's supposed to be a girl, and they're going to name it Charlotte. Personally, I don't care for that name very much- no offense to any Charlottes out there!- but they're going to call her Charlie. She's due in the middle of September. I know I'm looking forward to it! Well, I gotta run because I have approximately, oh, about a million problems due in Calculus in a couple days, so g'bye for now!

+July 18, 1998+


Hello, friends! Long time, no talk! (Almost a year!) Well, the truth of the matter is that I moved. Yes, I moved from a little town that no one has ever heard of to a bigger town that more prople have heard of, but they still think it's a little town that no one ever heard of! It's not. I just thought I'd 'clue you in' on what's going on. I moved way back in October. I know. I'm pathetic. I moved ten months ago and I'm just now letting you know. I'm very happy where I live now, 'made new friends,' however, 'I kept the old,' for, as the old saying goes, "One is silver and the other gold!" My birthday was a little while back on the 8th of July which means, that contrary to my 'Me' page (I'm going to have to change that!) I'm 17 and going to be a senior. (Wahoo.) Needless to say, when I moved, my computer was 'untouchable' for quite a few months, so I have over 150 award submissions in my mailbox. I know, also pathetic. So, if you were planning on applying, I would GREATLY appreciate it if you would wait until I take off that HUGE notice saying so on the front page! Don't worry, though, if you've already applied. I will eventually get around to them all, but there are over 149 other letters to look at too! Well, as that is all I can think of that will fit in my 'smackeral' category, that's all I'll write today! But, never fear! I'm back!

+August 27, 1997+


Well, I just thought that I would write about some miscellaneous stuff today. I should probably be studying for my European History test, but I read over the stuff yesterday anyway! Last Saturday we had a car wash(the band) and we washed six hundred cars. (I know, we rock.) It was really cool, and the only problem was that the tops of everyone's feet got burned! We all took our shoes off. I play the flute- any fellow flutists out there? Mail me and let me know. I love band- it dominates my life (unfortunately!). This year I'm a junior and a squad leader(wahoo) and the only problem is that if you do anything for fun during marching practice, you get yelled at. Oh, well. I know we're supposed to be setting a good example, but when you get bored, you get bored. Just because you are supposed to be a role model doesn't mean you posess the supernatural powers that allow you to alway be gun-ho! Oh, well. I guess I'll stop boring you. Gotta run! (It's really time to study for that test now!!)

+August 18, 1997+


Well, I figured it was about time to add to this. I just thought I'd say that I started school today. I'm in 11th grade, a junior. (Wahoo, upper classmen!!!) So far I have a book to finish reading by Wednesday, which I was supposed to read over the summer, and an essay to write. I haven't even been to all of my classes!! They've got this really great class that you can take at my school called Elementary Education Rotation. It's where you go to a kindergarten class, and basically, it's like an intern job. You don't just make copies, and do grading- you make lesson plans, projects for the kids and ways to keep them entertained. It's really great. I figured I should take it, because I am planning on being a teacher. I'm really looking forward to this year!!!

+August 4, 1997+

Today I would just like to say that I like flowers. (I know, what a strange thing to say) but I do! I especially like yellow ones, like daisies, daffodils and sunflowers. They are so beautiful. I can't seem to get enough stuff with daisies on it!! Isn't Pooh cute next to that huge sunflower? I sure hope Eeyore's flower grows!! Tigger in flowersPooh and flower

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