Hi! If you like music, or are a part of any band, this is the place to come!

If you have Crescendo, you are hearing The Ewok Battle from Star Wars. This peice was part of our marching show a few years ago when I was in band, along with three other songs by John Williams. Yoda's Theme, The E.T. Flying Theme and The March from 18 something or other! This song is about four and a half minutes long, and a little different (ok, a lot!) than what we actually played- a different version, but it has a lot of the same parts! It's definitely worth listening to!

The top ten ways to tell you are a 'band nerd'!

Your social life revolves around games on Friday nights- not the football team,
but the other band's drum majors!!

You are the most jealous of the person who got a new instrument stand!

The highlight of your day is going back to the band hall!

Your school day ends about two to three hours after everyone eTiny/lses.

You are used to walking around in overall-looking-thingies that make
you feel like a giant teddy bear.

You have a very large lung capacity!

You don't mind walking in step with your friends- down the hall, to class, in a store, anywhere!

You know, by heart, not only the drum cadences, but the drum warm-ups.

One of the things you really can't stand is to see someone on the wrong foot!

You find yourself fingering on pencils or in the air, years after you graduated from high school and left band!

Any fellow band people out there? Well, if you have a band link or
anything you would like to see here, just Mail me!

There's no place like home!Just the directory of pages, please!

I got this page from GeoCities where you can get your own Free Home Page

Thanks for stopping by!