Adopt a Lert!!!

Has anyone ever told you, "Be more alert!!" Well, really, how much sense does that make? I mean, you either are a lert, or you're not a lert, and there's not much you can do about it. However, now you can adopt a lert! Fortunately today I have here with me a prominant family in the Lert community, the Liddell lerts. There's Pa Liddel, Ma Liddel, Gramps Liddel, and the kids, Little Daisy Liddel and Jr. Liddel. There are also the other assorted Lerts, for now.

Lerts are very handy things to have around, and if you would like a Lert to stay with you at your very own site, just right click him or her, save the Lert and the Lert logo to *your own* hard drive, and mail me at the following:

1. Your name
2. home page address
3. e-mail address
4. how you found my site
5. which Lert you're taking home with you, and
6. If you have other adopted pets or friends at your site.

Thanks!! Also, make sure that you link back with this logo to /EnchantedForest/Dell/5419.

There's no place like home!Just the directory of pages, please!
