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This is my brand spankin' new guestbook, and it's all empty in there, so stop in and sign it for me!!!

OR, view my old Guestbook that I had to archive.
And, if you ever get lost, never fear!! Just click one of these two buttons, and you'll be Home again!!

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wonderful person to come to my page since June 2001.

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If you would like to link back to my site (which would be very nice of you!) visit Here! for my buttons and stuff!
Well, I'm Chrissy and I want to thank you so much for coming- please come again!
I have put a lot of work into my little site. And, to quote Pooh, "Second helpings are
what happiness is made of!" See you soon!! 

Where'd I get my cursor trailer and other graphics?
Go Here for my thank you list!
My disclaimer
Thanks for stopping by!