Check out Dell Computers, they replace or repair your computer in less then 7 days. I know friends, schools, and businesses that have had their computers fixed or replaced in 2 to 4 days... they had dells.
Sad newz, I was in a multi-car accident and have much damage to my back. So does everyone else who was in the cars. Plus most of my friends have been getting in car accidents and haveing break downs as a result of the increase in prices and decrease in income.
Bad newz, currently is down... there is no way to pay inbetween everyone haveing low income and the person that bought animalive loseing all passwords needed to pay with credit card to the account. Go to AnimAlive on Geocities for the time being...... it will be a mirror and has Stores and Contest off it.
Sailor Moon Contest on AngelFire The Contest will have different ranges of prizes, I hope Sailor Moon Contest do better then my contest... since I was only getting about 1 enter a month and in the last contest it was one entree entered about 3 months after I stopped the contes because noone even tried.
I was cleaning out my computer. When I put it back together, I did not put the processor in correctly. So I can not get the Contest stuff off my Computer and I will probably need to make new contest things.
This will take some time, but I will still do it. To win a 1st prize you need to pay shipping and Handleing, because my friend refuses to pay shipping and handleing. So winners will be able to pick prize that best suits them.
I am still working on changes to my site. And on stuff for
Plans underway for my birthday, but I will gradually reveal them this week.
As an early reminder....
I have been saying for over a year now that I would give my site a New look... and look instead I just took everything away. Hmmm
WELL THAT'S IT! On my birthday I am going to have some FUN!!!
I plan to put up whatever I have from before AnimAlive side tracked me. I hope to have Contest with REAL PRIZES!!!
All I ask is that you keep visiting and wish me a good birthday in your own way. My friends know Last year I had a an awful birthday. I received a couple cards, but no gifts. Everyone thought everyone else was going to be sending me letters and gifts, so I wouldn't notice them.
Thank you for your late E-mails. All I ask is atleast an E-mail this year. I will try to give you all a little attention. AND PLEASE REMEMBER, I do not want to be anyone's Valentine... too many people bug me with Valentine's day stuff I won't be able to send things to everyone else on the planet.
I'm not dissappearing from the net, but I'm not working on this site for a while either. I am working at this GREAT new site being made. It's called and it currently is three days old, it already has SAILOR MOON R the movie on it and it's going to have a bunch of Anime Games and movies in RealPlayer and Quicktime format.
I am working on stuff, epsecially in the store. I will only get a little money if you buy stuff from the store. Some of my Stuff will be on the site free, but they are thinking about makeing sections that cost money like adult stuff. GO THERE!!!!! NOW!!!
July or something.
Okay this Yahoo! Geocities merge has really... REALLY pushed me back.
I am going to be working on a couple other things, then I will get back to my webpages when I finish this other stuff. SO I'm sorry to say there will be a really LARGE delay... visit every so often... I may just put up my old webpages and let the slow change be noticable. It all depends.
I need to put my chats back up now or never! If you are bored go to the OSG Webring, and if you know or own any good Adoption agencies, help keep the OSG interesting by alarting us and I will gladely adopted your pets and/or scouts.
Remember I am working on the OSG's new site too.
NO! it's not your imaganation... I have alot of e-mails and I am constantly changeing the E-mail address here.
Sign my Guestbook, E-mail me, Vote for me in Contest, and whatever else larks down here.
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