My Favorite Links...
My Mom's webpage!!!
Hi!! My name is Amy and I am 13 years old. My mom is helping me with this page. I tell her what I want on the page and she surfs the Net for the pictures and the music and stuff. I am in the 7th Grade. I like to draw, make crafts and play with my dogs. I LOVE sports, especially soccer. I played soccer for my Middle School. We just finished up the season. We took 2nd Place in the Championship. I am the Goalie as well as a field player for the team. I like to watch EVERY sport on TV with my dad!! My sister, Jen, who is 15, is on the JV soccer team at her High School. We live in Virginia. I was born in New Jersey and moved here the summer of 1998.
I love dogs!! I have 2 dogs. Tyler is a Cocker Spaniel...and he is 12 1/2 years old. He eats everything and I mean EVERYTHING...he LOVES to eat CRAYONS! (silly dog). Then there is Cooper who is 2 years old. He is a really Cool dog. He is so hyper and loves to play. I also have a hamster named Tanner (my sister has a hamster named Benji)...2 parakeets named Cricket and Bailey...a Lop earred bunny named Butterscotch...and 2 Guinea Pigs named Cinnamon and Ginger...and 2 Hermit crabs and a goldfish named Batman and 2 lizards named Ozzie and Harriet.
Jen's Hangout - My sister's webpage
Geocities - Easiest Free Home Pages
Ask Jeeves - A good place to get answers to your questions!!!
Richmond Kickers Soccer - A Great Soccer Team
DC United Soccer Homepage - I Love this team!
Women's Untied Soccer Association - A GREAT place!
Neopets - A FUN place to play...get your own and start having FUN!!!!!!!!!
Disney Hompage - A fun place!!!
Warner Brothers Homepage - I Love this site!
Discovery Kids - Neat Things to Learm
Time for Kids - Just like your parents...only FUN!!!!
Yahooligans - A GREAT way to get around the Internet
Nickeloden Online - Fun Stuff!
NASA for Kid's - Space Fun!
I will be adding more to my page...been really busy lately!!!
Last updated on May 19th, 2004