Look at all the wonderful people who wanted to wish Jennifer a happy birthday!
natalie - 01/16/00 22:46:44
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:nati_g @hotmail. com Where are you from?: Indiana
natalie - 01/16/00 22:42:09
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
- 10/18/99 20:31:54
My Email:ATIEKAY14@YAHOO.COM Where are you from?: EARTH
HAVE A SUPER B-DAY !!!!!!!!!
Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 01:38:02
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html
Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/24/99 18:29:50
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com
Good work, congratulations....
Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 02:24:27
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com
Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 22:34:07
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com
Kelli Koepsell - 05/14/99 19:44:35
My Email:koepselk@columbia.dsu.edu Where are you from?: South Dakota
Happy Birthday Jennifer!!
Love and peace,
Kelli Koepsell
and Ceri (6-16-94) and Carolyn (5-31-97)
Karl Holzer - 05/14/99 13:56:13
My URL:http://www.flips.net/zurf/karl.html
My Email:holzer97@hotmail.com Where are you from?: Florida
Happy birthday, Jennifer! Hope your birthday is as fun as mine was.
Marina & Aleah - 05/13/99 14:02:30
Where are you from?: B'ham, AL, USA
Happy 2nd B'day, Jennifer! Tell your mommy to let us hear from her soon. How about a birthday update/brag? ;D
A Big Birthday Hug,
Marina & Aleah
Adam - 05/13/99 13:16:48
My URL:http://www.aald.demon.co.uk
My Email:adam@aald.demon.co.uk Where are you from?: London
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Jennifer
Happy Birthday to You
From Adam (29th May 1997) and his mum and dad.
Brooklyn - 05/13/99 04:17:05
My Email:dgreaves@home.com Where are you from?: Calgary :-)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BESTEST BABY BUDDY!!! Jennifer, I hope you have a truly wonderful day today! I wish I could be there to thank you in person for being so extra-specially nice to me, but I can't so I'll send you piles of cyber-smoochies instead! Ha
py 2nd Birthday cutie!
Love, Brooklyn xoxoxoxo
Ana - 05/13/99 03:11:40
My URL:http://www.bigriverzinc.com/diana.html
My Email:dr@pl.net Where are you from?: Auckland, New Zealand
Happy Birthday Jennifer!
Hugs from Ana, her little sister Taija and her mama Diana
Beth & Madison Bryan - 05/12/99 18:04:45
My Email:horseyb@hotmail.com Where are you from?: Orlando, FL
Dear Jennifer,
Congratulations on turning 2!!! May you have a fun-filled and happy next year :)
Beth & Madison
Max Rood - 05/12/99 17:18:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8164
My Email:wdr@dias.net Where are you from?: Wisconsin
Happy Birthday Jennifer! I hope you have a wonderful day :). I've been 2 for almost a month and it's lot's of fun. Just make sure you're terrible every once in awhile because for some reason it's expected of us :).
Alex - 05/12/99 14:50:35
My Email:marwill1@airmail.net Where are you from?: Texas
Have a fabulous day, Jennifer! My mommy has loved getting to know your mommy on the MM list. I can't believe we're 2 already!
Your Friend Alex
Kathy and Kayla - 05/12/99 14:11:35
My Email:benson@physics.emory.edu Where are you from?: Atlanta, GA
Days filled with puzzles and explorations, silliness and fun, an adoring baby brother and bright, reassuring parents
Marci, Brendyn & Kylee - 05/12/99 13:42:50
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/marciwillette/index.html
My Email:marcylou@together.net Where are you from?: Morrisville,Vermont
Happy Birthday Jennifer !!! Hope you have a BLAST !!!
Brendyn 5/22/97
Kylee 6/29/98
Sara Stein - 05/12/99 12:58:44
My URL:http://www.megsinet.net/~gass
My Email:gass@unforgettable.com Where are you from?: Twinsburg, OH
Happy Birthday Jennifer - I hope you have a great 2nd year :)
Love a fellow May Baby
Sara Gabrielle Stein
and her parents
Greg and Susan Stein
Makene - 05/12/99 10:51:06
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/5607/lemonupdate.html
My Email:maksmom@ihug.co.nz Where are you from?: Auckland, New Zealand
Jennifer e hoa,
I hope you thoroughly enjoy every second of your birthday!
Hugs from your cyber-buddy in NZ,
Makene ('Mac Attack') xxx
Orin - 05/12/99 09:54:38
My URL:http://plantgenetics.rug.ac.be
My Email:nater@gengenp.rug.ac.be Where are you from?: belgium
Hi Jennifer,
I am one of your fellow May Babies and I want to wish you a very happy birthday!! I have mine one day before you...I am already looking forward to the presents I will get! Hope you have a fun day as well !
Orin and mum Nancy
Amalie (and Marit) - 05/12/99 06:07:08
My Email:Marit.Sandbakk@energy.sintef.no Where are you from?: Trondheim, Norway
Happy birthday, Jennifer.
A big hug from Amalie in Norway
Peggy, Mike, & Matthew Van Norman - 05/12/99 05:34:14
Where are you from?: California
Happy Birthday, Jennifer!!! Hope you and your family have a very happy, fun-filled day :-)
With love,
Peggy, Mike, and Matthew (5/1/97)
Erin & Melody Magers - 05/12/99 05:26:42
My URL:http://www.softcom.net/users/magers
My Email:erin-magers@softcom.net Where are you from?: Sacramento!
Happy Birthday! We are all growing up so fast, can you believe we used to be less than a two feet tall? Hugs and May Baby Kisses!
Trish, Claire and Cecelia - 05/12/99 04:55:23
My Email:goodteam@Ionet.net Where are you from?: Oklahoma
Hi Jennifer, we hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Sending birthday wishes from Oklahoma,
Love, Claire, Cecelia and Trish K
Mystic and Regan - 05/12/99 04:54:09
My Email:mysticr1@earthlink.net Where are you from?: Northern California
We hope you have a lovely and happy day. Enjoy your cake!
Hannah Nicole - 05/12/99 03:57:35
My Email:swells@midohio.net Where are you from?: Ohio
I hope you have a fun birthday, Jennifer!
( Psst! I don't know why everyone thinks turning two makes us "terrible" : ) )
Lots of cyber hugs!
Hannah Nicole
Justin - 05/12/99 03:34:43
My Email:lemartyr@aol.com Where are you from?: Colorado
My mom is on the May97 list also and I just wanted to wish you the greatest birthday. My birthday is coming up soon and I can't wait. Have a great one!
Justin Martyr
Elizabeth - 05/12/99 03:18:55
My Email:anniek@pacbell.net Where are you from?: California
Happy Birthday from a fellow cyber May baby! Hope it's a wonderful day! Can you believe that we're all turning 2 this year? We are so grown up!
Suzanne Gray - 05/12/99 02:16:51
My Email:srgray@co.buchanan.mo.us Where are you from?: Missouri
Happy Birthday Jennifer!
Sami - 05/12/99 02:02:50
Where are you from?: NC
Happy Birthday Jennifer!! :) I hope you have a wonderful b'day.....give your mommy lots of kisses :)
Julianne Vanderbaan - 05/12/99 01:47:18
My Email:lvanderb@ehmail.com Where are you from?: London, Ontario, Canada
Have a super day with lots of fun stuff and good times for all!
Ginny, Glenn, Sam and Cory - 05/12/99 01:35:56
My URL:http://www.realspacemodels.com
My Email:gellswor@mailer.fsu.edu Where are you from?: Tallahassee
Happy Birthday to you! I remember you before you were born! Smoochies from my boys and best wishes from Glenn and Ginny
Hannah Mac - 05/11/99 22:54:34
My URL:http://www.bright.net/~ajudd/
My Email:betsy@myria.com Where are you from?: Ohio
Dear Jennifer, I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Everyone seems to think being two is aggravating, but I think it's a BLAST!
Love, Hannah Mac
Yovel Nirenberg - 05/11/99 20:40:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~nirenberg
My Email:nirenberg@bigfoot.com Where are you from?: Beer Sheva, Israel
May you have a wonderful day filled with surprises and may all your dreams come true! Being 2 is pretty great! I know, because I've had a few days of experience!
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