Old-Face Cranberry Teddy
e-mail for price
Has tush tag, but no swing tag
Rover, Twigs, Quacker, Curly, Valentino, Blackie, Snip, Zero, Cubbie, Santa, Fuzz, Snowball, 97 Teddy, Peace, Gracie, Derby, Stinky, Spinner, Waddle, Blizzard
Rover, Twigs, Blackie, Zero, and Blizzard are $20 each. Curly, Cubbie, Santa, Peace, and Derby are $25 each. Valentino is $30. Snip, Gracie, Stinky, Spinner, and Waddle are $15 each. Fuzz is $50. Snowball and 97 Teddy are $65 each.
Smoke free environment. $3 shipping for 1. $1.50 for each addtional Beanie.
Righty the elephant
No defects. Birth 7-4-96 (with flag). Mint condition. Stored in protective cover. No children have handled. Tag protector. Prepayment required. Include $5 S&H (registered)
12 99 Teddy, 6 The End, 6 Ty 2-K, 6 Spangle w/ White Face. 6 Almonds, 6 Ambers, 6 Cheeks, 6 Knuckles, 6 Spangle the bears, and 6 Wiser the owls
E-mail me for 99 Teddy price. The End are $35 each, and Ty 2-K are $30 each, and Spangle w/ white face are $25 each. Almond, Amber, Cheeks, and Knuckles are all $15 EACH. Spangles are $30 each. Wisers are $20 each.
All mint from a smoke free enviroment. $3.00 S/H for one beanie. $1.00 each additional beanie. Check or Money order accepted. In some cases COD
12 Hope the bears, 6 Garcia the bears, and 12 Glory the bears
Hopes are $15 each. Garcias are $135 each. Glorys are $30 each.
All Mint/Smoke Free/ 3.00 S/H ea.additional 1.00. Will accept either Personal Checks,Money Orders or will ship COD
Garcia is $175, 97 Teddy is $40. Bucky and Velvet are $30 each. Magic and Goldie are $35 each. Curly, Pinky, Twigs, Blizzard, Waves, and Bongo are $15 each. Nuts and Congo are $13 each. Quackers is $18. Valentino is $23. Chocolate and Freckles are $14 each. Derby is $21. Dotty is $16.
Righty the elephant
Mint condition, but has no tag
Birthday Bear, Lips, and Flitter
All 3 as a set for $99
All beanies are in mint condition with tag protectors, and come from a smoke-free home.
Baldy, Blizzard, Bongo, Chocolate, Claude, Derby, Echo, Jolly, Roary, Scottie, Stinger, Hissy, Princess
Baldy is $16. Blizzard is $17. Bongo is $18. Chocolate is $14. Claude and Jolly are $13 each. Derby is $21. Echo and Roary are $15 each. Scottie is $24. Stinger is $11. Hissy is $10. Princess is $25.
All Beanie Babies are in perfect condition except for a few bent tags. Roary, Chocolate, and Blizzard have bent tags. Bongo is the normal version. Derby has no spot on its head.
2 Blizzards, 2 Buckys, 2 Crunchs, 2 Cubbies, 2 Flips, 2 Freckles, 2 Goldies, and 2 Peaces. 3 Ears, 3 Floppitys, 3 Hippitys, 3 Hoppitys, Derby (w/o spot on forehead), and Valentino.
Blizzards, Ears, Floppitys, Freckles, Hippitys, and Hoppitys are $15 EACH. Buckys and Goldies are $35 each. Crunchs are $13 EACH. Cubbies are $20 each. Derby is $25. Flips are $25 each. Peaces are $50 each. Valentino is $30.
All MWMT, tag protectors. Prefer money order, but will send COD. Buyer pays shipping. Will sell all $30 for $615.
Humphrey, Royal Blue Peanut, Glory, Halo, and Garcia
Humphrey is $1600, Royal Blue Peanut is $4500, Glory is $70, Halo is $50, and Garcia is $250
All my Beanie Baby area very good quality and we could problay lower the price!
Derby the fine mane Horse
Has TY Tag protector and Kept in plastic bag since purchase. Excellent condition
New condition
Brongo and Deep Fuschia Patti
Bongo is $50, Patti is $600
Bongo is missing swing tag and has the tan tail-1995 black and white tush tag still in place. Deep Fuschia Patti is missing swing tag and has the black and white 1993 tush tag. Patti is worth $1200, but I'll sell for half. I will also consider reasonable offers.
Bronty the brontosaurus
The "To" and "From" are filled out on the tag
Garcia, Libearty, Lefty, Righty, Valentino, Valentina, Coral, Bubbles, Goldie, Kiwi, Sting, Crunch, Waves, Stripes (dark tiger), Patti (magenta platypus)
Garcia is $160. Libearty, Lefty, and Righty are $200 each. Valentino and Valentina are $25 each. Coral, Bubbles, and Goldie are $40 each. Kiwi is $50. Sting, Crunch, Waves, Stripes, and Patti are $50 each.
All are in perfect condition except for the following: Lefty missing swing tag and has pen mark on tush tag. Righty has small crease on swing tag. Coral and Kiwi have no swing tags. Sting has a bent swing tag. Stripes and Patti have pen marking on tish tags. Will sell American Tri (Libearty, Lefty, and Righty) as a set for $560. Will sell Valentino and Valentina as a set for $45. Will sell Fish Trio (Coral, Bubbles, and Goldie) as a set for $100. Will sell Sea Trio, (Sting, Crunch, and Waves) as a set $85.
2 Steg the stegosaurus'
$500 each
Both in mint condition, but have no tag
Steg the stegosaurus
$1300 or best offer
Includes clear case and tag protector. Only have 1. Good condition
2 Glorys, Princess, Erin, and Peace
All are $100 each
All are MWBT. Certified Check or M.O., Plus $5.00 S&H
Princess and Garcia
Princess is $25 and Garcia is $175
NO defects. COD ok.
Baldy (Canadian), Blizzard, 3 Chocolates, 4 Hippitys, Inch, Inky, Lucky, Peaanut, 2 Princess, 4 Quackers, Rover, 2 Seaweeds, Stinky (Canadian), 2 Wise, and Wrinkles
All are $20 each EXCEPT: Baldy, Chocolate, Stinky, and Wrinkles are $15 each. Inky and Seaweed are $25 each, and Princess is $40 each.
All beanies are mint in a non smoke environment. Tag protected and bagged. Will ship insured, delivery verified. Shipping $3.00/first beanie, and $1 each for every additional beanie. Priority mail add $2 per order. Have many retired beanies.
Millennium, Signature, Eggbert, Fortune, Erin, and Peace
Millennium and Signature are $20 each. Eggbert and Fortune are $12 each. Erin and Peace are $15 each.
Old Face Violet
No hang tag, but tush tag in excellent condition. Non Smoking Environment. Coat is shiny and of beautiful color
Maple the bear
best offer
Mint condition. Comes with a tag protector and is from a smoke-free home. Payment by money order
Fortune, Halo, Peace, Scorch, Curly, Glory, Pumkin, Quackers, Santa, Seaweed, Valentino, Ears, Floppity, Hippity, and Hoppity
Floppity, Hippity, and Hoppity, Quackers, and Fortune are $25 each. Peace, Scorch, Curly, Pumkin, Seaweed, and Valentino are $30 each. Ears is $20, Santa is $35, Glory is $50, Halo is $60,
All beanies have both tags and are in mint condition. Money orders only.
Lefty the Donkey
Mint condition
Quackers without wings and Flutter
Quackers is $2500, and Flutter is $1000
Both beanies are new. Quackers has both tags and is 1993 and has p.v.c. pellets.
2 Chilly Beanie Buddies, 2 Smoochy Beanie Buddies, 2 Hippity Beanie Buddies, 2 Erin Beanie Buddies, 2 Patty Beanie Buddies, 2 Peanut Beanie Buddies, and 2 Peking Beanie Buddies
Chilly, Erin, Peanut, and Peking are $50 EACH. Smoochy, Hippity, and Patty are $45 EACH.
All Beanie Buddies are in perfect condition/tag protectors. Buyer is to pay shipping/handling approx. $4-5 will arrive by insured mail. Smoke free environment. Money order or certified check.
Erin, Princess, and Valentino
$160 for the set
Set of erin, princess, and valentino in perfect condition. price includes tag protector, insurance and shipping. money order only please.
Fortune the panda
$25 or Best offer
Fortune is in mint condition. It is from a smoke free home and has never been played with. Shipping and Handling $3.50
Valentina, Kicks, Sammy, Milenium, and 99 Signature Bear
Best offer
All in mint condition
Peace, Tuffy, Spinner, Ringo, Spike, Congo, Puffer, Snort, Valentino, Pinky, Curly, Bongo, Claude, and Chocolate
Peace is $35, Valentino is $27, Curly is $22. Tuffy, Spinner, Ringo, Spike, Congo, Puffer, Snort, Pinky, Bongo, Claude, and Chocolate are $12 each
All beanies are in perfect condition. They will be sent with tag protectors and will arrive by insured mail. Buyer must $3.00 per beanie for shipping and handling (Orders $100.00 and over, FREE S/H). I will accept a certified check or money order only.
Bernie, Blizzard, Crunch, Daisy, Gracie, Peanut (bent tag), Puffer, Quackers, Ringo, Snort, Spinner, Stinky, Wrinkles, Blackie, Stripes, Baldy, Bones, Echo, Pinchers, Seaweed, Twigs, Waves, Waddles, Scottie, Squealer, Zip, Goldie, and Snowball
Bernie, Blizzard, Crunch, Daisy, Gracie, Peanut (bent tag), Puffer, Quackers, Ringo, Snort, Spinner, Stinky, and Wrinkles are $7 each. Blackie and Stripes are $10 each. Baldy, Bones, Echo, Pinchers, Seaweed, Twigs, and Waves are $12 each. Waddles is $15. Scottie and Squealer are $20 each. Zip is $25. Goldie and Snowball are $30 each.
Princess, Waves, Snort, Sly, Puffer, Blizzard, Crunch, and Batty
Princess is $100, Waves and Blizzard are $25 each, Snort, Crunch, and Batty are $15 each, and Sly and Puffer are $20 each
Holiday 98' Bear, Halo, Santa, and Scorch
Holiday 98' Bear is $50. Halo, Santa, and Zero are $45 each. Scorch is $20, and Pumkin is $25
All beanies are in their original condition with both tags. $3.00 for shipping, $1.00 for each extra one. Please e-mail with any further questions.
Gracie the Swan with Mark Grace Card
e-mail me for price
Gracie the Swan with commemorative Mark Grace Card for sale or trade. please reply by e-mail to a.knierim@prairienet.com
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