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20 Fortunes, 30 Princess, 30 Erins, and 30 Peace

ALL are $15 EACH

All Mint with all tags intact. From a smoke free enviroment. S/H 4.00 per and 1.00 ea.additional. Will accept COD Orders.

Bones, Ears, Happy, Hippity, Inch, Patti, Ziggy, Quackers, Peanut, Twigs, Blizzard, Rover, Waddle, Lucky, Mystic, Bucky, Goldie, Doodle, Hoot, Spooky, and Magic

Bones, Ears, Happy, Hippity, Inch, Patti, Ziggy, Quackers, Peanut, and Twigs are $10 each. Blizzard, Rover, Waddle, and Lucky are $15 each. Mystic is $20, Bucky and Goldie are $30 each. Doodle is $35, Hoot is $38, Spooky and Magic are $40 each

Buyers must pay postage



Mint condition

3 Zips, 3 Inkys, 3 Curlys, 3 Gracies, 2 Scotties, 4 Goldies, 2 Weenies, and Baldy

$40 each for Zip, Scottie, and Weenie, $45 each for Inky and Goldie, $35 each for Gracie and Curly, and $30 for Baldy

Only cashiers check/Money order accepted

Brownie and NEW face Jade Teddy

$2000 for Brownie and $750 for Jade Teddy

Brownie (1993), excellent condition, no swing tag. Teddy, New Face, Jade, (1993) excellent condition, no swing tag


Best Offer

Will take best offer over $50, color is darker than most Erins, Mint condition. Swing Tag hard protector

Libearty, Glory, Fortune, Wise, Peace, and Erin

Libearty for $319, Glory for $59, Fortune and Wise for $39, Peace for $49 each, and Erin for $119

All in mint condition with tag protectors. may consider trade for 97 teddy and snowball. will pay shipping charges on orders of two or more. will accept credit cards.



Maple is MWMT.

Baldy, Ears, Echo, Quackers, and Blizzard

Baldy is $15, Ears is $12, Echo is $15, Quackers is $20, and Blizzard is $22

All in mint condition from smoke-free environment. Tag protectors included. Will be sent COD.

Erin, Pastel Peace, Early, Valentino, Tuffy, Pounce, Prance

Peace and Valentino are $35 each, Erin is $65, Early is $20, Tuffy, Pounce, and Prance are $12 each

All are mint.

Lefty and Righty

$350 each

Lefty & Righty were bought as a Christmas Gag gift for my politically polar husband and brother-in-law. They have lived their life on a high shelf in a smoke free, child free environment. Both are mint with mint tags.

Iggy w/ tongue, Chcolate, Fortune, Erin

Iggy w/ tongue is $5, Chocolate is $5, Fortune is $12.50, Erin is $15

Add $3 shipping.

2 Peace

$60 each

3 Glory, 3 Fortune, 2 Erin, 2 Wise, 2 Kuku, 2 Jabber, 2 Rockets, 2 Tracker, 2 Waddle, 2 Hippity, 2 Floppity, and 2 Blizzards

$50 each for Glory, Fortune, Erin, and Wise. $25 each for kuku, Jaber, Rocket, and Tracker. $20 each for Waddle, Hippity, Floppity, and Blizzard

Righty the Elephant


Patti and Peanut

$26 each

No defects

NF Brown Teddy, Chilly, and Zip

$100 for Teddy, $2000 for Chilly, and $50 for Zip

Teddy and Zip both have 4th generation tags and are in mint condition. Chilly has its tag ripped off.

Fetch, Kuku, Early, Rocket, Whisper, Ants, Jabber, Tracker, Jake, and Fortune

$17 for Fetch. $20 each for Kuku, Early, and Rocket. $24 each for Whisper, Ants, and Jabber. $28 each for Tracker and Jake. $40 for Fortune

Money Orders only please



1st generation swing tag, slightly damaged, a little writing is taken off the back...otherwise good. Willing to send a picture of it to anyone interested

Seamore, Magic, and Tank

$175 for Seamore, $55 for Magic, and $80 for Tank

All beanies are in MINT condition with tag protectors!!

Princess and Peace

$100 for Princess and $80 for Peace

Price includes shipping and tag protectors.



Does not have swing tag. Chilly is not in mint but he's not missing an eye or anything.

Canadian PVC Princess and Canadian Erin

$300 for Princess and $200 for Erin

Both are MWMT. Both Beanies are superb items from a smoke-free home, and the price covers insured shipping in a rigid display box along with a tag protector.

Seamore the seal


Seamore is mint with mint tags from and smoke-free home. $139.99 includes the price of insured shipping.

Bessie, Velvet, Ally, Flash, Old Derby, Glory, and Inky

e-mail me offer

All are mint with mint tags. A great addition to your collection!

Princess and Curly

Pricess is $50 and Curly is $30

All beanies will be shipped COD. Don't forget the small COD charge!

Glory, TBB Inch, TBB Happy, TBB Mel

$17.50 for Glory, All the TBBs are $3.50 each or $10 for all three.

All beanies are mint. Teenies are in original bags. You choose shipping method.

Princess, Erin, and Peace

ALL for $175

Princess and Erin

$125 each

Bith have tag protectors and are in box. Will need check or money order before shipment.

Caw, Quackers w/o wings, and Flash

$300 OBO for Caw, $1000 OBO for Quackers, and $50 for Flash

All are missing their swing tags

Bones, Echo, Gracie, Inch, Legs, Patti, Waddle, Velvet, Nip, Flip, Hoot, Ally, Bessie, and Tank

$20 each for Bones, Echo, Gracie, Inch, Legs, Patti, and Waddle. $25 each for Velvet and Nip. $35 for Flip, $45 for Hoot, $50 for Ally, $60 for Bessie, and $75 for Tank

Shipping extra

Baldy, Waddle, Stripes, Lizzy, and TBB Inch

$12 each for Baldy and Stripes, $22 for Lizzy, $15 for Waddle, and $8 for TBB Inch

Maple, Erin, Dark Tail Bongo, Doodle, Peace, Bucky, Magic, Zip, Nip, Blizzard, Lucky, Peanut, and Twigs

Maple is $300, Erin is $90, Dark Tail Bongo is $85, Doddle is $45, Peace is $40, Bucky, Magic, and Zip are $35, Nip is $25, Blizzard, Lucky, Peanut, and Twigs are $20.

References available. A picture of each beanie is available for you to see before purchase. Free insured shipping on purchase over $100.

Erin, Bessie, Chops with no tag, Righty with no tag, Radar with no tag, Grunt with no tag and has writing on 2nd gen. tush tag, Tank w/ 9 lines on shell, Spot with spot, Bunny Trio, Set of 98 TBB's, Bucky, Mystic (irradescant)

Bessie is $75 , Erin is $30, Set of 98 TBB's are $50, Spot, Radar, and Grunt are $50 each, Chops is $80, Lefty is $120. Bunny Trio is $45 for the set, Bucky is $20, and Mystic (irradescant)is $15. $70 for Tank w/ 9 lines on shell

All in excellent condition from smoke-free home with tag protectors.



Libearty has a slightly frayed at fold. This bear is as near to mint as you can get. Never played with, smoke-free home.

2 Erins and 1 Princess

$75 each

These beanie babies are brand new

Blizzard, Gobbles, Pinky, and Scoop

Blizzard is $18, Gobbles is $8, Pinky is $10, and Scoop is $9

Both tags mint with tag protector. Money order prefered + $3 priority shipping. Erin shipped free.

Garcia (no defects)


Iggy w/ Rainbow tags

best offer

Princess, Erin, Curly, Peace, Garcia, Valentino, 97 Teddy, brown Teddy, Fortune, and Glory

$600 for ALL of them (sold as a set only)

Not a presell. Can ship immediately after recieving Money order

Glory, Fortune, Snowball, 97 Teddy, Nanook, Claude, Derby, Freckles, Blizzard, Ears, Inch, Snip, Stripes, Congo, Baldy, Daisy, Floppity, Gracie, Hoppity, Hippity, Peanut, Seaweed, Waddle, Happy, Weenie, Squealer, Goldie, and Inky

$150 for Glory, $45 each for Fortune and 97 Teddy, $35 for Snowball, $7 for Nanook. $15 for Blizzard. $10 each for Claude, Derby, Freckles, Ears, Inch, Snip, and Stripes. $20 each for Congo, Baldy, Daisy, Floppity, Gracie, Hoppity, Hippity, Peanut, Seaweed, and Waddle. $25 each for Happy and Weenie. Squealer is $30. Goldie and Inky are $45 each

Prices plus shipping and insurance

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