Peace w/ no peace sign
Peace Bear with no peace sign. Company defect.
2 '98 Teenie Beanie Baby Set, Bucky, Lizzy, 2 Legs, and 2 Speedys
98 Teenie Beanie sets are $125 each OBO. Legs and Bucky are $40 OBO each and Speedy and Lizzy are $35 OBO each.
All beanie babies will come with tag protectors except for the TBB's. All the TBB's will come in the McDonalds bags.
Princess, 97 Teddy, Hippity, Hoppity, and Floppity
$80 for Princess, $60 for 97 Teddy, and $18 each for the bunnies or all for $50.
Price includes insured C.O.D. shipping for cash or money orders only. Provide weekday address and phone #
e-mail me for price
Patti and Princess
e-mail for prices
Steg (without swing tag) and Mint condition Peace Bear
Steg is $500 and Peace is $50
Princess and 2 Britannias
$50 for Princess and $300 each for Britannia
Maple, Peace, and US Legs
$350 for Maple and $40 each for Peace and Legs
Mint condition, sealed since purchase. No trades please, really need the money for prescriptions.
Erin and Princess
Will consider offers...please e-mail me
Erin, Princess, and Peace
Princess is $85, Erin is $125, and Peace is $35
Beanies are in mint condition and come from a smoke free home. Buyer pays shipping. Money order and certified check accepted for payment.
1997 set of TBB (sold ONLY as a complete set)
In excellent condition. All with tags but not in original bags that they came in
Bongo w/ brown tail, Erin, Christmas Teddy, Spinner, Princess, and Peace the bear
$100 for Bongo, $200 for Erin, $50 for Peace, $25 for Spinner, $200 for Princess, and $100 for Christmas Teddy
All beanies have both tags and are in mint condition.
Bronty, Rex, Steg, Flutter, Chops, Bubbles, and Sparky
$350 for each of the dinos (or all 3 for $1000), Flutter is $400, Chops is $195, Bubbles is $175, and Sparky is $175.
Prices include shipping, but not C.O.D. charges. Money orders preferred. The dinosaurs and flutter are missing their swing tags, and steg has writing on his tush tag.
Peking, Bronty, Royal Blue Peanut, and Libearty
$1500 for Peking, $1100 for Bronty, $4500 for Royal Blue Peanut, and $400 for Libearty
No trades. Mint condition
Mint Condition. Add $5 for shipping. Money Orders or cash only. No checks.
Chops, Digger (red), and Kiwi
$140 each for Chops and Digger. Kiwi is $180.
Magenta Patti
$850 OBO
Princess, Erin, Glory, and Fortune
E-mail me offer
All beanies are in mint condition with mint tags. Swing tags have tag protectors and Erin and Princess come in plastic cases.
ll in original packages. Add $3 for shipping
October retired set
$750 OBO by 06/30/98
MWMT, comes from a smoke free environment
Caw and Kiwi
$600 for Caw (no hang tag) and $200 for Kiwi
Old Face Jade Bear, Bright Fuscia Platypus, Tbb Chocolate, and TBB Pinky
$500 for Jade bear, $700 for Patti, Tbb Chocolate for $20, and $35 for TB
TBB are not in bags but have all tags on. Jade Bear is missing its swing tag...1993 Original tush tag is still on. Patti is missing its hang tag but still has its 1993 tush tag
Erin, Peace, Bubbles, Tank, Inky, and Squealer
e-mail me for prices
Credit cards and COD's are welcome! Thanks!
OLD FACE CRANBERRY TEDDY with a First Generation tag! This Teddy is in mint conditon with a near perfect first generation tag. The original owner received it several years ago with some flowers that were sent using this Ty Bear as an anchor! Asking Price is $1250 / OBO. Credit cards are accepted. Also available is TANK for $55 and HOOT for $35 in Mint condition with mint tags! Money orders, checks, credit cards are all accepted. Thank you!
2 Princess and Maple
Princesses are $200 each and Maple is $350
No defects
Echo, Waves, Jolly, Quackers, Rover, Stripes, Twigs, Waddles, Inch, Lucky and Inky
$15 each except for Inky, Inch, and Lucky. Inky is $22, and Inch, Lucky, and Waddles, are $18. Rover is $19.
$3.00 shipping per order
Bronty and fine-maned Derby
$1100 for Bronty and $2000 OBO for Derby
Bronty has a slightly creased tag and Derby has first generation with black & white tush tag
Princess, Peace, and Valentino
Princess is $80, Peace is $40, and Valentino is $25
Peace, 97 Teddy, Snowball, Princess, and Erin
Peace is $40, 97 Teddy is $50, Snowball is $45, Princess is $100, adn Erin is $150
Princess and Erin
Princess is $85, and Erin is $95.
Mint condition with tags
Floppity, Lucky, Cubbie, Echo, Sly, and Chocolate
$18 for Floppity, $14 for Lucky, $30 for Cubbie, $16 for Echo, $11 for Sly, and $12 for Chocolate
All Beanie Babies are in mint condition with tag protectors. Buyer pays $3.00 shipping per Beanie Baby if you order more than one beanie Baby, will ship together to lower shipping cost.
Ally and Tusk
$45 for Ally and $115 for Tusk, or $150 for both
Both retired and in great condition!
Teddy new face jade
$400 or best offer
Missing swing tag but has tush tag
TBB Twigs in bag with no eyes
e-mail for price
1993 Speedy
$900 OBO
Has "to and from" on swing tag. Never been played with. Will consider any resonable offer.
Ears, Baldy, Wrinkles, and Hissy
$15 each for Ears and Baldy. $10 each for Wrinkles and Hissy.
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