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4 Pounces, 5 Prances, 3 Blizzards

All are $15 each.



Spooky, Legs, Lizzy, 2 Spinners, Brown Gobbles, Chocolate, and Mel

Spooky is $55. Gobbles is $20. Legs and Lizzy are $30 each. Spinners are $25 each. Chocolate and Mel are $10 each.

Will trade legs, hoot, and spinner, for garcia.

Peace, Velvet, Speedy, Legs, Spooky, Nip, Cubbie, and new Derby

Peace is $40, Velvet is $25, Speedy is $25, Legs is $20, Spooky is $35, Nip is $25, Cubbie is $25, and new Derby is $18

All prices include shipping. All beanies are in mint condition.

New face cranberry bear (no swing tag), 97 Teddy, Snowball, Spooky, Cubbie, Legs, Lizzy, Valentino, Curly, old Derby, Nip, Spike, Blizzard, and Erin

Best offer on Cranberry bear, 97 Teddy, Snowball, and Spooky for $45 each. Cubbie, Legs, Lizzy, Valentino, and Curly are $25 each. $30 for Nip, $25 for old Derby, $20 for Blizzard and Spike, and $250 OBO for Erin



Peace, 97 Teddy, Cubbie, Curly, Magic, and Spooky

$40 for Peace and 97 Teddy, $25 for Cubbie, $20 for Curly, $35 for Magic, and $30 for Spooky

All beanies are mint with tag protectors. 1-2 beanies add $3 shipping, 3-4 beanies add $4.00, 5 or more shipping free. $190 for all, shipping included. All orders are shipped COD. Cash or Money Order only please.

Princess, Spooky, Snowball, Iggy, Rainbow, Valentino, Strut, Congo, Bongo, Bones, Velvet, Legs, Nip, and Lizzy

$25 for Princess, $45 each for Spooky and Snowball, $20 for Valentino, $21 for Strut. $18 each for: Congo, Bongo, and Bones. $27 each for Velvet, Legs, Nip, and Lizzy. $10 each for Iggy and Rainbow (mistagged)

8 Twigs, 8 Rainbows, 5 Princesses, 8 Blizzards, 3 Magics, 3 Mystics, 4 Stretch, 4 Struts, 4 Lizzy, 3 Spinner, and 3 Gobbles

$18 each for Twigs, $23 each for Rainbow, $185 each for Princess, $22 each for Blizzard, $35 each for Magic. $25 each for Mystic, Stretch, and Strut. $20 each for Lizzy, and $30 each for Spinner and Gobbles

Visa and Master Card excepted

3 Curly, 2 Valentinos 2 Cubbie, 2 Legs, 2 Flip, 2 Stretch, 1 Claude, 3 Peace, 97 Teddy, Iggy (switched tags), and Rainbow (switched tags)

Curly and Legs are $20 each. Valentino and Cubbie are $30 each. Flip and 97 Teddy are $35 each. Stretch, Iggy, and Rainbow are $25 each. Peace is $40 and Claude is $10.

Will trade for Goldie. All beanies are in mint condition with both tags and tag protectors. Please include $3 for shipping. Checks or money orders only, please.

2 Princess bears

$125 each

Princesses have perfect tags w/ tag protectors. Will ship C.O.D. (cash only) or credit cards.

PVC Princess, Blizzard, Mystic, Iggy, and 2 Rainbows, 3 Stretches, and 3 Struts

$300 OBO for Princess, $25 OBO for Blizzard, $30 OBO for Mystic, $20 each OBO for Stretch, and $15 OBO each for Iggy and Rainbow. $20 each OBO for Stretch, and $20 each OBO for Strut

Blizzard has a Wrinkles swing tag. Also, the Rainbow and Iggy have opposite swing and tush tags. We will take the best offer for these hard to find beanies. These cute and loveable beanie baies come from a smoke free environment and have tag protectors. The buyer will pay for shipping. We will take the best offer for these beanie babies!

9" Patti the Platypus of 93

$1300 including S&H

Patti is in perfect condition, has all of her tags and has never been played with.

All retireds back to October 1997

e-mail me for the list

Baldy, Batty, Bessie, Blizzard, Chip, Cubbie, Gobbles, Mystic with new horn, Nanook, Peace, Pinky, Pounce, Prance, Puffer, Pugsly, Smoochy, Snowball, Speedy, Spike, Spinner, Spooky, Strut, 97 Teddy, Valentino, Weenie

Bessie is $60. Peace is $26. Snowball is $30. Cubbie is $20. Speedy is $28. Spooky is $32. 97 Teddy is $40. Valentino is $15. Bernie, Pinky, Pugsly, Spinner, Batty, Chip, Gobbles, Mystic, Nanook, Pounce, Prance, Puffer, Smoochy, Spike, and Strut are $8 each. Weenie is $18, and Baldy and Blizzard are $14 each

All Beanies have mint tags. Shipping is $3.00 per order. Money order only. COD acceptable for additional $3.50- Money order only.

Cubbie, Flash, Magic, and Seamore

Cubbie is $30, Flash is $150, Magic is $50, and Seamore is $175.

All in mint condition

Peace, Curly, Valentino, 97 Teddy, Princess, the Holiday set, Snowball, Spooky, mistagged Iggy and Rainbow, and Cubbie

Peace Bear is $60, Curly Bear is $38, Valentino is $40, 97 Teddy is $75, Princess is $230, the Holiday set for $155, Snowball for $50, Spooky for $55, mistagged Iggy and Rainbow for $30 each, and Cubbie for $40.

ll in mint condition with tag protectors. I will pay shipping and handling in the USA. Money orders and Cashier checks only.

Seven Bears: Garcia, Teddy, Princess, Valentino, Curly, 97 Teddy, and Peace: (SOLD AS SET ONLY): $750.00

A Baker's Dozen Dogs: Bernie, Bones, Bruno, Doby, Dotty, Nanook, Pugsley, Rover, Scottie, Spunky, Tuffy, Weenie, and Wrinkles: (SOLD AS SET ONLY): $170.00

Order Sent COD ($5.00 COD charges) EXCELLENT CONDITION

Bessie, New Face Teddy (brown), Goldie, and Flip

$65 for bessie OBO, $95 for brown teddy OBO. $35 each OBO for Goldie and Flip.

All in mint condition.

Baldy, Bones, Jolly, Patti, Stripes, and Blizzard

Baldy, Bones, Jolly, Patti, and Stripes are $14. Blizzard is $18.

All are MWMT. $3 shipping for 1-2 beanies plus $1 each additional. Money order or cashier's check only please. Will ship C.O.D. for an additional charge at your request.

Spinner the spider


Perfect Condition

2 Flutters

$900 each or best offer

please call (914) 355-4706

2 Princess

$95 each

Mint condition and have P.E. pellets

4 Spinners, 4 Battys, 2 Mystics, Strut, Stretch, new Derby, Bongo, Pounce, and Chip

$20 each

All have no defects


$150 (including shipping)

E-mail me for more information about the beanie. I will except MO, Cashiers Check, or ship C.O.D.

Batty, Blackie, Bruno, Doby, Derby, Jolly, Patti, Pugsly, Spike, Gobbles, Bongo, Valentino, and Mystic

$12 each

I am selling all beanies for $12 each. Add $5.00 shipping and handling for any number beanies

Spot W/O a Spot (has bent tag)

Best Offer

Set of 28 MAY retireds

$500 for ALL

All the beanies are mint with mint tags (Canadian) and come with tag protectors from a smoke free home. Buyer must pay with postal money order + $15 shipping and insurance.

Lizzy and Peace

Best offer for $20 for Lizzy, and Best offer over $25 for Peace

shipping is $3. Has tag protector.

Glory, Baldy, Bones. Ears, Echo, Floppity, Gracie, Happy, Hippity, Hoppity, Inch, Jolly, Patti, Peanut, Pinchers, Quackers, Rover, Scottie, Squealer, Stripes, Twigs, Waddles, Waves, and Ziggy

$15 each except for Squealer, Glory, and Waddles. Squealer and Waddles are $20 each and Glory is $70

Please add $3 for shipping

Daisy, Gracie, Jolly, Pouch, Peanut, Scoop, Stinky, Wrinkles, Ziggy, Ringo, Spinner, Spike, Claude, Pinchers, Patti, Stretch, Doodle

Please e-mail me for prices

All are in mint condition (beanie and tags) and are from a smoke-free and well-protected environment. Please add $2 each per a beanie for S/H.

Patti and Bronty

Best offer on both



Has Flag. Perfect

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