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Canadian Gobbles, Velvet, Spooky, Legs, Spot, Hoot, Lizzy, Goldie, Spinner w/ creepy tush tag, Zip w/ pounce tag, Crunch, 2 Britannias, '97 Teddy, Peace, and Erin

e-mail me for prices

20 PVC Princess from england, 20 Maples, Erin, P.E. Princess from Canada, Peace from England and from U.S., Stretch, Iggy, Rainbow, Gobbles, Stretch, Gobbles, Valentino, Curly, and mostly ANY other currents.

$240 each for P.V.C. Princess, $225 each for Maple, $100 for Erin, and $70 for P.E. Princess, $45 each for England Peace, and $32 for U.S. Peace. Stretch, Iggy (Rainbow tags, and Rainbow (Iggy tags), Gobbles, and Strut are $12 each. Spunky is $13. Curly and Valentino are $15 each, and all other currents are $8 each

my name is corinne i am the director of the endangered cat foundation trying to save wildcats all over the world. Please buy beanies from us so we can help save wild. should you ever come to Maryland you will have to come and visit Tiffany and Tashsa, 2 siberian tigers and lisa the mountain lion, unfortunately lewgar, the other mountain lion, recently passed away. He was 15 but will truly be missed. I would like to thank Air and Detrum for donating ad space as to help sell these beanies so we van save wildcats. Your purchase WILL BE GREATLY appreciated. If you have any questions about our beanies or our foundation, please don't hesitate to e-mail me.

Bessie $85, blizzard $20, pinchers $30, stripes $20, freckles $15, bones $20, quackers$15, baldy $15, ears $18. hippity, hoppity, and, floppity are $18 each. happy is $40, echo $20, waves $20, patti $25, inky $55, ZIP $55,inch $15, jolly $19, lucky $25, rover $29, scottie $39, squealer $35, weenie $35, twigs $20. The teenie beanies with the big beanies are bongo(set) $40, twigs (set) $40, Inch (set), $25 pinchers , happy $60, mel $20, scoop $20, bones $35, zip $75, waddle $40, peanut $40. We have extra inch $10 each pinchers $12, happy $12, mel $12, scoop $12, bones $12, waddle $12 peanut $15, zip $15, the entire set of 12 teenies is $129

1 bronty the swing tag has beeen reglued on but the tush tag and the beanie itself is in perfect condition. Bumble with a tear in the swing tag other than that the beanie is perfect and we are asking $425. Also a mint mint grunt $200, doodle $55, we have european hoot and u.s. european hoot=$60, u.s. Hoot=$55 , European flip=$45, u.s. Flip=$40. old derby for $40, old mystic for $40, 97 teddy european=$55, u.s.97 Teddy=$50, european spooky=$45 u.s Spooky-$40, european cubbie-$35, u.s. Cubbie=$30, european magic=$60, u.s. Magic=$55, european goldie=$45, u.s. Goldie=$40, legs $38, velvet $38, waddle $20, peanut $30 lizzy $38, nip $30, speedy $55, NF teddy $110 ,spot $110, european tank=$85, u.s tank=$79, european snowball=$50, u.s. Snowba$45, european bucky=$40, u.s Bucky=$35, european ally=$69, u.s. Ally=$65

Spooky, Flip, Nip, and Doodle

$40 each

All beanies have both tags and are in mint condition.

Waves w/Echo tags, Chilly, P.V.C Princess, Christmas Teddy, Baldy,Inky, Zip (with white on tag), Flip (minor crease),Bongo and Congo set Magic, Scoop with Comets commemorative card and ticket stub from the comets game, Brown Teddy from England, and Rover

$35 for Waves w/Echo Tags, $400 for Chilly. P.V.C Princess for $100, $35 for Christmas Teddy,$15 for Baldy, $25 for Inky, $25 for Zip, $20 for Flip, $25for Bongo and Congo set, $40 for Magic, $100 for Commemorative Scoop, $75 for Teddy, and Rover for $21

ALL beanies are MWMT, except Chilly does not have a swing tag and is a little bit dirty.

Legs, Hippity, Ziggy, and Velvet

$22 for Legs, $14 for Hippity, $24 for Velvet, and $16 for Ziggy

2 Magic the dragons

best offer

All beanie babies have original tags.

Magic the dragon

best offer

Going... Going... GONE!!!

Ears, and tbb Pinky, and tbb Speedy

$20 for Ears, and $7 for each tbb

All beanies are missing their hang tags

Doodle the Rooster


Buyer must pay by money order of cashiers check and pay postage and packing. Priority mail $ 3.75 1 - 3 beanies

Brownie the bear


Echo the Whale

$39 or best offer

This beanie is not exactly Echo. It is Waves with Echo's tags. They are both in mint condition. Prices include shipping.

Doodle, Spooky, Speedy, and Brown Teddy

$45 for Doodle, $40 for Spooky, $25 for Speedy, and $65 for Teddy

All Beanies are in mint condition.

Doodle, Spooky, Speedy, and Brown Teddy

$45 for Doodle, $40 for Spooky, $35 for Speedy, and $65 for Teddy

All Beanies are in mint condition.

Dotty, Pugsly, Roary, bones, Crunch, Lizzy, Peanut, Stripes, Twigs, Waddles, and Wrinkles

$25 each

All beanie babies are mint with tags!

Spooky, Magic, old Mystic, Inky, and Doodle

$50 for Spooky, $65 for Magic/ old Mystic set, and $50 for Doodle

All are in in perfect condition! Prices include shipping!

Tbb Speedy


Still in bags in mcdonalds bag. Good buy.

Gobbles, Floppity, Hippity, Lizzy, Peanut, Velvet, Snort, Derby, Cubbie, Magic, Nip, Mel, Patty, and Pinky.

$30 for Gobbles. $20 each for Floppity and Hippity. $25 each for Lizzy and Velvet. $15 each for Peanut, Mel, Pinky, Derby, and Snort. $30 for Cubbie. $20 for Nip. $28 for Magic. And $17 for Patty


All Oct. retireds, new retireds, all Holiday ones, Peace, Doodle and almost all HTF currents...Chip, Strut , New Mystic, Nanook, Pugsly, Valentino, Curly, Peace, and a lot of Currents

E-mail me for prices

All mint with mint tags from a good smoke-free home. The more you buy, the more you save!

Princess, Erin, Hoot, and Peace

$45 for Princess, $65 for Erin, $45 for Hoot, and $35 for Peace

Prices plus shipping and insurance

2 Velvets

$20 each

All beanie babies are in mint condition and come from a smoke free environment.

2 Quackers and Hoppity

$12 each for Quackers and $15 for Hoppity

Will mail cod (about $5 for up to three beanies)Will express mail if requested at cost.

5 Peace bears

$75 each

All in mint condition. Add $3.00 per separate address for shipping. COD or Cashier Check only.

3 Peaces, Peace without peace sign, Legs, 97 Teddy, 3 Struts, and Gobbles

$75 each for Peace and $125 for Peace without peace sign. $50 each for: Legs, 97 Teddy, and Strut. $30 for Gobbles

Peace without peace sign is missing its swing tag.

Blizzard, Curly, Peace, 97 Teddy, and Pinky

$15 for Blizzard, $20 for Curly, $35 for Peace, $40 for 97 Teddy, and $10 for Pinky


Price plus $3 for shipping.

Gobbles, Batty, Spinner, Valentino, and Mystic

Valentino is $25, Mystic is $15. Batty, Spinner, and Gobbles are $12


Price plus $3 for shipping.

Spike and Derby

$20 for Spike and $23 for Derby

Price plus $3 priority mail shipping.

New Face Violet Bear

Best offer

Swing tag is missing, otherwise perfect.


$15 for Blackie

Swing tag is in mint condition and the prices include shipping and handiling

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