<BGSOUND SRC="/dynochristoph/userfiles:/user/shower.mid">
Hi, My mom and I thought it was about time to change the front of my webpage. 
I am now 6 1/2 years old already and since our last update I not only have a new brother, who is already 3, but also a new baby sister Jasmine, she was born Sept.19th 2002.

I love playing with Thimothy who was born Nov.20th 2000. He loves cars almost as much as I do and together we build cars from Lego, a present that Santa Claus left for us, and we play outside in the snow.
I also love to play with my wooden train set , I used to prefer to do that alone because Thimothy took it apart faster then I could build it and that was NOT funny, but now we have a great time building it together.
I also love holding and looking at Jasmine but she doesn't like the cars (yet) that I keep trying to give her.

I still love Bambi but I have many other favorite movies that I love, many are in French. Like Caillou and Oui Oui.
But one of my new favorites is Harry Potter, I have seen this movie sooo many times and also went to the cinema with my mom to see Harry Potter 2.

Ofcourse being 6 1/2 I don't go to daycare anymore. But started school ,I am now in 1st year since Sept '03.
I love it although I am not too crazy about all the rules there.
I made many new friends and LOVE taking the (yellow) schoolbus to school everyday.

Well take a look around my pages and let me know what you think, I have this guestbook here specially for you so please write something :)
My mom also added lots and lots of pictures of me and my adventures so don't forget to check them out before you leave, BYEEEEEE.
Oh I guess you are wondering how to get to the next page, just
click here and off you fly ;)