In 1991 the Dangerous
album came out. A faboulous album by Michael Jackson. This album
containted a beautiful song named Heal The Wold. Accompanied with
this song was a message and a foundation. The message was Heal The
World, and the foundation was The Heal The World foundation. Each time
Michael performed the song on stage you could feel that power that it
had on the audiance. People who would first fight to get a spot at the
front all of a sudden were standing peacefully next to each other.
For that I will be thankful for ever to Michael.
I have always been
concerned about the world and the animals. When I was a child I
used to lay in my bed trying to sleep but my head always used to be
filled with worries on how this world would end. I was a kid arround the
80ties. Remember?? Thriller, Mr Reagan as a president, and ofcourse the
cold war and the weapons that went with it. Those atomic weapons have
had a great effect on me when I was a child. I feared it. Once my mom
took me to a demonstration against Atomic Weapons and the things that I
have seen there were horrifying to me. People were carrying dols covered
with blood, and coffins. I never felt so close to death in my entire
life. Even though I was a young kit some how I understood what an Atomic
weapon could do to the world and the animals.
I was so upset when I came
home from this demonstration that I told everyone I did not ever want to
demonstrate against anything ever again. And since that day I was really
worried about the world.
In 1993 I voilentered for
the Heal The World foundation. I helped out with an event that was named
"Swim The World" all together we raised about F400,- dutch
guilders for the Heal The World foundation.
In 1994 I helped collecting
money for Heal The World in Amsterdam with Fanclub the legent continues.
The reactions of the public was sometimes positive and sometimes
The song has a positive
effect on me. And it ofcourse brings back good memories.
To me the true meaning of
Heal The World is: do everything in my power to help children and
animals and the enviroment. That is why I have choosen to be a
vegitarian. I try to wear as little leather as I can. First of all
because you have to kill an animal for that and second : The leather can
be prepared by childlabour. To those are enough reasons to elimanate
wearing leather as much as I can.
I always try to avoid brans
that use child labour for manufacturing there products. I that is the
hardest part.
With cleaning I try to use
products that are no bad for the enviroment.
Always separate glas and
paper from the garbage.
And I am trying to find a
way to be more affective with healing the world.
By Miryam Massop , Amstedam
Dec.2nd 2000