Silent Voilence


Learn more about bullying at the workplace


Do you know what it is like to be bullyed. What it is like to have to watch you back every day, both as a child and later in life as an adult.

I can tell you it is not a pretty feeling. You might be wondering what I mean by silent voilence. This is the worsed form of terrorism there is. You can not see it, you can not feel it, and it does not discriminate. It never comes on the news. And it is a known fact for a lot of people but there is also a large group of people who do not see this as a problem.

This form of voilence can happen any time any place any where.

 For example, you at your job and you ask a person a question about a case you are working on. But there is another colleque who catches part of the question, only one part of the question ,which means that he or she did NOT hear the whole question and then yells something that should be an answer but it is not. This person did not yell the answer because they want to help you. But they want to feel better themselves. And if you argue with them and tell them that that was not what you wanted to know they look at you as if you insulted them.

Another example:

Your parents are divorsed. You life alone with your mom. You go to Ballet lessons once a week. You are pretty good at it. But a girl from your class at school also wants to attend the ballet lessons because she heard that you are having a good time there. Feel it coming? She is goes to the same ballet lessons as you are. All the people that you reall never talk to at these lessons your friend from school is sociallicing with. Your friend pretents to be the star of the ballet school and her mom stays in the dressing room to gossip with the other moms. Ofcourse this "nice" mom offers to take you to and back home from the ballet lessons. And your mom agrees with this nice offer. Because then she has a little more time on her hands. But what is the consequence of this? You are used as a toy by the school friends mother. This school friends mother does not work like your own mother. She has a "happy" marriage and loves to gossip with everyone. And she loves to tell people about her GOOD deed that she is doing by taking you to and back from ballet lessons.  This results in people looking at you like oh that is the girl with the devorsed parents and who is taken to ballet lessons every week by that nice lady and her daughter. This will feel to you as to always be nice to this girl from your school. That you can never be independent because they are holding the trip to ballet over your head.

These are the people that voilate your creativity and your freedom. They do it in a way that only you can see it or feel it.But you are too scared to say something about it. They help you not because they see that you are in need, but they help you to feel better themselves. This is a voilation to the heart. And this can happen to anyone in any situation. But people subconsiencly choose there victums. People who will not fight back Who are not so much accepted by the group. Then those people are sure that you will be afraid to say something about it.

By Miryam Massop : Amsterdam May 3rd 2001.






You can ONLY understand pain if you have suffered yourself