Welcome to the Animal Rights Department of this Page!

The issues that will be discussed here are about animal rights. We have to save animals. Why?

Well because animals are innocent. They just ask to life. They just need there freedom and fresh air. Animals do not destroy our planet like people do. Animals are so beautiful and we should learn from them.

We have to help the animals in need. Like the circus bears in Hungaria, Elephants in India and Africa, the Tiger and the Panda. But also the coral riffs are very important to our planet.

But besides saving animals in the wild we will also stand up for the animals that life in the Zoo, or the animals that will end up on our plates. And all the pets that are being abused.

And then we also have Animal Testing. This is also something that has to end immidiately. Animal testing is wrong. Without a doubt. Why? Because it is not fare to abuse animals for that. Even if it is to make the best medican to help humans. It is still unacceptable.It is not the animals fault that Aids and Cancer excists.

And even if you deside to test your medican on animals,which is still unacceptable, you will have to take care of those animals really well. Give them enough room to play and to be free, with fresh air. 

No matter what way you look at it animals have the RIGHT to be free. That fact that they do not speak a HUMAN language does not mean that they don't have rights. Animals lived long before the humans on this planet, so who are we to make decisions for them.

There are a lot of ways in normal life that you can do to better the lives of animals.

More to come Keep checking in.

By Miryam Massop, Amsterdam 08/12/01






Here you can find information about alternatives for animal testing and much more:

Save the Animals.............Be Against Animal Testing.............Animal Rights Now...............