<BGSOUND SRC="/squirtle_1111/MetropolisZone.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Background Theme: Metropolis Zone
Last Updated: May 1, 2004
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Since June 9, 2000
Music from Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Power Levels of Sonic Adventure
These Power Levels were created by me. ENJOY! :)
My Music Site
FastFeet's Website
Codes for Sonic the Hedgehog games
My Tribute to Sonic The Hedgehog
Time Line of Sonic The Hedgehog Games E-mail me if you have problems!!
Sonic Advance Screenshots!!
Sites i found that i thought was great
Hoaxes, from Me and my Friend!
The Sonic Stadium
Sonic Kombat
Sonic X
Disclaimer: Do not steal my pictures
Sonic United
May 1, 2004

Ive decided to play background music from sonic i shall change it either every 2 weeks or every month i havent decided yet, well later till then.
April 30, 2004
Hello again, ya know i just relized some, my Sonic Kombat link is gone, i dont know what happen, but im hoping to get it back up and rollin'. So look for its return in about 1-2 months. Bye all.

2nd Update:
I found the Sonic Kombat page in perfect condition, apparentaly someone got rid of the link. So its back for your enjoyment, hopefully ill get hoaxing skills and make more of them.
April 28, 2004
Hello again, im having a few problems with my hoax and power level page, but i hope to fix them. If you been to the Sonic Stadium then you may have notice that they have a radio station, well I'm going to help them, by playing Sonic music on Thursday-Saturday starting at 5PM-6PM, im hoping to start this week if not next week, anyway i made another page dedicated to the radio station, ill give the link, and the link of the person I will be working with and who helped me get ready. His name is FastFeet. I'll see yall later hope you listen to my music hour.
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