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fuck off - 01/22/00 10:55:04

oeice of shit other ones beter

Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 01:33:35
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

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World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/24/99 18:22:33
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 02:20:16
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 22:01:23
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


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Wazzo The Martian - 10/30/98 21:48:14

Need some meaningful content ... as opposed to just a bunch of links and pics. Otherwise good. I have sent you an email also, hopefully your hotmail address is still open...

Eric Bryant - 10/30/98 13:08:03
My Email:bryant@iconnect.net.au

James, It amazez me that eniwun hoo barracks for the Cats can be soo smart 8-}

Frank - 11/15/97 12:24:58
My Email:silenifr@iconnect.net.au

Good Job Mate!!!!

SlaM - 10/18/97 03:55:18

Neva Mind Man I can't even press back to get outta yer page thats annoying

SlaM - 10/18/97 03:52:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/4269
My Email:slam101@hotmail.com

Nice Webpage...

Wendy Paul - 09/13/97 14:18:03
My Email:ozmates@bellsouth.net

This a terrific job mate no doubt one day we will see you maybe own your own computer company!!!!!! I'll be checking in on this often so keep the good work coming!!!!!!! love always Auntie Wendy xoxoxoxo

Aunty Chris - 09/12/97 17:43:22
My Email:aussiefem@aol.com

Very good James and have lots of fun

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