Tweety's Place

Below are some of my favorite Tweety sounds.
I'm always looking for more, so if you have any, please e-mail them to me.

The Looney Tunes theme song

"Oohh! an admirer!"

"Bad puddy tat!"

"Oohh! you crushed my little head!"

"Help, help!"

"Aww what a hipotwit"

"I tawt I taw a puddy tat!"

Different version of "I tawt I taw a puddy tat!"

"I did, I did see a puddy tat!"

"I tawt I taw a puddy tat! I did, I did see a puddy tat!"

"Bombs away!"

"My poor little cranium"

"Goody goody for me"

"Hello moo moo cow"

"I'm getting no where fast"

"Gimme a P, gimme a U, gimme a D-D-Y"

"Don't worry little chickadee, I'll save you"

"Brrr...Ooh! Hey kid, ask
your mama to sit down again-
I just wuv those warm feathers"

Tweety sings in the bath.

Tweety sings "Kiss My Cares Away."

Tweety sings Jingle Bells

Tweety sings "I'm a Tweet Little Birdie"

Tweety sings "I'm Walking Over a Four-Leaf Clover"

E-mail me!

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