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Want to help make Tweety's Place
an even better site? There are a
few things you can do to help me out.
If there's something you'd like or
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You can really help me out by ocassionally clicking on "rank this site" on the top of any one of my geoguides. The Geoguide it the rectangular do-dad that you see at the top of all my pages. can even do it right now. Simply click on "Rank My Site" on the Geoguide below, and tell the people at Geocities how much you like my page.

I'm always looking for more Tweety Pics, Sounds, Links, Screensavers, Desktop Themes, etc. If you'd care to share them with other Tweety fans around the world, let me know

Well, that's all I need for now.
Thanks for helping make Tweety's
Place a great place to visit!

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