Fan Mail

Fan Mail

I get so many letters every week from people just like yourself. This is great, because I love getting mail. Below are some of the things people have to say about Tweety's Place. As you'll see, some people have written to me, thinking that I am actually Tweety. I have replaced the names of the senders with their initials. Want your comment added to this list? E-mail me!

"Oh I love Tweety Bird soooooo much. Isn't he just the cutest thing you haveever seen.I am obsessed with him.You are soooo cool for having a place we cango to feed our addictions. Ha Ha. Write me back and let me know what is newwith Tweety."

“I used one of your pictures for my wallpaper and it is perfect. All of my friends who love tweety as much as me will know where to find you . thanks a million :-) lots of love”

“Thanks a lot Andrea B. this will enhance my desktop and web page under construction. A a tweety fan and everything around me is about him :) Ihope I can chat with you in the web.”

“Hey Tweety,
Was' up...I am your biggest fan. Well, gotta run see yu'.”

“I love cute cute cartoon especially Tweety.... (altought pple think that I am 'so old' still love cute stuff)..... Sending u this mails is just to said thanks to u.... (and hope to be friendwith u)Have a nice day..... Bye.....:D”

“hoi Tweety
Ik ben een grote fan van jou. Ik weet niks meer te schrijven.”

“I would just want to thanx ya for the great tweety homepage u'vedone.Thanks a lot!!:)I really like it a lot!!!u a Tweety fan,me 2!! and,I would like to get to know u!!!:)that's all!!!Bye.. “

“Finaly i found the right page for my girlfriend, because she´s a Tweety-fan. Nice Pics. : )”

“Hi. I love Tweety Bird so much. He is so cute!! if there wasn't aTweety I don't know who would take his place in my heart!”

“nice pics and cool sounds !!!”

“Thanks so much for the Tweety pictures. It lifts my day just to see them!”

“Dear Tweety,
I love your shows and I love you.I think your cute and I also like when you say I thougt I saw a puddy tat I did I did.I am your number #1 fan.”

“Dear Andea,
We really like your page as we are also Tweety fans. We would love to see more. From Tweety's friend “
~L. & J.

“soy fanatica de tweety me gustaria que me mandaras dibujos tuyos”

“I was looking at your tweety's wep page and it is great…”

“allô moi et mon amie on trouve ton site super «cool».On a hâte que tu en mête plus parce que on adore Tweety bird”

...I'm on the 5th grade.My favorite Looney Tune is Tweety too! I love Tweety!! I got Tweety shirts for every day of the week. For 1 week. And the Computer that I'musing right know has a Tweety mouse pad. I Love Twety!!!!!!! “

“Hello tweety,You are the greatest!!!!!!!!! on the whole world.We love you!
~W. & M.

“Dear Tweety,
we really do love you, you are the quitest bird I've ever seen!!”
~M. & S.

“Hi Andrea’Your pictures of Tweety are very cool!I am 10 years old.”

“Hi Andrea,
...I com from Holland. I also love Tweety. My nickname is Tweety it has bin that sinds I was 5 years old. I think because I also have really big blue eyes…Read you later bey!!!!!”

“Hello !
...I live in Australia. I abseloutely love Tweety, I have most of Tweety's T-Shirt and lots of figurines!!!! I really like your page I would love to have a Tweety hompage !!!
Your new friend and fan~!~
P.S I love your Tweety sounds !!!!!

“i think that tweety is so cute very cool pictures do you have any adressesto any other pages of tweety very very very very very very very very cute &cool page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“I just wanted to tell you that I like your tweety page. Tweety is my favorite WB character” From,

“Thanks alot! my computer is named tweety and now you gave me a nice pic for the desk-top.

“hi there,
a wonderful web site! certainly i will be back for tweety pics”
~K.C. CHINA, Hongkong

“Hi...I’m 17. I love Tweety and where did you get the pics from, there cool…Well gotta go”

“Bonjour Andréa ton site est tout simplement merveilleux.J'adore Tweety.Je me le suis même fait tatouer.Merci pour ce site!”

“Hey Tweety!!!!!!!!!
I am a 14-tenn-years old girl, ho lives in Bergen, Norway. I am a big fan of you, i think you are so sweet. No i am in school. I consider to bye something about you and Sylvester here on the internett. well, bye bye so long, maybe i will mail you some other time to.”
love from:

“Andrea, Hi!…I am the biggest Tweety fan you will ever find.I copied a couple pictures off of your page and wanted to tell you thankyou very much for having a page on here. Half of the pages on here don'tmake since... Again thank you very much. Sincerely,”

“Hello, I'm french and Ilove Tweety like. I haven't got any site but I give my e-mail if you want answer to me. Thanks”

“Hi. I am a visitor of your Tweety Page. I think it is a great page I love the pictures of Tweety. We have the collage as our wall paper. I hope you find more pictures of Tweety.”

“Andrea, My daughter and I love your web site. You don't have as many pictures as someweb sites but the sound bits are the best and the only ones we have found so far...Thanks again!”

“i loved your tweety was just sooooooooooooooooo cute.i am avery big fan of tweety.continue the cute work on tweety.”

“girl you have a tight little tweety home page…”

“hiya Andrea!
I love your links to Tweety. I have become addicted to the loony tunes show here in Australia which in on Monday to Friday in the late afternoon. I must say that I have tweety car seat covers which I absolutely adore but people with no taste hate. Cartoons are an icon, a diversion to the ral world and must be appreciated.
Gotta go,
a tweety fan through and through”

“hi...tried to sign your guestbook but there were technical problems andi wasn't able to. anyway...loved your page! thanx for the downloads :)tweet!”

“i was searched through yahoo for 'tweety.' i wanted to put tweety stuff onthe page i'm making for my niece. so that's how i got to your page. keepup the great work on your page!God bless!leeya”

I went to your site. I really think tweety is cute. I got a few pictures for my desktop. I also have a baloon shaped like tweety…”

“Hi Tweety,
…I am a big fan of yous hopw I see you soon Ive been checking out your home page and I think it’s great! From your biggest ever”

COOL WEBSITE!!!!!!! The sound clips cracked me up. We tried to sign the guestbook, but weren't able to so we emailed instead. My kids really loved the sound clips, too.”

“… Having seen your site for the first time I can only remark. PERFECT. and after revisiting it the remark remains the same. Thanks for letting people peek into your cartoon closet. I'll be back”

“How do you do? Personally I think that the Tweety's website is perfect. It was a great pleasure knowing that there was a web page on Tweety...Bye,”

“You did a very nice job designing Your Tweety page .I like it.”

“Hi *S* I'm in Australia and I'm 17. I think you've done a wonderful job on your web site, it's the best I've seen so far. The audio is excellent and I love the pics.”

“Dear Tweety, You are very,very,very cute.........Where can i get your stickers?”

“TWEETY BIRD IS #1!!!!!!!!!!!
Just thought I'd let you know that I loved your page on tweety. The pictures are awesome. I signed your guest book too. Well, thats all I have to say. Bye!”

“tweety is the best.everyone I knows loves tweety.I like it when tweety says "I twat I saw a puddy tat,I did ,I did" . The End TWEETY I LOVE YOU”

“Hey Andrea, I presume that's your name. I think your tweety bird page is great. I've been going through all the tweety bird pages I could find because my sister wants her webpage to have a main theme of tweety bird. Well anyway, I think this one is the best!!!”

“i just wanted to say that your pictures of tweety are so cute that iprinted them out and put them on my wall”

“Hi Tweety. I am one of your biggest fans. I love to watch all of your cartoons. You are the cutest birdy I’ve ever seen. I would love to have a little birdy as adorable as you are. I love you Tweety.”

“Tweety I love you. You are my favorite character”

“Hey andrea , I never thought that somewhere out there another human could love thatbird as much as me . Until i found your page !!” …

“hey.I just wanted to say that I'm a real biiiig fan of tweety :)I just got my tattoo of her done...everyone just loves it..but not as much as me :)tweety's just THE cutest”

"I love this web page!! Keep up the good work"

E-mail me!

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