Welcome to Avrila Klaus's Home Page!

You are the th person to land here since 1-27-04, when I added the counters after the Great Server Change.
Welcome to Insane College Student Land!
a cool Celtic knot I drew Come in and see...
What's going on?
What am I doing now?
The WARP Web Site
My Pages of Creative Stuff (writing, photos)
My Resume
Or, link on over to:
Chemeketa Community College Homepage (where I go now)
Western Oregon University (where I'm going next Spring!)
Other Places to Go Online
Sick of pop-ups? Why wouldn't you be?! I don't like them either, but I don't see that many any more.
If you're as mad at pop-ups as I was, you NEED Pop-Up Stopper. It's FREE! And, if there were a virus in it, my computer would be a smouldering ruin by now. At least try it before you throw a brick through your monitor. I'm not getting paid or anything! I just want you to be happy surfing my site!

Questions? Comments? Complaints? E-mail me! This page ©2004 Avrila Klaus
Pages in site © Avrila Klaus unless otherwise specified