March Saints


                     Dominic Savio
Dominic was born in Riva, Piedmont, Italy in 1842. Dominic was one of ten children. At the age of four he knew all his prayers by heart. At five he became an altar boy. When he was seven he received his First Communion. On that day he took on the Motto, "Death but not Sin". Dominic was an ordinary boy like every other boy but he had an extraordinary love for God.

Saint John Bosco was impressed with Dominic. One day Dominic asked John Bosco, "What do you think of me?"
"You are good material", replied John Bosco.
Then Dominic said, "You are a tailor, so then make a new suit out of me for the Lord".

One day some bad boys had brought some bad pictures to school. When Dominic saw the pictures he was disgusted and immediately tore them up. The boys were not very happy. Dominic told them that it was bad because God gave them eyes not to see bad things but to see this beautiful world. The boys realized that Dominic was right. Another day Dominic stopped a stone fight between two boys. He stood in between them and held up a crucifix and said, "Jesus Christ was innocent and He died forgiving His murderers. I am a sinner, and I am going to hurt Him by not forgiving my enemies". Neither boy dared throw a stone. The two boys were ashamed and indicated that they would go to confession.

At the age of fifteen Dominic became ill. Before he died he saw a vision of heaven.  Dominic is Patron of choir boys and of the falsely accused. This title was given to him because of the following instance. Two boys filled the stove in the school with garbage and snow. The boys accused Dominic and he got in trouble. Later on the truth was found out and the teacher asked how come he did not prove his innocence. He replied, "He wanted to imitate Christ who remained quiet during his Crucifixion. He died on March 9th 1857 in Italy. He was canonized a saint in 1954. Dominic Savio is the youngest non-martyr in the Church to be canonized a saint.


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