January Saints


   Basil the Great
          330-379 A.D.
    Basil was born in Caesarea around 330 A.D.. Both his parents and five of his brothers and sisters are saints. He attended school in may different places. At school he met his best friend  Gregory of Niazianzen who is also a saint. Eventually Basil opened a school of oratory in Caesarea and practiced law too. He also built a hospital outside Caesarea for the sick and poor.

    Basil lived a life of a monk for five years and in due time founded a monastery. Gregory persuaded him to leave the monastery. After leaving the monastery he became Archbishop of Caesarea. He was an able defender of orthodoxy among the churches of Anatolia. Anatolia had suffered from divisions caused by the Arian controversy. Emperor Valens tried to force Basil to submit to the Arian heresy, but was unsuccessful.

    Basil was interested in community life. He was a good pastor, zealous for the spiritual and corporal benefits of his flock. He was a brilliant preacher and converted many unbelievers.

    Basil has left a large number of writings including many homilies. His works cover: the study of the fall, redemption, of grace, Baptism, the Eucharist, the last things, and the Holy Trinity. He wrote a famous monastic rule which is still used in every monastery in the east.

    At the age of 49 Basil died. We celebrate his feast day with Gregory of Niazianzen who died 11 years later. He is the greatest doctor and theologian of the east. He is a patriarch of the eastern monks. His feast day is celebrated January 2. He is patron of Hospitals and Administrators.