The 14 Holy Helpers

Saint Achatius, Patron against headaches.                                                                                                             May 8
Saint Argidius (Giles), Patron of cripples.                                                                                                             Sept. 1
Saint Barbara, Protectress against lightning.                                                                                                          Dec. 4
Saint Blaise, Patron against diseases of the throat.                                                                                                  Feb. 3
Saint Catherine, Patroness of philosophers and invoked in law suits.                                                                        Nov. 25
Saint Christopher, Patron of travelers.                                                                                                                  July 25
Saint Cyriacus, Patron against eye diseases.                                                                                                          Aug. 8
Saint Denis, Patron against demons.                                                                                                                     Oct. 9
Saint Erasmus, Patron against diseases of the stomach.                                                                                          June 2
Saint George, Patron against diseases of the skin.                                                                                                  April 23
Saint Eustace, Patron against fire, temporal or eternal                                                                                             Sept. 20
Saint Margaret, Patroness against kidney diseases.                                                                                                 July 20
Saint Pantaleon, Patron against lund diseases.                                                                                                        July 27
Saint Vitus (Guy), Patron against nervous diseases, epilepsy and paralysis.                                                               June 15