Simpsons .Wav Files

ned.wav-Ned Flander's family reunion barbeque.

grease.wav -Groundskeeper Willy gets greased.

ralph.wav- Ralph Wiggum fails English.


haha.wav -One of Nelson's famous "hahas"

simp63.wav -Groundskeeper Willy teaches French.

ankey.wav -"To start press any key ......."

homdada.wav -"da da da ....."

stpdhead.wav -"Dean, you're a stupid head ...."

meowmeow.wav -"meow meow meow meow ...."

drnick.wav -"Hi everybody ......."

flee.wav -"There was a little spanish flee...."

Barney04.wav -"I'm worried about our beer supply...."

auto.wav -"Do you find something comical about my appearance(tall guy)"

milkmommy.wav -"Can you open my milk mommy?..."

getsigns.wav -Mr. Burns giving baseball signals to Homer

asthma.wav -"My asthmas gone! Listen to me breath.."

happy.wav -"When the doctor said I didn't have worms any more, that was the happiest day of my life"

rwnose.wav -"The doctor said I wouldn't have so many nose bleeds if I kept my finger outta there"

doontoon.wav -Willy auditioned by the Be Sharps

simsng15.wav -Sherry Bobbins singing a song about a boozehound

simsng25.wav -The Simpsons and Sherry Bobbins sing about how they like it just the way they are

simsng6.wav -Principal Skinner's theme song

If you have any Simpson Waves you can give me, send me through e-mail at

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