
My Religion

My Hobbies

- Merchandise
- Xena Poem
- Songs
- Centaur Report
- Links

Star Trek



Welcome To

Hello to all you Xenites. I hope that you enjoy my page. It does not have much on it right now, but I am always working to add more. I hope to make a very enjoyable and informative site for you all. In order to accomplish this goal I ask that you please help by telling me if you find any bad links or pictures that don't show up. Thanks, in advance, for any help you may provide and/or suggestions you may have.

Just so that you know, I do not believe that I will be putting up any sounds, unless I record them myself. The only Xena sound files that I have are ones that I downloaded from other sites, and I do not believe that it is right for me to use them here, as my own. I will, however, try to indicate if a page I am linked to has sounds. Also, I hope to have a page that links to other people's sound pages in the near future.

Because I redesigned my page, I had to get used to this HTML thing again. I learned a few new things and reviewed what I already knew. I hope that this layout is much easier to use and comprehend. There is some of my own stuff and some links. Have at it. Also, if you e-mail me, I have the lyrics to the songs in Bitter Suite.

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This page was last updated: 1/1/01

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