My Religion
My Hobbies
- Stuff I've Written
- Belief Writings
- Pictures
Star Trek
My Hobbies
I know this isn't much, but at least it's a start. I don't have the time right now to really make a model page, but I knew that I needed to put something up. I have many hobbies. First of all, I love computers, and I am currently double majoring in Computer Science and Information Technology at college. I also like to create and maintain websites, as shown through the one that I have created for you all to see. I enjoy talking with friends and making new friends. One thing that I really love to do is play sports. My favorite sport to play is basketball. Of course I enjoy many others as well including ultimate frisbee, flag football, and softball. Many of these sports I only participate in at school for IMs or at camp, however. Also, ever since I got my digital camera I've been getting more and more into taking pictures. Therefore, I now have a picture page that is kind of 'Photo-Central' for links to all my pictures.
Anyway, that's about it for now. Hopefully, this page will improve over the years. I just don't exactly know what to do with it yet. And you never know...if I ever get time and/or have any new things I'm trying to learn I may just totally re-vamp the website again (although I really don't feel like going through that kind of mess all over again). Regardless, this is kind of an overview of what I like to do. Oh yeah, I also like to write. In fact, as soon as I get another chance to really work on my website, I'm going to redesign this page and finish working on a page with things I've written including essays, poems, and many other types of writing. If you want to see what's on it right now, here's what I've got so far: I Love To Write. Check back soon to look for changes.