Here's the Links...

These links are just generic links to other pages not related to my site.
If you were looking for the Xena Links, you'll find them here.
If you were looking for the links that support my beliefs, those can be found here.
If you want to learn how to EARN SOME MONEY go here! Lots of good stuff!
Otherwise, here are the links.

Yahoo Chat is a good place to chat. I'm hardly ever on anymore, but you can look for me anyways. My chat name is leonad62.
ICQ is a great instant messaging program that many people are on. It is easy to download and easy to learn. I recommend it to everyone who wants to keep in touch with people.
A Guide to HTML and GCI scripts which helped me with the HTML on this page.
Yahoo is a great search engine.
Yahooligans is Yahoo for kids.
Netaddress Go here to get your own free e-mail address!

Please inform me if any of these links are not working properly. Thanks.
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