My Religion
My Hobbies
Star Trek
My Small Corner Of The Web
Welcome to my website!! My name is Leona. Just FYI, this entire site is a constant work-in-progress. Most likely, it will never achieve the specifications that I have in mind for it. AKA: It should constantly be changing, growing, and possibly improving. However, there are no guarantees. In case you are wondering, I am 22 and am an alumni of Graceland University where I double majored in Computer Science and Information Technology with a minor in Math. Amazingly, I am finished with school and have joined the real world. ;)
I hope that this page is a whole lot better than it once was. I am constantly trying to add more content, but unfortunately don't have the amount of time to update everything I want to or even update as often as I want to. Not to mention I'm running out of storage space... Maybe one day, when I get a place of my own, I'll rework one of my many computers to be a web server and I'll finally have the space I need to maintain the mass of stuff that I want to provide here. Maybe. For the time being, to give me your opinion of this page, please email me through the address at the bottom of the page or sign my guestbook.
I am a member of the Living Church of God. If you wish to learn more about my religion, check out the "My Religion" section of my site. Included in that section are links to the Church's official home page, the official Teen page, some of my pictures from church events, and some other sites that might prove to be interesting for those in search of more information or pictures. Pictures from LYC 2005 have just been added!!! I am working on getting pictures up from many other events. Hopefully some or all of these pictures will be up really soon! Time just always seems to escape when it comes to these things...
I love Xena (although I rarely watch it anymore), and have created a page dedicated to the show. If you are/were a fan of the show, you should check it out. It has not been updated in far too long, but you can go visit it at any time to see what's there and if I've added anything since the last time you were there. Also, I have created a Star Trek pictures page. Trekkies, this is for you. Unfortunately, it has been an even longer time since I have updated it (so sorry), but every once in a while I find the time to work on my pages again, and it really is on my list of things to do (honest).
With school, life, and everything else, I don't get much time to do the things I want to do with this site. However, I will continue working on this page as much as I can to add new things and update. Please e-mail me with any suggestions you may have such as something you are interested in seeing on my page, or any mistakes that I may have missed at the address below. Thanks and enjoy!