Dear Visitors, Hi! I am Joyce Scott,
the founder and President of this awesome club. I would, first of all,
like to extend my personal welcome to each of you. I have created this page as a way to explain the basics
of our organization along with a little history of the club. Hopefully, this information will help
to make your trip through out site and hopefully your initial membership in our club a little easier. Ok, to begin with, let me explain
a little of our history. About two years ago, I began my experience as a net surfer. In that time, I have come
a very, very long way. I created this club about a
year ago, I was thirteen. When I first started surfing
the internet, I was so disgusted by what I saw. The majority of the
sites (or advertisements for sites) were just not things that a thirteen year old should be exposed to, and I knew it. But I also saw
a lot of other sites that offered a variety of very useful
information. I know just how wonderful the internet could be for teenagers
like myself. Despite what anybody thinks about the internet, it is
the treasure of the next generation. I created The Best Teen Club
on the Net! in order to make it easier for teenagers, like myself, to find those valuable sites on the
internet and to make one of my own. Also, I am trying to link teens
together from all over the world. You'd be so surprised at how much
in common you can have with people from other parts of the globe, and how
much you can learn from each other. I know I have. Well, now you know the basic why,
let's move on to the how. This is how our club works.
We have the main club, The Best Teen Club on the Net!, which is
the main organization. Everything is based around this. Everyone
joins this club first. Then we break that club down into branches. Currently, we have
five active branches. Take into account though, that our club is still
basically very young, and things are constantly being created and updated.
The majority of our branches are still under construction. Please
remember that any and all ideas are greatly appreciated. Anyway,
here is a brief description of each of our active branches:
The Lois & Clark Kal-El Club - This
branch is centered around the most popular show on the internet, Lois
and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. In the four years
of the shows running, it became known as the most downloaded show in history.
Even though the show has been canceled by ABC, TNT is running syndication
6 nights a week. The Kal-El Club, like many other fan clubs,
is creating its very own fifth season on-line. We also offer various
other features to help keep our favorite show alive.
The BAND - This branch is for any and all
high-school band members. We offer frequent contests and various
other features. We will soon be adding our very own message board
where you will be able to discuss anything and everything band related.
The Newsroom - This is our journalism branch.
If you like to write, this is the branch for you. We will soon be
adding our own club newsletter, News Flash! We also hold frequent
writing contests and hope to soon have some guest speakers.
HoofBeat - This branch is solely for horse
lovers. This branch is still under construction, but we have big
plans for it.
The Meet Market - This is our pen-pals
branch. This branch in also still under construction, but we hope
to have it up and running very soon.
Now, we also have branch topics. What we do is
take any suggestions for new branches and make them branch topics.
Then whenever we have gotten caught up enough, we add the one with the
most votes as our new branch. You can vote for branch topics by either
filling out that portion of our join form along with all of your personal information (please note in the comments box that
you are already a member and are just voting for a branch) or by e-mailing
me with your name and the
name of the branch(es) that you are voting for. We take any new suggestions
that same way. Here are our current branch topics:
Star Wars
Mountain Biking
Country Music
Once we have added a new branch,
we must do several things. First we must pick a name and a branch
manager. Any new branches will be announced on the main page
and probably through e-mail to those who have voted for it. Anyone
who votes for a branch topic is automatically made a member once the branch
is made active. If you wish, you may quit any branch or the club
all together simply by e-mailing me. Well, this is the basic structure
of The Best Teen Club on the Net! Please keep in mind that
each branch also has its own specific rules and system. Please e-mail
me or the branch managers if you have any questions. Thank you for
visiting our site and please join
in on the fun!
Sincerely yours,
Joyce Scott
The Best Teen Club on the Net!
If you have any questions or comments regarding The Best Teen Club on
the Net!