Lois & Clark Kal-El Club
Welcome to The Lois
& Clark Kal-El Club, FoLCs! This wonderful fan club was founded
for the many teenagers, like myself, who, during the show's four years
running, fell deeply in love with it's passion, it's romance, and often
it's comedy. Here on the internet, we call ourselves FoLCs (Fans
of Lois and Clark). If you are not yet sure
whether you are a true FoLC or not, please take the time to make sure.
Just click here
and all of your doubts shall be put to rest.
Okay, back to the subject
at hand. On June 14th, our favorite show was cancelled, but we have
created this branch of The Best Teen Club on the Net! to keep what
we believe to be the best show on Earth (and Krypton) alive. Our
most popular feature right now is our very own continuation of Lois &
Clark which started on September 7th with the shocking sequel to "Family
Hour". Our next episode should be out on November 30th.
Now, we also have a
lot of other wonderful features which you can see below. So, click
to get in on the action!
& C Memories
& Clark's Photo Album
Planet Newsletter
& C Multimedia
& C Reruns on TNT
& Clark Season 5
If you have any suggestions
for new projects or improvements, send them to teen-club@geocities.com!
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. . . but who's counting anyway?
last updated 10/19/97
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