117 Members and Growing . . . New Visitors Click Here!
OK, this is your Newsroom Branch Manager and VP. ;) Sorry I havn't updated in the past 18 years, but I was busy. (Is that a lame excuse or what?!) Alright, I've got another topic going for Jan and Feb (Cuz' I got it up late). Go to the Newsroom and check it out!
OK! We now have the Meet Market and Chat Room running; two great ways to meet other teens!
We are still taking branch management applications for the following branches: HoofBeat and The Meet Market (pen-pals branch). Click here to apply.
The Best Teen Club on the Net! is trying to set up a board of directors to help with the club. We're still working out the details, but if you are interested in helping out let us know. Also, send any suggestions to us!
Band Photo Contest-Send your band photos in through e-mail or regular mail. The top three in each category will be posted on our site. Click here for more information.
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last updated 1/18/98
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