Frequently Asked Questions By Parents

Q. Why was my child referred to Alpha?
A. There are many reasons why it was felt that your child may benefit from Alpha. Some of the more common reasons include: parental divorce or separation, a death in the family, a need for increased self-esteem, shyness, difficulty making or keeping friends, or not working up to potential.

Q. Isn't Alpha for "Bad" or "Slow" kids?
A. Actually, just the opposite is true. However, this is a frequent misconception about auxiliary programs. Althought some are gifted, the majority of our students are capable average students who may not be working up to their potential.
Alpha does not accept Speicial Education Students, except for Speech, nor those with long standing and/or serious behavior problems. We also do not accept academically low students, as we feel their needs would be better met elsewhere. Each referral is thoroughly screened to make sure that referral is appropriate before acceptance.

Q. Who is eligible for Alpha?
A. To be considered, the student must attend one of the designated Alpha schools (Blanton Elementary, 74th Street Elementary, Rawlings Elementary, Skyview Elementary, or Cross Bayou Elementary), be in 4th or 5th grade, be of at least normal intelligence, and have parental consent. We also require parental involvement and support in the program.

Q. Will my child go to Alpha the full year?
A. Yes, Alpha operates with the same dates and times as Blanton Elementary.

Q. What are the advantages of Alpha?
A. There are many advantages, including the low adult-student ratio, individualized attention and instruction, educational enhancements, counseling, active parent involvement, and the opportunity for parents to be involved in exploring new options for helping their child be successful. Most parents tell us this benefits their entire family.

Q. How will my child get to Alpha?
A. Your child will be assigned a neighborhood bus stop and a school bus will pick him/her there. Upon acceptance to the Alpha program, you will be notified of the bus route, location, and pickup/drop off times. Please call our office if you have questions regarding transportations at 547-7508.

Q. Won't it be hard for my child to leave his/her friends?
A. Probably, a few of his/her friends will also be coming to Alpha. Since Alpha starts the first day, all students will be making new friends. In addition, Alpha deals with friendship issues as part of the counseling component.

Q. Won't my child be "labeled"?
A. Alpha is a voluntary option offered by the Pinellas County School District, the same as the magnet and fundamental schools. It is not Special Education, and there are no labels.

Q. What if my child doesn't want to go to Alpha?
A. Children should be allowed to make age-appropriate decisions. However, if you child didn't want to be immunized, as loving and responsible parents, you would over-ride that decision with your "Parental Veto Power." It is the parents' responsibility to make important life decisions for their children. Children rarely like change; however, we know that this is a change that will have lasting benefits. Just as parents make the decision that their child will be immunized, parents should also decide if the child will or will not come to Alpha.

Q. What if I'm still nervous about my child coming to Alpha?
A. We do understand. We recommend that you speak to the principal at your school, other parents who have had a child in Alpha, and visit our program. We'd be happy to answer any questions. Call 547-7508.


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