The ALPHA Program
Alpha is a school-based prevention program for 4th and 5th grade students which incorporates academics, counseling, and transitional services to help students reach their potential.
***Winner of the prestigious National Center for Substance Abuse Prevention(C.S.A.P.) Award for Excellence, 1994
***Winner for the National Drug-Free Schools' Shining Star Award for Excellence, 1989 and 1993
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Alpha is located at BLANTON ELEMENTARY
6400 54th Avenue N.
St.Petersburg, FL 33709
phone: (813)547-7508
fax: (813)547-7508
Home of the Blanton Dolphins

Alpha is a sponsored, cooperative program of Pinellas County Schools and Operation PAR, Inc. Funders include Pinellas County Schools, the Department of Children and Families, and the Juvenile Welfare Board.

Link to Pinellas County Schools Homepage
This site was created and is maintained by Francesca Lorenzen, M.S.W.
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