Almost everyone has taken a Standardized Test sometime in thier lives. There are many kinds of tests. There is the CTBS, STATS, WASHINGTON ASSESMENT, CTATS, PSATS. Some are hard some are easy but all are tests. A lot of our futures practicly rests on how well we do on our tests. We asked teachers and students of Blue Heron Middle School the following 5 questions.Here are their answers and opinions:
1. Do you think these tests should effect our future?
Out of fourteen people nine said NO and five said YES!
"NO, because there is so much pressure that you don't do as well as you normally could so then you won't get accepted into the College of your choice." said James Jones, a 7th grade student.
2. Do you think that these tests should show your intelligence?
Out of the same fourteen people asked two of them answered yes to this question and twelve said no.
"No, because some people show their intelligence in other ways." responded Gina Gallacci.
3. How much pressure do you feel teachers put on you?
"A lot, because they boss you around a lot!" Jessica Feltes replied.
"They keep telling you how important this is to your future, and that makes me nervous," James Jones stated.
5. Do you do worse under pressure?
Out of the twelve people that took this poll four said No way! And the other seven replied yes!
Jared Kossow shook his head. "No, because it's dumb to do worse!"
All of the people we asked seemed to have strong opinions about the questions we asked them. A lot of people think that tests "suck", I ,Jessica, personally think that the tests aren't hard but that the pressure is strong and I know that a lot of my friends think the same. I, Suzanne do not think that these tests are hard either. However, I am worried about the S.A.T's. There is SO much pressure when its time to take those. I don't have very good skills studying for tests and I'm not into school.
What do you think about tests? What are your experiences? Good or bad?
Well I, Suzanne, do not have good study habits when studying for tests. I usually study the night before and stay up really late so I'm tired the next day. I usually feel really pressured days before the test so sometimes I just don't even bother studying because there is so much material to study. I get overwhelmed and would rather be doing other things instead of taking time to study. I just push thinking about studying out of my mind and just accept I'll get a bad grade. I don't have as much pressure when taking a test that I don't have to study for because then I can just go in and take it.
I know that it is hard to study for tests and sometimes I can't focus or I can but then don't do good because I freak out and forget everything that I studied, and then sometimes teachers think I'm dumb.right before the tests most of my friends say," Oh my god, what if I fail or forget or somthing!!!! Jessica what amI going to do!!!!"
Hey what can I say! They've either studied and they'll remember or they didn't study or they studied and they forgot. Nothing can prevent the enevitable. They will either fail or not. Of course I don't say that..... I just wish them "good luck".