Would you like to be dragged down the hall by your ear? No? I didn't think so. Well, I'm ashamed to say that some schools are that way. Today we're going to talk about education; what's its purpose and how do you view it. Well, you're going to ask yourself that. But we can give you a start in this article.
When you think of school what do you think of? Mean teachers in bad surroundings, or a sweet little woman in a tech lab? Now we are going to show you the questions. I hope you enjoy the article.
We've conducted a survey from Blue Heron Middle School. It dealt with the topic education. We asked real kids real questions. What's your opinion?
1: Honestly, how do you feel about your school? On a scale of 1-10.
" I don't like the school except for some teachers. A one." William Plazas.
"My school sucks. It's a 3." Jared Kassow.
2: What do you think of the teachers here?
"Some are weird and mean, but some are ok." Jessica Ragan.
" They pay too much attention to discipline." Suzanne Schwartz.
3: In any way at all how could the teachers or school improve?
"Less Rules." Aaron Parker.
"Stop teaching stuff over and over." David Bair-Grace.
4: How are the tests here?
" They suck. I don't want them at all." Michael Mills.
"Teachers give too much pressure." Amber Cross.
5: How do you view education? Is it important to you?
"You don't need it. All you have to do is live and die." Raymond Robinson.
"Boring but important." Gina Gallacci.
In conclusion, people believe some things about education is not good, or boring, but important. Some others believe that we shouldn't have any education at all. Also some just don't like the way their school is, like they wish teachers wouldn't teach the same thing over and over. We think that education is important but annoying. We also think that education is really important because it helps you in life.
By: James R. Jones and Jason W. Ball