There are a lot different things the occur in family relationship they are, teen suicide, sexual abuse, drug abuse, step families, teen pregnancy ,an alcoholic parent, your parent's divorce, date rape, teen motherhood, sexual harassment, birth control, smoking, sexually transmitted diseases. All these things can break a family apart.
Do you think what happen in your family is private, "no" because once a home was considered a man's house "castle" the law paid no attention if he beat his wife or child in fact a man could use a stick as long as it was no bigger around than his thumb. This was called "The rule of thumb."
Every year a lot of people get hurt but where the people most get hit is on there own home. About 4 million women get hurt every year by husbands or boyfriend and more than 2.7 million kids get physically emotionally or sexually abuse by there parents each year. more than 50% children get hurt be seeing parents violence. Children always seen to see there father hating there wife than children will to it too.
Abuser rarely happens just once went a fight happen o occur it will happen again, some violence guys promise never to be violence again, but as soon a problem stars at home tension builds then the abuser gets violent again. People think the abusers the hits there own family every one think they drink or take bad drugs but some abusers don't take drugs they just want control over there home they don't let there wife or child go nowhere only to school.
Some people think the if should police get involve in a family fight like i said " what happens in your house is not private so if isn't private so the police can't get involve. isn't family violence against the law now it is but before it wasn't one women sued the police because the police didn't help her went her boyfriend hit her some other women came to court so the women got 2 million dollars and they made the new law.
What can people do went there is violence. A child should not have to fear being hurt by adults especially at there own home. A women has the right to call for help if she needs protection in there home. Children fell trapped children they think they may be responsible for they violence they may also fell ashamed because there is a fight. Abusers can control their violence by stopping and listening to music and other things.
There are many parents like mothers and fathers and kids that don't have very good relations in families. Like mothers and fathers get into fights all the time and the father would hit the mother
There are other reasons when the kids run away from their family and become a beggar or bum, and stay with people in the town on the streets and have mentally problems. Then they do drugs and smoke and drink and that brings problems. Half of the time its the parents fault that they were bad off and did drugs and the other stuff. Also the parents pass it through and the parents kids pass it through and when the parents kids grow up and they have kids they do the same thing and pass the same bad stuff that happened to them.
In the family relations also the parents abuse the kids, or sexual abuse them which is nasty and sad for the kids that happens to. That's usually not the kids faults to because its the parents faults That they abuse or sexually abuse there kids. Usually when the kids get that happened to them the parent is drunk on drugs or something and they should stop that because it is cruel and mean.
There are many brothers and sisters that also fight and they are pretty brutal sometimes don't you think. like there has been some when the little brother shot there brother and sister with a gun and killed them in fact there had been many cases like that have you ever done got in any bad fights with your brother or sister. well that is my report on family relations
By John Snyder and William Plazas
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