The Beanie Princess's Secondary Market Value List

Here is a list of what you should pay for retired Beanie Babies. These prices are for the secondary market, and are only estimated. Remember, a Beanie is only "worth" what someone is willing to pay for it.

Also you can see which Beanies were produced with which tags, so you don't pay a hundred dollars for a Beanie with a first generation tag that wasn't produced with a first generation tag!

MISTAKES:While a Beanie with a mistake doesn't actually make it worth more, some people will pay or sell more, because it makes a neat addition to their collection.

Remember, a Beanie is only "worth" what someone is willing to pay for it.

These prices from the June 1998 issue of Mary Beth's Beanie World Magazine and are only estimated.

Ally the Alligator $55
Baldy the Eagle $15
Batty the Bat $15
Bernie the St. Bernard $10
Bessie the Cow $65
Blackie the Black Bear $10
Blizzard the Tiger $20
Bones the Dog $10
Bongo the Monkey
(w/ brown tail)
Bongo the Monkey
(w/ tan tail)
G3 (BWTT)-$100
Britania the Bear $600
Bronty the Brontosaurus $1100
Brownie the Bear $4750
Bruno the Dog $20
Bubbles the Fish $200
Bucky the Beaver $45
Bumble the Bee $600
Caw the Crow $700
Chilly the Polar Bear $2400
Chip the Cat G4-$20
Chocolate the Moose $20
Chops the Lamb $225
Claude the Crab $20
Congo the Gorilla $10
Coral the Fish $250
Crunch the Shark $10
Cubbie the Bear $40
Curly the Bear $35
Daisy the Cow $10
Derby the Horse
(w/ forehead star)
Derby the Horse
(w/ course mane)
Derby the Horse
(w/ fine mane)
Digger the Crab
Digger the Crab
Doby the Doberman $10
Doodle the Rooster $60
Dotty the Dalmation $10
Ears the Rabbit $10
Echo the Dolphin
(Correctly Labeled)
Echo the Dolphin
(Labeled as Waves)
Erin the Bear $200
Flash the Dolphin $150
Fleece the Lamb $15
Flip the Cat $40
Floppity the Bunny $20
Flutter the Butterfly $1000
Freckles the Leopard $10
Garcia the Bear $225
Gobbles the Turkey $20
Goldie the Goldfish $40
Gracie the Swan $10
Grunt the Razorback $225
Happy the Hippo
Happy the Hippo
Hippity the bunny $20
Hissy the Snake $20
Hoot the Owl $50
Hoppity the Bunny $20
Humphrey the Camel $2400
Iggy the Iguana $20
Inch the Inchworm
(w/ felt antennas)
Inch the Inchworm
(w/ yarn antennas)
Inky the Octopus
(tan w/out a mouth)
Inky the Octopus
(tan w/ a mouth)
Inky the Octopus
Jolly the Walrus $10
Kiwi the Toucan $250
Lefty the Donkey $450
Legs the Frog $35
Libearty the Bear $500
Lizzy the Lizard
Lizzy the Lizard
(blue w/ yellow belly)
Lucky the Ladybug
(w/ 7 glued on spots)
Lucky the Ladybug
(w/ approximately 21 spots)
Lucky the Ladybug
(w/ approximately 11 spots)
Magic the Dragon
(w/ light pink stitching)
Magic the Dragon
(w/ dark pink stitching)
Manny the Manatee $200
Maple the Bear
(w/ Pride tag)
Maple the Bear
(w/ Maple tag)
Maple the Bear
(w/ Special Olympics tag)
Mel the Koala $10
Mystic the Unicorn
(w/ fine mane)
Mystic the Unicorn
(w/ course mane, tan horn)
Mystic the Unicorn
(w/ course mane, irridecent horn)
Nana the Monkey $4400
Nanook the Husky $15
Nip the Cat
(w/ white belly)
Nip the Cat
(all gold)
Nip the Cat
(w/ white paws)
Nuts the Squirrel $10
Patti the Platypus
(color of the end of Inch's tail)
Patti the Platypus
(different color)
Peace the Bear $50
Peanut the Elephant
(royal blue)
Peanut the Elephant
(light blue)
Peking the Panda $2300
Pinchers the Lobster $20
Pinky the Flamingo $20
Pouch the Kangaroo $10
Pounce the Cat $20
Prance the Cat $20
Princess the Bear $275
Puffer the Puffin $20
Pugsly the Pug Dog $10
Punchers the Lobster $4300
Quackers the Duck
Quackers the Duck
(w/ wings)
Radar the Bat $250
Rainbow the Chameleon $20
Rex the Tyrannosaurus $900
Righty the Elephant $450
Ringo the Raccoon $15
Roary the Lion $10
Rover the Dog $10
Scoop the Pelican $10
Scottie the Terrier $10
Seamore the Seal $250
Seaweed the Otter $10
Slither the Snake $2400
Sly the Fox
(w/ brown belly)
Sly the Fox
(w/ white belly)
Smoochy the Frog $20
Snip the Cat $10
Snort the Bull $10
Snowball the Snowman $80
Sparky the Dalmatian $200
Speedy the Turtle $35
Spike the Rhinoceros $15
Spinner the Spider $15
Splash the Whale $150
Spook the Ghost $275
Spooky the Ghost $75
Spot the Dog
(w/out a spot)
Spot the Dog
(w/ a spot)
Spunky the Cocker Spaniel $20
Squealer the pig $20
Steg the Stegosaurus $1000
Sting the Stingray $250
Stinky the Skunk $10
Stretch the Ostrich $20
Stripes the Tiger
(gold and black)
Stripes the Tiger
(yellow and black)
Stripes the Tiger
(gold and black with fuzzy belly)
Strut the Rooster $30
Tabasco the Bull $250
Tank the Armadillo
(long w/ 7 lines, no shell)
Tank the Armadillo
(long w/ 9 lines, no shell)
Tank the Armadillo
(short w/ shell)
1997 Teddy the Holiday Bear $75
(Old Face, Brown)
(New Face, Brown)
(Old Face, Cranberry)
(New Face, Cranberry)
(Old Face, Jade)
(New Face, Jade)
(Old Face, Magenta)
(New Face, Magenta)
(Old Face, Teal)
(New Face, Teal)
(Old Face, Violet)
(New Face, Violet)
(New Face, Violet, Limited Edition Employee Holiday Bear)
Trap the Mouse $1400
Tuffy the Terrier $10
Tusk the Walrus $175
Twigs the Girraffe $10
Valentino the Bear $25
Velvet the Panther $40
Waddle the Penguin $10
Waves the Whale
(Correctly labeled)
Waves the Whale
(Mismarked as Echo)
Web the Spider $1500
Weenie the Dascund $10
Wrinkles the Dog $10
Ziggy the Zebra $10
Zip the Cat
(w/ white belly)
Zip the Cat
(all black)
Zip the Cat
(w/ white paws)

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