Heather lance - 09/29/00 18:57:01
My Email:njlance@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: looking through websites
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Mel the koala
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: a lot
How long have you been collecting?: a long time ago
Toadly Frogs - 07/30/00 21:58:27
My Email:toadlyfrogs@jeffgilliam.com
How'd you find my page?: askjeeves.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Smoochy Legs Congo other cute ones
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: over 200
How long have you been collecting?: about a year ago seriously 4 years ago not too serious
clair - 03/09/00 01:21:02
My Email:clairs@home.com
How'd you find my page?: Link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wallace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 65
How long have you been collecting?: couple of years
Hey! Your email from your page wasn't working! I had written:
Hey! You have an awesome site!
I have a beanie page too! Could you add me to your links page? I'll do the
same for you if you send me the url, description and/or banner you want used
and I'll add your link~
My page is titled Clair's Beanie page and the address is
My banner url if you want to use it is and is also attatched in case
the link doesn't work.
Please email back to clairs@home.com if you will add me!
Please also consider my site for your award! :)
Kelsey - 01/24/00 21:55:17
My Email:kels@ptd.net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Bongo
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 138
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
Great beanie baby page! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!! :0
Kelli - 10/23/99 21:41:36
My URL:http://homestead.com/kellisworld1/home.html
My Email:kelli_11_1999@yahoo.com
How'd you find my page?: Another page's links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Luke the Lab
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I love your site! It's really good! Visit mine!
LadyNightshade - 09/19/99 21:02:21
My Email:ain't telling
How'd you find my page?: long-time fan
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snip
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 33 (my latest one is freckels)
How long have you been collecting?: since '96
This is a good site, it's just that I want to know
why you don't update it. You ask: "What do you think about Princess?" I don't collect bears because they retire so quickly. Bucky was my first
bb. He RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LadyNightshade - 09/03/99 21:39:53
How'd you find my page?: yahoo!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Snip or Sly
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 34
How long have you been collecting?: since 1996
This is the best unofficial page ever! Good Work!
Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 01:29:27
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html
Good work, congratulations....
Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 21:25:21
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com
![]() |
![]() |
My sister is a collector and I started I want to get Early the robin.
Megan.D - 01/04/99 03:37:34
My Email:????
How'd you find my page?: Browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: twelve
How long have you been collecting?: A year
I love collecting Beanie Babies.When I go shoping
I always run into a Hallmark store and look at the
Beanie Babies.Iam 10 years old and I really want
to meet you guys so Ican see you make them.Well
see you later!!!
- 12/15/98 19:23:30
Corky - 12/15/98 02:23:56
My Email:icechick@netspaceonline.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all of them
How long have you been collecting?: Just about two years.
You need to update your page a little. Otherwise,
it is pretty cool. Cool information, but outdated.
Julie - 11/19/98 01:08:29
My Email:jrr26@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: on the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 43
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
aberto - 11/04/98 21:44:54
How'd you find my page?: home search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: glory
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 50
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
i try to collect the best bennie babies. my cussin has penuts the DARK! BLUE!! ELEPHENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samantha Hazen - 11/01/98 23:49:53
How'd you find my page?: I looked up ty beanie babies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Blonde the Golden Retriever
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: exactly 70 of them
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I think that someone should make a game that you have to get all the beanies before your competitor does.
Teddy - 10/12/98 21:50:34
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: 1997 Teddy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: x-mas of 1996
Hi. This site is very neat. please come to:
http://www.beaniemania.com and
http://www.beaniemom.com and http://www.ty.com
Thanks and enjoy!
Spooky - 10/12/98 21:37:05
How'd you find my page?: Net Search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Happy
How long have you been collecting?: 2years
star - 10/08/98 04:36:02
How'd you find my page?: looked it up
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all mine are bears
How long have you been collecting?: about couple of months
great site
PRINCESS BEAR IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mike - 10/08/98 04:32:27
How'd you find my page?: just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: over 200
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
i like this it is really cool
Bryan - 10/08/98 04:29:24
How'd you find my page?: search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess and Bongo
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
GREAT SITE !!!!! really enjoyed it
Jennifer - 10/05/98 10:58:56
My Email:jlnewton@mailexcite.com
How'd you find my page?: A Link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: All the Bears, Flip, and Ally
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: over 100
How long have you been collecting?: almost a year
Hi! Cool site.
Zach Schwab - 09/04/98 21:49:59
My Email:zschwab@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Toys for Toddlers link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: TrapThe Mouse
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 17
How long have you been collecting?: 2 Monthes
I LOVE YOUR SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janice - 08/22/98 19:47:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/IbelonginSFgirl/index.html
My Email:jjavier@pacbell.net
How'd you find my page?: Link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: pugsly
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: a month
nice page! i hope you will visit mine! Janice
Robin,Erin&SEAWEED!!! - 08/14/98 15:04:47
My URL:http://none
My Email:none
How'd you find my page?: We were surfing in the Bahamas
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: SEAWEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 99
How long have you been collecting?: 9 years
Robin,Erin&Seaweed RULE!!!!!!!!!!
Maggie - 08/13/98 18:53:36
My Email:none
How'd you find my page?: I find all BB sites eventually.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: SEAWEED!!!!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27 including teenies.
How long have you been collecting?: not too long.
I want more!! SEAWEED RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AngeLady2 - 08/08/98 03:59:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~AliGator_2/index.html
My Email:alligatr@aug.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Ally
How long have you been collecting?: 1 day
I found your page so very helpful, thanks for sharing all this information with us.
Greg Hughes - 08/07/98 18:42:03
My Email:hughesb@rosnet.strose.edu
How'd you find my page?: Searching
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 31
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love the way you organized your Web page! At all the other Beanie Baby pages there is nothing to look at, but you have lots and lots to look at! Every time I come on theres something I haven't looked at.
Stefanie Williams - 08/03/98 16:54:19
My URL:http://homepage.usr.com/s/stefanie1
My Email:stefanie-w@usa.net
How'd you find my page?: link fron other page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 20
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 mos
very nice page!
Kat & Doby - 07/27/98 22:23:56
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/DOBY
My Email:tmaleck@mindspring.com
How'd you find my page?: through Crazy Baby's links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kat- Whisper ~~ Doby- Doby
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Kat- 95~~ Doby - 102
How long have you been collecting?: Kat- Since X-mas of 96 ~~ Doby- Since May of 97
Please visit a new (updated almost everyday) web page. It's called Doby's homepage. It will not be complete untill August 1, and even then will be fairly messy. We hope to have a chat room up before 1999, but can make no promises. It all depends on our se
ver. We CAN however promise a complete list of poems, birthdays, and priceings for all of the beanies in the Ty line. We will have a poll, each month (not as nice as Ty's) for favorate beanie. To enter your favorate beanie, jsut include your vote in your
uestbook entry. We will tally them up at the end of the month, and the winner will star with Doby a month. We will also have a contest where Doby will ask a question each either week or month. (I have nothing to do with prizes what-so-ever)
kim - 07/20/98 20:06:14
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/i/l/u/iluvtigger143.html
My Email:spunky1_@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: From beanie bits link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spunky
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: seven months
Great page! Visit mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
julia mcallister - 07/15/98 13:14:09
My Email:julia.mcallister@ibcuk.co.uk
How'd you find my page?: Alta Vista
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: six
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Beanies are great collectables for all ages
- my daugher (9) and I both love them and look
out for retireds in our local shops. We have
just acquired Princess.
candy - 07/10/98 23:41:04
The Los Angeles Dodgers are having a huge promotion July 10th at Dodgers Stadium to celebrate their 40th Anniversary. It's BEANPALS DAY! The Dodgers will be giving away an exclusive Beanpals beanie puppy called LIL BLUE to all kids 14 years and under! The
puppy comes with a special custom hang tag and tush tag and he is incredibly cute! I'm not sure how many will be given away. Don't miss this great event! WOW! We're sooooooo excited!
Nia Brownsen - 07/07/98 01:05:34
My Email:lparks@swbell.net
How'd you find my page?: Search engine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Roosevelt
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 41
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Rachel - 07/06/98 15:54:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/1500/
My Email:tahco.com@snet.net
How'd you find my page?: Through a Link On My Own Page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Rainbow, Princess, Ziggy, or Ears (There are so many!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105?
How long have you been collecting?: 2 Years
I like this page alot. There is so much to do. I was curious if you have found anyone to help you run it because I would like to see it updated again. To answer your questions, I feel that Princess should be shipped more often. If Ty really wants to promo
e charity, you think they would make more of that one. If they don't though, retailers shouldn't overcharge. Secondly, I know no rumors right now. It seems quiet here for beanies. Oh well. Keep up the good work.
Erin - 07/02/98 19:49:29
My Email:erin_gutsmiedl@yahoo.com
How'd you find my page?: juat lookin' around
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 73
How long have you been collecting?: Since 1996(summer)
I love beanie babies. I don't think they will ever go unloved. :-)
Tom Suman - 07/02/98 04:28:58
My URL:http://geocities.com/capecanaveral/hangar/7070
My Email:tomsuman@muscanet.com
How'd you find my page?: From the toysfor toddlers site.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Well over 100 Beanies
How long have you been collecting?: About one year
My wife and I have been collecting about 1 year and have lots of beanies. We have been purchasing the plastic display cases to display our Beanies and to protect them. It is real easy for me to come out of a store with a bag full of them.
April Thompson - 06/25/98 19:25:33
My Email:handley@localaccess.net
How'd you find my page?: Just Lookin
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Bongo
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: 2yrs
Your page is really cool.
Julie - 06/25/98 13:10:00
My Email:wrothe@cleanweb.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed on
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Mel
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 21
How long have you been collecting?: almost a month
Great page!!!!!!!!
Jane Clark - 06/24/98 12:18:48
My Email:JClark@villagegeek.com
How'd you find my page?: BeanieBitsWeb Page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 82
How long have you been collecting?: 6 Months
My daughter gets most of my Beanies for me she the shopper in our family.Besides she has more time than I do. Have a good day.Jane Clark
tiggety - 06/23/98 21:36:46
My URL:http://tiggety@aol.com
My Email:tiggety @aol.com
How'd you find my page?: a friened told me.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 24
How long have you been collecting?: for a year.
Are you trading beanies let me know. thanks
Katrina - 06/19/98 12:09:46
My Email:kathy@tidewater.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seaweed
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 119
How long have you been collecting?: 4 months
Great Page!!I am always giving a FREE Beanie to
anyone who purchases 100 tag protectors for 12.95
plus 3.00 s/h. All mint and ready to go!! Thanks
Raspberry - 06/17/98 15:56:15
How'd you find my page?: Just surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Pease
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
this page is cool!
Lance - 06/14/98 15:10:50
My Email:Compunut10@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: in a link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: iggy, and rainbow
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 174
How long have you been collecting?: 5 years (ever sence they came out
Joe - 06/09/98 23:11:36
My Email:SoCoolio@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: ??
How long have you been collecting?: Well,1 year
Great Web Page. Willing to help in spare time.
Katie - 06/08/98 22:07:36
How'd you find my page?: Meg's Beanie Babies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inky
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
great page. I LOVE INKY
Matthew - 06/08/98 06:25:09
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Teresamarie/
My Email:Love_Unlimited_98@yahoo.com
How'd you find my page?: search engine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: thats a toss up between Waves and Ringo
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 15 including teenie beanies
How long have you been collecting?: fall/winter 1997
I really like beanie babies,they are a fun hobby
and you can never stop and 1 or 2 beanie babies,
they are too much fun to collect.
Matthew - 06/08/98 06:24:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Teresamarie/
My Email:Love_Unlimited_98@yahoo.com
How'd you find my page?: search engine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: thats a toss up between Waves and Ringo
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 15 including teenie beanies
How long have you been collecting?: fall/winter 1997
I really like beanie babies,they are a fun hobby
and you can never stop and 1 or 2 beanie babies,
they are too much fun to collect.
Megan - 06/08/98 00:14:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/megandianna
My Email:megandianna@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Wanderin around the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Scoop
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 41
How long have you been collecting?: Since April 1
This is soooo addicting....Everytime i leave my house i come back with a new one....
Sarah - 06/07/98 06:08:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/2490/sarah.html
How'd you find my page?: Surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess, hoot, kiwi, jolly and the cats
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 114
How long have you been collecting?: since october of 97
Nice page hope you'll visit mine. Nice job
sam - 06/07/98 03:25:57
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peanut
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 1997
I like your web page. I love beanie babies. Some of my beanie babies are peanut, princess, peace, erin, valentino, curly, and blacky.
Janelle - 06/07/98 02:30:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/janelleie
My Email:janelleie@angelfire.com
How'd you find my page?: Search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 107
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
LAUREN STRUNK - 06/07/98 01:17:33
My Email:jas11690ezonline.com
How'd you find my page?: MY DAD , FRIENDS
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PEACE,PRINCESS
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 99 TY
How long have you been collecting?: 1996 . 1998
i like your web
site it is cool!!!!!!
lauren strunk
Carrie - 06/06/98 21:31:12
My Email:GO LAL@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Search engine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Weenie
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 65
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great page, but please update it more often. Beanie Babies are very cute!
Vicky - 06/06/98 15:01:52
My Email:elindqvist@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: infoseek
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Zip
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 19
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
I like your page very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 06/02/98 03:30:53
Brenda Mauldin - 06/02/98 01:56:00
My URL:http://www.jps.net/nwr/brenda.htm
My Email:nwr@jps.net
How'd you find my page?: just surfing around
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: batty the bat
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: a bunch to many to count
How long have you been collecting?: sence 1994 when they first came out and before they were popular
Hi I have a beanie babies web page and I would like for you to visit my page I have current and retireds for sale. You can find my page at http://www.jps.net/nwr/brenda.htm
thanks for your time
Brenda Mauldin
Kristen Piper - 05/30/98 03:31:01
My Email:raracreations@juno.com
How'd you find my page?: banner web site 'bean'
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Manny
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 300
How long have you been collecting?: 1.5 years
I am trying to begin to sale some of my beanies and am trying to locate as much info. @ this as possible. I have a craft buisness which I have been focusing on beanie accessories and am hopeful of branching out of Oklahoma to shows
(ours seem pretty lame). zglad to have the opportunity to visit your site. Any advice would be nice. Kristen
- 05/29/98 00:00:57
kevin - 05/25/98 16:24:36
My Email:kevcat@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: just cruzing along and happened to come across it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: hiss
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 15
How long have you been collecting?: not long,maybe a week
this web site is sooooooooooooo kweel!:>
Cynthia - 05/24/98 01:54:58
How'd you find my page?: Link on another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Bones, Nanook... I LIKE THEM ALL!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 93 and my collection is still growing!
How long have you been collecting?: a few years
Great Page!!! Luckily for me, Beanies are'nt too hard to find around here!
Angel Jacklyn - 05/23/98 01:04:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/3464
My Email:coolbeanies4u@yahoo.com
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Bessie
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 70
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
CUTE page!
Heidi .A. - 05/17/98 22:28:00
My Email:posh99@hotmail
How'd you find my page?: beaie babies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: both Lizzy's
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 163
How long have you been collecting?: 1/2 a year
Kristen Smith - 05/04/98 21:06:43
My Email:I don't have one
How'd you find my page?: From a different site
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I love them all the same
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 120
How long have you been collecting?: since 1993
I love your Web page!!!!
I know the teenies
Mel, Twigs, Inch, Doby, Bones, Happy, Scoop, Zip,
Pinchers, Peanut, Bongo, and Waddles
Jessica - 04/16/98 21:27:53
My Email:greggsti@execpc.com
How'd you find my page?: my friend told me.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: eighty-nine
How long have you been collecting?: 1year
April 16, 1998
Hi!What does URL mean? The reason Princess is my favorite Beanie is because i'm a big fan of Princess Diana.I get Beanies every Holiday, thats why I have so many!
Debbie Cross - 04/15/98 19:29:18
My Email:104525.2545@compuserve.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seaweed
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
My two boys, ages 14 and 8 are the ones actually collecting. But I find myself searching high and low for the ones they don't have since in the beginning, I didn't have a clue as to what was going on. I personally think the Princess beanie is cute, but
hat aggravates me to no end is that you can't find her and when you do, she is outrageously priced. This makes it very difficult, if not impossible, for children to get her. After all that is what Ty had in mind was for children to be able to collect th
m. As usual, adults have taken over.
Debbie Cross - 04/15/98 19:10:23
Nikki Birch - 04/11/98 04:07:17
My Email:nbirch@tranquility.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 66
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
I can't believe that Beanie Babies sre so addictive.
Billy - 04/02/98 02:34:03
My Email:billy@pps.k12.or.us.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 298 with many doubles
I have Many beaies with 25 princesses!
None for sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob - 04/02/98 02:28:21
My Email:bobh@hotmail.com
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
hi! just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my
tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at
http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself
through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to
get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back! -
corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this. I like the page alot! -Astra
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30
retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when
they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would
beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if..... well i give you an
A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are
scarce where I live)
Your page is cool. PLease visit mine. It will be better by the 20th.
suzy - 02/16/98 01:55:38
My Email:MeBsue
How'd you find my page?: My friends
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 8 (I wish I had more)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT
ReAlLY lIkE bEaNiE bAbYs.
but you have a nice page.
ByE, jEsSiCa
Sharon Lachney - 01/28/98 01:07:56
My Email:lachney@dixie-net.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Squealer
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 74
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff
mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo
version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my
Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful. I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All Th y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are taking advantage of them trying to just make
money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we
can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the
just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it
TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses.
People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene . I do to, but they also think
they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child
and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was
made for PRINC SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for
Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some
of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give
me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even
go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir t?...
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
Bob - 04/02/98 02:27:55
My Email:bobh@hotmail.com
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
hi! just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my
tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at
http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself
through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to
get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back! -
corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this. I like the page alot! -Astra
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30
retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when
they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would
beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if..... well i give you an
A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are
scarce where I live)
Your page is cool. PLease visit mine. It will be better by the 20th.
suzy - 02/16/98 01:55:38
My Email:MeBsue
How'd you find my page?: My friends
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 8 (I wish I had more)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT
ReAlLY lIkE bEaNiE bAbYs.
but you have a nice page.
ByE, jEsSiCa
Sharon Lachney - 01/28/98 01:07:56
My Email:lachney@dixie-net.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Squealer
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 74
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff
mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo
version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my
Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful. I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All Th y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are taking advantage of them trying to just make
money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we
can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the
just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it
TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses.
People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene . I do to, but they also think
they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child
and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was
made for PRINC SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for
Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some
of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give
me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even
go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir t?...
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
Bob - 04/02/98 02:27:39
My Email:bobh@hotmail.com
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
hi! just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my
tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at
http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself
through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to
get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back! -
corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this. I like the page alot! -Astra
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30
retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when
they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would
beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if..... well i give you an
A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are
scarce where I live)
Your page is cool. PLease visit mine. It will be better by the 20th.
suzy - 02/16/98 01:55:38
My Email:MeBsue
How'd you find my page?: My friends
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 8 (I wish I had more)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT
ReAlLY lIkE bEaNiE bAbYs.
but you have a nice page.
ByE, jEsSiCa
Sharon Lachney - 01/28/98 01:07:56
My Email:lachney@dixie-net.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Squealer
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 74
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff
mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo
version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my
Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful. I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All Th y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are taking advantage of them trying to just make
money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we
can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the
just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it
TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses.
People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene . I do to, but they also think
they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child
and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was
made for PRINC SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for
Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some
of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give
me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even
go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir t?...
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
Bob - 04/02/98 02:27:01
My Email:bobh@hotmail.com
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
hi! just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my
tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at
http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself
through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to
get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back! -
corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this. I like the page alot! -Astra
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30
retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when
they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would
beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if..... well i give you an
A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are
scarce where I live)
Your page is cool. PLease visit mine. It will be better by the 20th.
suzy - 02/16/98 01:55:38
My Email:MeBsue
How'd you find my page?: My friends
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 8 (I wish I had more)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT
ReAlLY lIkE bEaNiE bAbYs.
but you have a nice page.
ByE, jEsSiCa
Sharon Lachney - 01/28/98 01:07:56
My Email:lachney@dixie-net.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Squealer
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 74
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff
mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo
version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my
Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful. I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All Th y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are taking advantage of them trying to just make
money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we
can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the
just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it
TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses.
People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene . I do to, but they also think
they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child
and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was
made for PRINC SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for
Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some
of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give
me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even
go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir t?...
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
Bob - 04/02/98 02:25:59
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
hi! just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my
tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at
http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself
through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to
get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back! -
corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this. I like the page alot! -Astra
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30
retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when
they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would
beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if..... well i give you an
A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are
scarce where I live)
Your page is cool. PLease visit mine. It will be better by the 20th.
suzy - 02/16/98 01:55:38
My Email:MeBsue
How'd you find my page?: My friends
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 8 (I wish I had more)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT
ReAlLY lIkE bEaNiE bAbYs.
but you have a nice page.
ByE, jEsSiCa
Sharon Lachney - 01/28/98 01:07:56
My Email:lachney@dixie-net.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Squealer
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 74
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff
mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo
version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my
Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful. I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All Th y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are taking advantage of them trying to just make
money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we
can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the
just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it
TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses.
People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene . I do to, but they also think
they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child
and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was
made for PRINC SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for
Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some
of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give
me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even
go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir t?...
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
Bob - 04/02/98 02:25:35
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
hi! just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my
tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at
http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself
through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to
get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back! -
corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this. I like the page alot! -Astra
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30
retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when
they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would
beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if..... well i give you an
A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are
scarce where I live)
Your page is cool. PLease visit mine. It will be better by the 20th.
suzy - 02/16/98 01:55:38
My Email:MeBsue
How'd you find my page?: My friends
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 8 (I wish I had more)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT
ReAlLY lIkE bEaNiE bAbYs.
but you have a nice page.
ByE, jEsSiCa
Sharon Lachney - 01/28/98 01:07:56
My Email:lachney@dixie-net.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Squealer
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 74
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff
mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo
version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my
Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful. I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All Th y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are taking advantage of them trying to just make
money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we
can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the
just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it
TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses.
People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene . I do to, but they also think
they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child
and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was
made for PRINC SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for
Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some
of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give
me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even
go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir t?...
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
Bob - 04/02/98 02:24:17
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
hi! just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my
tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at
http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself
through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to
get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back! -
corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this. I like the page alot! -Astra
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30
retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when
they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would
beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if..... well i give you an
A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are
scarce where I live)
Your page is cool. PLease visit mine. It will be better by the 20th.
suzy - 02/16/98 01:55:38
My Email:MeBsue
How'd you find my page?: My friends
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 8 (I wish I had more)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT
ReAlLY lIkE bEaNiE bAbYs.
but you have a nice page.
ByE, jEsSiCa
Sharon Lachney - 01/28/98 01:07:56
My Email:lachney@dixie-net.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Squealer
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 74
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff
mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo
version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my
Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful. I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All Th y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are taking advantage of them trying to just make
money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we
can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the
just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it
TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses.
People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene . I do to, but they also think
they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child
and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was
made for PRINC SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for
Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some
of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give
me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even
go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir t?...
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
Bob - 04/02/98 02:24:05
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
hi! just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my
tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at
http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself
through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to
get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back! -
corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this. I like the page alot! -Astra
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30
retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when
they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would
beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if..... well i give you an
A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are
scarce where I live)
Your page is cool. PLease visit mine. It will be better by the 20th.
suzy - 02/16/98 01:55:38
My Email:MeBsue
How'd you find my page?: My friends
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 8 (I wish I had more)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT
ReAlLY lIkE bEaNiE bAbYs.
but you have a nice page.
ByE, jEsSiCa
Sharon Lachney - 01/28/98 01:07:56
My Email:lachney@dixie-net.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Squealer
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 74
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff
mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo
version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my
Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful. I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All Th y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are taking advantage of them trying to just make
money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we
can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the
just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it
TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses.
People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene . I do to, but they also think
they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child
and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was
made for PRINC SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for
Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some
of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give
me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even
go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir t?...
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
Bob - 04/02/98 02:23:42
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
hi! just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my
tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at
http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself
through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to
get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back! -
corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this. I like the page alot! -Astra
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30
retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when
they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would
beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if..... well i give you an
A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are
scarce where I live)
Your page is cool. PLease visit mine. It will be better by the 20th.
suzy - 02/16/98 01:55:38
My Email:MeBsue
How'd you find my page?: My friends
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 8 (I wish I had more)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT
ReAlLY lIkE bEaNiE bAbYs.
but you have a nice page.
ByE, jEsSiCa
Sharon Lachney - 01/28/98 01:07:56
My Email:lachney@dixie-net.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Squealer
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 74
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff
mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo
version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my
Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful. I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All Th y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are taking advantage of them trying to just make
money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we
can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the
just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it
TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses.
People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene . I do to, but they also think
they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child
and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was
made for PRINC SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for
Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some
of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give
me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even
go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir t?...
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
Bob - 04/02/98 02:23:41
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
hi! just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my
tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at
http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself
through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to
get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back! -
corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this. I like the page alot! -Astra
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have
the royal blue bear. thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to
memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great
and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y u want me to make you any
graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30
retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when
they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would
beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if..... well i give you an
A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are
scarce where I live)
Your page is cool. PLease visit mine. It will be better by the 20th.
suzy - 02/16/98 01:55:38
My Email:MeBsue
How'd you find my page?: My friends
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Inch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 8 (I wish I had more)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT
ReAlLY lIkE bEaNiE bAbYs.
but you have a nice page.
ByE, jEsSiCa
Sharon Lachney - 01/28/98 01:07:56
My Email:lachney@dixie-net.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Squealer
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 74
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff
mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo
version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my
Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful. I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?:
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All b l a k e p a w l e y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have
And Thats All Th y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are taking advantage of them trying to just make
money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we
can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the
just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it
TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses.
People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene . I do to, but they also think
they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child
and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was
made for PRINC SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for
Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some
of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give
me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even
go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir t?...
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
melissa - 04/01/98 00:02:58
My Email:bswartz@itcanada.com
How'd you find my page?: I just did
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: erin,princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 212
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
you have a cool web page.do you have erin
Mike Uff - 03/31/98 14:15:15
My Email:mike.uff@dial.pipex.com
How'd you find my page?: metacrawler
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle (my first)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 30
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
this is a brilliant site, keep up the good work.
jen whitt - 03/31/98 03:47:45
My Email:jwhit602@uwsp.edu
How'd you find my page?: links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 115
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
just thought I would say that i am a beanie addict. And I have spent more on them then on my tution at college (infact I could go to school for a semester on the est. worth of my collection!!)
Emma - 03/27/98 15:59:19
My Email:wgarabedian@verm.rurilnet.org
How'd you find my page?: I went on a Cool Site page while serching the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hoot the Owl I love him
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 38
How long have you been collecting?: four weeks
I love your site I only wish my site was as good as yours my site is at http://expage.com/page/emmasbeaniebabypalace
Come visit
Emily - 03/27/98 01:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bbhacienda
My Email:eb3191@hotmail.com
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Please come to my homepage!
And please vote for the Beanie Hacienda in the Site Fights here
KATEY BREWER - 03/25/98 02:13:24
My Email:jbrewer@iamerica.net
How'd you find my page?: on the internet
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: DOTTIE
How long have you been collecting?: 1month
dfhgdfg - 03/20/98 20:19:20
How'd you find my page?: dtytr
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: dr
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: awe23
How long have you been collecting?: sdf453
You Stink
- 03/15/98 21:11:53
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Daisy
Charlie Downs - 03/12/98 00:39:35
My URL:http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cdd
My Email:basscubed@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: geocities search
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 3!!!! lol
How long have you been collecting?: when i accidentilly bought garcia
well.. do you think you have enough of these things?? (you might even be able to put yourself through college with them all
Corey Carlton - 03/10/98 22:42:03
My Email:CorCor12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I found it through beanie babies web links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: wrinkles the dog
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 35
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
hi beanie princess. i saw your picture and you have ALOT of beanies. i only have 35 but i hope to get more. i just got mystic and i despertley want coral, princess,spunky.and hoot.e-mail me back!
- corey carlton
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:39
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:37
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 22:09:11
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: stretch
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
lesley - 03/08/98 21:41:18
How'd you find my page?: friend
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: strech
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 55
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years or so
Astra (Alan, but you know that) - 03/07/98 16:02:26
My URL:http://astra-works.home.ml.org
My Email:Astra@telefragged.com
How'd you find my page?: Well, off of your main page, and you gave me the link...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: The froggy, no wait, the bat, no.... bronty :)
How long have you been collecting?: Umm?
Hey Princess, email me if you read this.
I like the page alot!
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:50
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have the royal blue bear.
thank you eddie
eddie - 03/04/98 03:07:36
My Email:cruz@netscorp.net
How'd you find my page?: just looking for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: blizerd
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 105
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
How many beaneis do you have in the picture.do you have doubles.or just one of each. do you have the royal blue bear.
thank you eddie
dottie - 03/03/98 19:43:28
My Email:pennalibra@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: flutter
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: TOO MANY
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YR
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y
u want me to make you any graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
Margaret - 02/24/98 22:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~grls/margaret
My Email:Mmt73@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Kitty's Beanie Paraside
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace (I got him!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 128
How long have you been collecting?: Ever since 1997
The Beanie Princess-
Hi! You have a awesome page here! You really know HTML, huh? It took me a long time to memorize all of the codes! *g* Anways, I just wanted to tell you that your pages look really great and the content is great! If you want to chat, please e-mail me! If y
u want me to make you any graphics, don't hesiate to ask! *s*
please check my site out, sign my guestbook, and e-mail me! *g*
- 02/21/98 18:21:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/bettyboopsbeaniebabies
My Email:sthomas608@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you e-mailed me a while back
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Hissy and Smoochy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: about 120 plus set of teenie beaniesincluding over 30 retireds and a whole bag of extra beanies including 13 extra retireds for sale in a few years when they get worth even more money!
How long have you been collecting?: a little over a year
I really love your page! Its cool!
Ajane - 02/20/98 23:29:20
My Email:Ajane27412
How'd you find my page?: my mom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Freckels
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 59
How long have you been collecting?: almost 2 years
Beanie Babies rock!!!!!
sam - 02/20/98 02:54:07
My Email:lovemytwins@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: beniephiles link!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Many
How long have you been collecting?: Nov 1996
Pretty Cool Page you should be very proud of your work!
Sue - 02/19/98 04:56:02
My Email:tubbss@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: Surfing the Enchanted Forest.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Very difficult ?. I like ALL of them! Fav would beeeeeeeeee...Magic the Dragon!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: About 20.
How long have you been collecting?: Since Christmas 97
You have a GREAT page! So colorful! I Love It!!!
Keeley - 02/18/98 03:04:23
My Email:Kiwi124920@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Just browsing throught beanie babie stuff
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Kiwi (its my nickname)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: lost count (like 115 or something)
How long have you been collecting?: About a year or so
Really nice site i really liked it i especially like you might be a beanie addict if.....
well i give you an A+ for a really cool and neat site
Carrie - 02/17/98 02:49:24
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
My Email:peaches123@usa.com
How'd you find my page?: I followed a trail of beans...
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Erin (at least, until Peach, Cloud, Hip, or Dip comes out)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22 (I think)
How long have you been collecting?: one year (if you think I don't have enough beanies, they are scarce where I live)
I think this web is real cool. I wish I had more beanies. I will get more!
DALE HUNTER - 02/09/98 03:35:35
My Email:LAKERS98@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: GARCIA
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 126
How long have you been collecting?: 1 YEAR
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:43:36
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: surfing the net
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Brandon - 02/08/98 16:41:55
My Email:NONE
How'd you find my page?: cool
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: app. 100
How long have you been collecting?: 6months
Your website was awesome!!!!!
Jessica - 01/29/98 04:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6817
My Email:jess-nguyen@rocketmail.com
How'd you find my page?: word of mouth
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ???????
How long have you been collecting?: 2 days
WoW nIcE pAgE! I dOnT ReAlLY lIkE
bEaNiE bAbYs. but you have a nice page.
wonderful site. i certainly enjoyed it.
Miranda - 01/27/98 14:37:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/MirandasHomepage/
My Email:miranda2000@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Yahoo
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peanut the Elephant
How long have you been collecting?: 1 month
Hey I love your page, but on the values and variations guide, what does g2 and g3 and that stuff mean? Because I have Peanut the Elephant Version 2, how much is it worth? I also have Bongo version 2 and batty, I have a few of the happy meal one's too, Bye
Alysia - 01/26/98 21:19:00
My Email:haleyd@voicenet.com
How'd you find my page?: browsing
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Nanook
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 80
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I have a grey with stripes Prance and a brown Pounce. Your website shows them switched. Are my Beanie Babies tagged wrong?
Diane - 01/20/98 02:45:42
My Email:dnelse@ibmn.et
How'd you find my page?: Through one of the links
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 100
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
What do I think about Princess? I don't have her, but I think she's beautiful.
I enjoy your Web Site!
Gillian - 01/17/98 13:13:00
How'd you find my page?: surfed in
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 16
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
Great Page!
MJF - 01/14/98 22:44:20
My Email:tfergus@prtcnet.com
How'd you find my page?: from the ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: a couple months
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:24:15
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: bpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpb
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have Batty,Choclate,Claude,Derby,2Garcias,Gobbles,Hoot,Inch,Legs,Lucky,Magic,Mystic,Peace,Peanut,pinky,quackers,ROVER,Scoop,Seamore,Snort,Snowball,Speedy,Spinner,Spooky,Spot,Teddy97,Twigs,Valento,Wadlle,Weenie And Thats All
b l
a k
e p a w l e
y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:51
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: bpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpb
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have Batty,Choclate,Claude,Derby,2Garcias,Gobbles,Hoot,Inch,Legs,Lucky,Magic,Mystic,Peace,Peanut,pinky,quackers,ROVER,Scoop,Seamore,Snort,Snowball,Speedy,Spinner,Spooky,Spot,Teddy97,Twigs,Valento,Wadlle,Weenie And Thats All
b l
a k
e p a w l e
y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@????????????????????????????????? - 01/14/98 21:21:45
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: bpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpb
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200,0000
How long have you been collecting?: 156 Years
I Have Princess On reserve i have Batty,Choclate,Claude,Derby,2Garcias,Gobbles,Hoot,Inch,Legs,Lucky,Magic,Mystic,Peace,Peanut,pinky,quackers,ROVER,Scoop,Seamore,Snort,Snowball,Speedy,Spinner,Spooky,Spot,Teddy97,Twigs,Valento,Wadlle,Weenie And Thats All
b l
a k
e p a w l e
y Im Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blakep007 - 01/14/98 21:00:46
My Email:blakep007@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: Beanie World Magazine
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Seamore
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: 1 Year
I Have Princess On reserve i have Batty,Choclate,Claude,Derby,2Garcias,Gobbles,Hoot,Inch,Legs,Lucky,Magic,Mystic,Peace,Peanut,pinky,quackers,ROVER,Scoop,Seamore,Snort,Snowball,Speedy,Spinner,Spooky,Spot,Teddy97,Twigs,Valento,Wadlle,Weenie And Thats All Th
y are not for sale do you understand thank you
EVANS - 01/14/98 05:17:29
My Email:aquadust144@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: 2hogwild for beanies
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200
How long have you been collecting?: 8 mos.
KELLY - 01/11/98 14:30:05
My Email:lolo17@theramp.net
How'd you find my page?: surfed In
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Wrinkles
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 88
How long have you been collecting?: 2 years
I love all my beanies. But I think some people are
taking advantage of them trying to just make money.I like going on beanie hunts!
Zach Kennedy - 01/05/98 23:46:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Radar and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 97 plus teenies
How long have you been collecting?: 7 months
Excellent web page! Also you had great information on the beanie PRINCESS.
- 01/04/98 19:42:12
How'd you find my page?: My beanie, Princess, told me about it.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: PRINCESS OF COUSE! Isn't everybodys?
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all!! (except Tuffy. He is hard to find)
How long have you been collecting?: Since they came out
I love princess! Who doesn't? Put it on the guestbook if you don't love princess. THANKS
tiffany vanosdol - 01/04/98 16:32:21
My Email:dvanosdol@iquest.net
How'd you find my page?: directory
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 500
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Kitty - 01/04/98 04:00:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:ngo6@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Spooky - I hug him the most :o)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 61
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Wow! How did you get so many people to go to your page? Please visit mine! E-mail me and we can chat sometime. How many beanies do you have?
Katie - 01/04/98 02:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1000
My Email:katie@cybertime.net
How'd you find my page?: You sent me a letter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess (I HAVE HER!!!)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Allmost all of them( i only need peace, maple and the just releced. I don't have many retierds)
How long have you been collecting?: 1 1/2 years
How did you make the desktop theam? I want to make a parrot one!
Princess Prices - 01/03/98 21:45:26
How'd you find my page?: Links from another page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tuffy the Terrior
How long have you been collecting?: 3 weeks
I think your sight is WONDERFUL! It has EVERYTHING I wanted to know. I bookmarked it TWICE, becaue I wanted to be sure I had it. I have a problem with the pricing of Princesses. People think that the Princesses are the greatest thing that ever happene
. I do to, but they also think they should sell the at $400 too. I think that that is rediculous! What about us children? I am a child and I want a Princess the Bear. I don't want to rely on my parents to get it. Besides, Princess was made for PRINC
SS DIANA! It wasn't made for selling at the highest price possible. Same goes for Maple. TY Beanie Babies weren't invented for the joy of SELLING them at the highest price.(Some of you, I know, aren't guilty of this) Some people collect them for the jo
of having them.
Robin999 - 01/03/98 21:05:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Robin999/
My Email:robin-@mailexcite.com
Does any one know any beaniebabie images?I'm going to put one on my site.Please e-mail me.
Robin - 01/03/98 15:44:48
My Email:tdykema@sirus.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL!!!!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 27
How long have you been collecting?: 2 months
This is one of the best beanie pages ever(Ty is still the best beanie page)!
BeanieBoob - 01/01/98 00:59:54
My Email:ronnirosen@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: I hunted all day for it!
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I can't decide yet...
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 230 or so
How long have you been collecting?: about 3 weeks! aagh!
I've seen alot of web sites about Beanies today! I think yours is one of the nice ones that won't give me bad dreams tonite! Yes, I'm even dreaming about them! Anyone else out there who can't even go to the grocery store without checking out the mall fir
Diane - 12/31/97 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5706
Come to MY site. I have valuable beanies for sale and new rumors!!!! Happy New Year!!
Deb - 12/31/97 22:35:39
My Email:jolly@ameritech.net
How'd you find my page?: just came upon it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: maple
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 110
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Please e-mail me the new retired beanies, as I will be out of town. Love your page!!!!!!
Cressie Teague - 12/31/97 21:05:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Cressie/index.html
My Email:cress@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: Teen Beans webring
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: ALL OF THEM!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 68
How long have you been collecting?: less than 2 years
Love your webpage!!Thanks for all the info on the
new beanies!!!-Cressie :-)
Tru - 12/31/97 21:00:25
My Email:hops2it@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Mystic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Over a 100.
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
Great web page. Useful information, beautifully done. Keep up the good work!!!
Jenny - 12/31/97 08:38:20
My Email:Czarnicky2@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Chocolate, Magic and Princess, I can't choose!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Around 68 or 70
How long have you been collecting?: Since September of this year
I really liked this web page, very well laid out, I am putting it as one of my favorite places, I love how is is updated constantly! Um.......I don't really know what else to say, but, E-mail or IM me and we can talk beanies!!!!!:-
Aurora BLT - 12/31/97 01:46:40
My Email:Pentoga 75@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you silly
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Jolly
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: uno
How long have you been collecting?: dont-got it as a gift
sweet corey. i love it. keep up the good work. maybe i could start a page devoted to Bacon lettuce and tomato sandwiches. hehehehe :)
Carrie - 12/30/97 20:39:02
My URL:http://www.tznet.com/faulks/carrie/beanie.htm
How'd you find my page?: I followed a Beanie in.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: It changes daily.
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 19 - wish I had more!!
How long have you been collecting?: one year about
Nice page. Visit mine. Sign my guestbook. Bye.
taylor - 12/30/97 19:32:18
How'd you find my page?: www.ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: bongo
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 40
How long have you been collecting?: a few months
get the rumor page in soon
Smile - 12/30/97 19:30:31
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/caltec
How'd you find my page?: Ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: Tons of Beanies
How long have you been collecting?: 3 years
Great sites:
All Beanie,rumors,links,info,and more!!!Please go!!!
Lori - 12/30/97 04:14:09
My Email:ldr@hnet.net
How'd you find my page?: thru Ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Libearty
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: approximately 45
How long have you been collecting?: 2yrs???
Great Homepage! Got a lot of great info from it! I'll definately check back!!!!
Samantha - 12/30/97 03:32:18
My Email:nccomers@i-america.net
How'd you find my page?: ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Magic
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 15
How long have you been collecting?: 1year
Would anyone like to know who the next 13 beanies will be? Then email me at: nccomers@i-america.net
Alicia Webb - 12/30/97 03:27:13
My Email:aliciawb@fuse.net
How'd you find my page?: Ty's guestbook.
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: the domestic cats
How long have you been collecting?: a year
This is a nice page. It's great to meet other people who love Beanies!
- 12/30/97 03:24:12
Snoop Doggy Dog - 12/30/97 03:22:28
How'd you find my page?: from da hood
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Gangsta Homey G the Poodle
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 966
How long have you been collecting?: 2 dayz boyee!!!
i also like Stinky the Puke Monster
Alison - 12/30/97 03:12:04
How'd you find my page?: ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: magic the dragon
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 166
How long have you been collecting?: 6 months
I love beanies. I love to collect them, they are so awesome. I hope to get a full collection. I can't wait to get some new ones in
I love beanies
Bonnie - 12/28/97 02:47:16
My Email:tbtalbot@aros.net
How'd you find my page?: on the TY guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: I love them ALL! I don't have a favorite!
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 102
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
I loved your site! I'm putting it on my list of favorites! Thanks!
DIANE - 12/28/97 01:59:02
How'd you find my page?: SCRAPBOOK
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: 97 TEDDY
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 53
How long have you been collecting?: 1 MONTH
Britt - 12/28/97 01:49:47
My URL:http://expage.com/page/beaniesect
My Email:beans@catlover.com
How'd you find my page?: E-mail
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Humphrey
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 69
How long have you been collecting?: Late September
Does anybody have the no profit on princess banner?
Kimberly - 12/26/97 19:04:16
How'd you find my page?: ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess and Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 22
How long have you been collecting?: a year in March
I won Princess at the Hallmark in our near by
mall! She is adorable. Cool webpage! Very colourfull and I don't know what else to type!
Happy Holidays
jessica - 12/26/97 18:28:23
How'd you find my page?: beanie mom netletter
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: patti
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all currents & some retired
How long have you been collecting?: a year
Jordan - 12/26/97 17:29:10
How'd you find my page?: You're my sister (duh)
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Lucky ,Lizzy, and Legs
How long have you been collecting?: A year
Cool Page, Nicely Designed
lil' beemer - 12/26/97 05:24:46
How'd you find my page?: ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: over 100
How long have you been collecting?: a couple of months
I enjoyed your "you know when you're addicted when" it has my name written all over it
lil' beemer - 12/26/97 05:22:00
How'd you find my page?: ty.com
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: too many
How long have you been collecting?: not long enough
I enjoyed your "you know when you're addicted when" it has my name written all over it
Susan - 12/26/97 04:42:28
My Email:KarateMom3@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Scotty and Pugsly
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: almost complete set!!
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
Love your web page, it has a ton of great information! Me and my kids love beanies. We have almost all the current ones along with some retired ones. We want to get a complete set. BUT,my kids use them for what they were made for.....playing with! T
ey sleep with different ones each night. Of course the very special ones stay put up!
Gail Lash - 12/26/97 03:34:24
My Email:lashauo@gte.net
How'd you find my page?: Ty guest page
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 92
How long have you been collecting?: 8 months
Great web site. Really enjoyed.
Kitty - 12/24/97 20:45:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2241/
My Email:kittyn@cheerful.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 51, more coming on Christmas (tomorrow)
How long have you been collecting?: Almost a year
Hi! Great Beanie Baby site, I enjoyed it a lot! I will link to your page if you link to mine! Thanks!
Lindsay - 12/24/97 19:19:53
My Email:lidych@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: On the beanie baby Website
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Princees Diana Beanie Baby
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 20
How long have you been collecting?: 1 year
Rita87D - 12/24/97 19:05:04
My Email:Rita87D@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: Link from the Ty Guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 70 (both my mom and I collect together)
How long have you been collecting?: a couple of months
I luv your website!!!!!!!!!!
It's great, keep it up!
sarah - 12/24/97 18:34:16
How'd you find my page?: ty
visit my site at http://expage.com/page/ensman
Allison - 12/24/97 15:01:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/beaniesbeanies/index.html
My Email:mherzlich@prodigy.net
How'd you find my page?: link
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: seaweed
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: over 50
How long have you been collecting?: about a year
Great page! You want to exchange links?
Alison - 12/24/97 04:34:32
My Email:mpearson@traveller.com
How'd you find my page?: surfing the web
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: '97 Teddy
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 42
How long have you been collecting?: since last Christmas
hi!!!!!!! i love this web page!!!!!!!!
Double A - 12/24/97 04:27:34
My Email:yorick@intaccess.com
How'd you find my page?: I don't know
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: snort
How long have you been collecting?: ??????
I really like your page:) Keep up the good work!
maude - 12/23/97 23:27:33
My Email:mavenue@erols.com
How'd you find my page?: from ad
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: batty, princess
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: all currents,21retireds
How long have you been collecting?: September
I'm impressed with your page. I'm sure I couldn't do as well. Enjoy!! have a great holiday
Josh - 12/23/97 21:18:22
How'd you find my page?: beaniemom
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Tank,Peace,& Goldie
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 92 dif. but over a 100
How long have you been collecting?: since late Aug.
You page is put together well. Easy to use
- 12/23/97 20:32:26
patrickstewart - 12/23/97 20:31:03
My Email:PAS5500@webtv.net
How'd you find my page?: searching
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 66
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
looking to add to our collection so we can enjoy
the whole (affordable ones) crew of bb's.
patrickstewart - 12/23/97 20:21:50
My Email:pas5500@ebtv.net
How'd you find my page?: searching
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: garcia
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 66
How long have you been collecting?: 9 months
looking to add to our collection so we can enjoy the whole (affordable ones) crew of bb's.
Deb Cassel - 12/23/97 18:14:31
How'd you find my page?: Ty guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Batty
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: over 100
How long have you been collecting?: June 1997
Very nice page! I look forward to Patti's rumors!
Katherine - 12/23/97 17:19:41
My URL:http://expage.com/page/Katland
My Email:CatpucK91@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: saw it in the TY guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Waddle
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 45
How long have you been collecting?: since right before the May retirement
I really like thi spage! It's awesome!
Andy Hollins - 12/23/97 08:06:26
My Email:andyhoo@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: You told me to check it out :)
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Snip
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: zilch
How long have you been collecting?: I don't
Great page :) I think everyone should hire you to do their pages. Keep up the good work.
Camilla - 12/23/97 02:16:33
My URL:/~pyrotic12/
My Email:pyrotic12@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: you sent me the URL
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Patti
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 106
How long have you been collecting?: Since May 1997
Comments: Comments: Comments:
Great page!! Keep up the great work... Please come visit my page and sign my guestbook.
Sonjia - 12/23/97 00:37:11
My Email:AmesTwin@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: K&K's Guestbook
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: New Faced Teddies (All of them)
How many Beanie Babies do you have?: 200+
How long have you been collecting?: Since August, 1996
I have all of the rare retireds except the old
faced Teddys along with a number of variation
beanies. It has been fun accumulating them but
sometimes challenging! I was lucky enough to
get the Ty Employee Christmas Violet New Faced
Teddy with the red ribbon before it was given a
value! The only beanie I don't have is Princess
but I'm trying to be patient and wait my turn.
Robert Benson III - 12/22/97 21:48:30
My Email:missbich@geocities.com
How'd you find my page?: you told me about it
Who's your favorite Beanie Baby?: Peace
How long have you been collecting?: since april
GREAT web site! good job, i should hire you to work on my web site....