The Spitzer and Narvis Family Trees

2. Moshe Spitzer
2. Marie Rosenzveig Spitzer
2. Louis Narvis
2. Esther Stepansky Narvis
Designed and Created by Roger Spitzer, with special thanks to Sam Silberstein for collecting most of the original information. Contact Roger at
(More generations below)

Henry, Rose and decendants at 50th Wedding Anniversary, 1972.
Wait a minute and place your mouse over photo for the names.
3. Henry Spitzer
3. Rose Narvis Spitzer
3. Claire Spitzer Gordon
3. Annie Narvis Stone
3. Fannie Narvis Horowitz
3. Morris Narvis
Maps of Romania and Ukraine
to see the ancestral homelands
4. Lewis Spitzer
4. Murray Spitzer
4. Bob Spitzer
4. Delores Spitzer Silberstein
4. Norman Spitzer
5. Judith Silberstein Schwartz
5. Terri Silberstein Weisenfeld
5. David Silberstein
5. Cameron Spitzer
5. Dinah Spitzer McClintock
5. Matthew Spitzer
5. Ariel Spitzer Goodwin
5. Miriam Spitzer Franklin
5. Naomi Spitzer Moore
5. Julie Spitzer
5. Susan Spitzer Lazar
5. Roger Spitzer
5. Lori Spitzer Corley
5. Allison Spitzer Carter
6. Andrew McClintock
6. Alexandra McClintock
6. Eliana Franklin
6. Andrea Lazar
6. Jennie Schwartz
6. Jamie Schwartz
6. Erik Schwartz
6. Shari Weisenfeld
6. Dana Weisenfeld
6. Carli Weisenfeld
6. Jeremy Silberstein
6. Catherine Spitzer
6. Caroline Spitzer
6. Micah Corley
6. Anna Carter
6. Edward Carter